Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Germany pet Ireland's head soothingly, watching their baby fall asleep in her arms, holding Ireland close and kissing her temple.
"Bu's Oi jus' started holdin' Dublin..." She frowned. Prussia pat Germany's shoulder, "Vhy don't ve leave zhe girls alone vis zhe baby, jah? I vant to talk to you anyvay, Vest." He said
Germany looked up at his older brother and nodded, standing and following him out of the room. "Vhat did you vant to talk about?"
Germany's cheeks flushed softly and he makes a noise. "I plan on doing it vonce ve get ein moment to ourselves." He said.
Prussia moved away, "Sorry, you don't like hugging your big bruder...I forgot. Kesesese~"

Ireland cooed lovingly to Dublin in Gaelic, nuzzling his cheek as she gently held his hand.
Ludwig could help but smile a little, reaching into his pocket to touch the small velvet box in which held his wedding ring for Ireland.

Alaska sat on the edge of the bed, watching Ireland and Dublin with a small smile. "He's so cute." She said softly.
Alaska smiled and touched the baby's hand gently; Germany came back with Prussia, still looking a little nervous, wondering what Ireland would say when he proposed.
"Ye wanna hold him, lass?" Ireland asked Alaska, "Lu'twig will worry himself intu a grave if Oi dun' rest anough..." She gave a teasing smile towards Germany, making Prussia chuckle
Alaska smiled. "Yes please?" She said gently, taking the baby and holding it against her chest, cradling him and smiling down at the newborn. "It's only because I vorry, liebe." Germany said as he took a seat.
Alaska held onto Dublin's small hand, looking over to the two Germans. Germany moved over and Alaska gently handed the small baby over to him, moving to stand back beside Prussia. "Danke for coming, bruder, Madison."
Germany smiled down at Dublin, then back at his brother, feeling pride swell in his chest. "Jah, me too "

((It begins....!!))

Saxony was sitting in the living room, looking deathly pale and sitting rigid on the couch. She stared down at the small object in her hand, looking shocked as all hell, holding her breath.
"I'm very proud of you, Vest." Prussia told him softly, "Really, I am."

Scotland came home, looking exhausted, "Ghaol, Ah'm back..!" He called
Saxony stood up quickly, looking over her shoulder and moving towards the front door. "Iain." Her voice sounded more tense and hoarse than she wanted it too. "Ve need to talk." She said, holding onto the pregnancy test tightly.
Saxony took a shakey breath and looked up at the tall Scotsman. "Iain... I-I'm pregnant." She said, feeling her stomach flip and her head buzz with anxiety. "I looked into somezhing's und, vell... Some of mein scientists having been testing out ein new type of birzh control und it got mixed up vith zhe batch zhat vas supposed to go out to zhe drugstore I go to, und... Vell, it vas ein bad batch."
Saxony didn't want to repeat it again, she wanted to go and crawl away into a corner and hide forever. "I'm pregnant vith your child, Iain." She repeated quietly. "I'm about two monzh along." She said and held out the pregnancy test, which showed she was indeed pregnant.
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