Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Prussia pulled her along and helped her into the car. Russia watched from his bedroom window with a sad frown, "до свидания, Мэдисон..."
Alaska buckled her seatbelt and glanced over to the window, seeing Russia and forcing a sad smile. "до свидания, Иван..." She said quietly before looking to Prussia as he got into the car. "Ready to go, babe?"
"Yeah..." Alaska nodded and leaned against the window, rubbing the bump on her head gently. "Man my head hurts..."
"I'm going to ask Vest if I can have ein different room instead of zhe basement. Zhat's zhe second time somevun has hurt zhemselves on zhose stairs." Prussia said
Alaska pulled out a spare pair of clothes she had in one of Prussia's drawers, going to the bathroom and changing before she headed back out to Prussia. "Okay, I'm ready."
The small child slept peacefully in Germany's arms, squirming only slightly to get comfortable. Ireland's arm was in a cast after the doctor's had fixed it. She looked over at Germany and smiled, "Oi t'ought of a name, Lu'twig...f'r o'r son..."
Germany looked up from the small child and looked to Ireland. "Oh?" He asked, looking back down at the baby, moving his tiny fist with his finger. "Vhat is it?"
Germany smiled and stood, moving closer and sitting on Ireland's bed. "I zhink it's vunderbar." He said, smiling and kissing her forehead.
"Jah." Germany said, blinking when the door opened. "Oh my God it's so cute...~!" Alaska moved over, looking at the newborn with excited brown eyes.
"How ya feelin'?" Alaska asked as she moved over and touched the baby's hand. "Guten tag." Germany greeted.
"Hello there, Dublin~" Alaska cooed softly to the baby; Germany gave a proud smile to his older brother. "Jah, he is, isn't he?"
Dublin made a small noise at the sound of his name and squirmed in Germany's arms. Prussia smiled a soft proud smile at his younger brother, loving how happy he looked
Germany smiled down at his child, laughing faintly and holding the small infants hand. "Liebe, do you vant to hold him?" He said, looking over at his love.

((So when should Scottie get hit with the whale~?))

Ireland looked and smiled, "Yes, pleese?" She asked weakly. Prussia laughed softly, "Makes me vant ein child of mein own!"

Germany handed the newborn n to Ireland, placing a hand on her leg. Alaska laughed softly, blushing and nudging against Prussia. "Yeah...~"
Ireland cradled Dublin and the baby cuddled into her, instantly recognizing her as his mother and she choked on happy tears. Prussia held Alaska and nodded, "Jah.."
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