Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Alaska shook her head as he sat her down on the bed. "Мне нужно вернуться к Ивану." She said, glancing to the door, then up at Prussia with untrusting eyes.
Alaska had a soft frown on her face, watching Prussia's every move, but eventually she closed her eyes and her breathing became even- but this was only a ploy.
As soon as the door closed, Alaska's eyes opened and she sprung from the bed, going to the closet and pulling on some of Prussia's clothes quickly before she grabbed the car keys from the table and headed over to the small window high up in the wall, opening it and hoisting herself out of the room, jogging around to the front and jumping in the car, starting it up and heading down the road to Russia's.
Alaska pressed her foot down hard on the pedal, glancing at Prussia through the rear view mirror, burning rubber as she sped off. "Иван..." She murmured to herself. After a long drive, she arrived at Russia's and got out of the car, wincing when her bare feet hit the cold ice and she hurried to the door, knocking on it hurriedly. "Иван...!"
Russia looked out the window and blinked before moving and opening the door, "Мэдисон?" He asked curiously, "Что ты здесь делаешь?"
Alaska moved close to Russia and hugged him tightly. "Мне очень жаль! Пожалуйста, не ненавидеть меня, моя любовь!" She held onto him tighter, pressing her face against his chest. "Я обещаю никогда не оставит вас снова! Только пожалуйста, не ненавидеть меня!"
Russia was taken a little by surprise and stared down at her, "Мэдисон..." He muttered. He held her and sighed softly, "Мой маленький подсолнечник. Вы не должны быть здесь."
((This is so sad..! D'x))

Alaska felt tears build in her eyes and she shook her head. "Нет! Мое место здесь! Ты моя любовь и мое место здесь, пожалуйста!" She pleaded with him. "... Займись со мной любовью, Иван...!" She begged, gripping his coat tightly.
"Нет, Мэдисон, вы не принадлежите мне больше. Вы принадлежите к Гилберт сейчас." He told her sadly, "Я не могу взять тебя, как раньше."
Alaska let her head drop against his chest, crying softly. "Не понимаю... Я люблю тебя .... Ну почему же ...? Почему вы отпустите меня?"
Alaska shook her head and wiped away her tears. "N-No... I was with you just last night...!" She said. "I don't understand.... Why can't I be with you, Alfred scares me..! I don't like him!" She started to grow desperate and she pressed herself against him. "Please..." She said softly, letting one hand fall down to his groin.
Alaska moved inside, clinging close to Russia as she did so, still trying in many different ways to seduce her past lover.
Russia set her on the couch and got her some vodka and an ice pack, sitting by her when he returned and began to explain everything up til the present
Alaska sat frozen, staring down at her glass of vodka, holding the ice pack to her forehead. "B-But I..." Tears fell down her face and she downed her vodka, putting her head in her hands. "I don't remember.... I mean... I do, but I-I don't...! Y-You said I'm in a relationship with P-Prussia, right?" She looked up at him. "B-But... I don't really remember him...!"

Alaska looked up at him and set down the glass, nodding and laying down on the couch. "W-Will you stay with me...?"
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