Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Germany made a noise and kissed her softly, taking her good hand in his. "Und just as intelligent as his mozher."
Germany frowned, instantly becoming worried. "Liebe? Vhat's zhe matter?" He asked, standing up slowly.
Germany cursed in German and helped her stand, grabbing his car keys. "Let's get to zhe hospital." He said as he carefully walked her out to the car.
Once Germany got Ireland into the car and got her strapped in, he quickly moved to his side of the car, got in and headed off towards the hospital.
Once at the hospital, Germany helped Ireland inside quickly, calling for help. A nurse came out with a wheelchair when Germany told her she had gone into labor and she wheeled her down the hall quickly, Germany close behind.
The nurse wheeled Ireland into a room and moved her into a bed, calling for other nurses and for the doctor, Germany holding onto Ireland's hand and trying to comfort her.
Germany smoothed Eire's hair away from her face. "Jah, I know, liebe." He said. "Okay, deep breathes." The doctor said. "You aren't quite ready yet."
"Ye don' fahkin' say!!" Ireland snapped, glaring death at the doctor. She blinked and muttered a small apology before whining in pain again
The doctor didn't even flinch, having gone through this many times; finally Ireland was fully dilated. "Okay, now, push." He instructed, Germany held Ireland's hand, allowing for her to squeeze his hand as tight as she wanted.
Ireland whined and pushed, squeezing Germany's hand tight. After several hours, the sound of a baby crying sounded in the room, "Its a boy...!" The nurse announced excitedly. Ireland panted weakly and groaned, "A...boy...?"
Germany felt over joyed and he watched the doctor bring over the small crying baby after he cut the umbilical cord and checking him out.
"Jah.." Germany nodded and took the baby from the doctor, moving over to Ireland and handing the small baby over to her.
Germany laughed faintly and looked down at the newborn, touching the small baby's head gently. "Jah, he is.." He murmured.
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