Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Germany nodded and picked up the spoon, helping her eat her lunch.

Saxony nodded and laid her head against Scotland's shoulder, making a soft noise as she closed her eyes.
Germany held a cup of water up to Ireland's lips, helping her drink some water as well. "How are you feeling today, liebe?" He asked, setting the water down.

Saxony nodded. "Just really tired. Rounding up all zhose doppelgängers has taken it out of me." She said softly. "Und zhe headache isn't helping."
"Bedd'r, actu'ly..." Ireland answered, "Naw's a hundred p'rcent, but geu't anough...."

"Why don' yew go lay daon an' sleep, hm? Ah'll get yew sum pain killars." Scotland told her
Germany smiled faintly. "Zhat's gut." He said as he continued to help her eat.

Saxony nodded and stood up and headed to the bedroom, laying down and covering herself with the blankets.
Germany nodded and helped feed her the last of her food before he gave her the last of his water.
Germany pushed aside her tray and sat back down in his chair. "Jah, I know liebe." He said, looking over at her wrapped up hand.
Ireland followed his gaze and frowned, "Don' warry, ghra...they say tha's when Oi have tha baby, it'll heal't wrong, sa they gotta rebreak moi fingers an' put them back inta place...Oi'll be asleep through it..."
"Jah I know... But still.." Germany looked down at his lap, frowning softly, still blaming himself for what happened to her.
Germany was in the bathroom, washing his face to help keep himself awake so he could keep a close watch on Ireland.
After a few months and no signs of a miscarriage, Ireland was excitedly waiting for her baby to arrive. She kept her still broken hand in a sling and hid it from the others to keep them from worrying. Ireland laid on the couch, rubbing her balloon of a stomach with an excited grin, "Any day nao~!"
Germany came out with a towel, wiping his face as he moved over to Ireland, leaning down and kissing her forehead. "Jah." He said, smiling softly.
Germany moved around to sit beside her on the couch, touching her stomach lightly. "Jah, I can't vait to see our baby."
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