Germany held a cup of water up to Ireland's lips, helping her drink some water as well. "How are you feeling today, liebe?" He asked, setting the water down.
Saxony nodded. "Just really tired. Rounding up all zhose doppelgängers has taken it out of me." She said softly. "Und zhe headache isn't helping."
Ireland followed his gaze and frowned, "Don' warry, ghra...they say tha's when Oi have tha baby, it'll heal't wrong, sa they gotta rebreak moi fingers an' put them back inta place...Oi'll be asleep through it..."
After a few months and no signs of a miscarriage, Ireland was excitedly waiting for her baby to arrive. She kept her still broken hand in a sling and hid it from the others to keep them from worrying. Ireland laid on the couch, rubbing her balloon of a stomach with an excited grin, "Any day nao~!"