Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Alaska looked around the large room with wide eyes. "This place is huge...!" She said, following America. "This is so cool..!"
"Yeah, it's not that great." America said amusedly, "You sit over there, next to Iain." He pointed over to the tired looking Scotsman
Alaska nodded and sat down in Ireland's chair beside Scotland, waving hello as her eyes darted around the room.
Scotland nodded to her tiredly, drinking his coffee mixed scotch. America sat in his seat and sighed softly, waiting for everyone else. "Halloh, liebe~!" Prussia greeted from across the table
Alaska grinned brightly and waved. "Hey babe...!" She said, excited for the meeting to start. "Isn't this great...! I finally get to be in a meeting."
Britain gave a nod, sipping on his tea as he watched the last of Countries file in. "I honestly don't think that you should start the meeting this time, America." He said, Alaska glanced over at Britain, but kept her mouth shut as she went through Ireland's papers. "Considering how wonderfully things went after you started the meeting." He finished.
"They went so wonderfully because you were a jack-wagon last time." America said bluntly, fixing his papers, "Now, are we ready to begin?"
"Yes, yes, just start the meeting already, would you?" Britain said, setting his cup of tea precariously close to the edge of the table on France's side, not paying much attention as he filed through his own papers grumpily.
"Right! So, first order of business; I'm sure everyone was attacked by their counterpart the other day." He said, looking over everyone in the room
Britain made a noise. "Actually, he didn't try and kill me, he made me some bloody awful cupcakes." He said, not even bothering to look up at America.
"No one asked your opinion!" America yelled and threw his pen at Britain, but it missed and knocked over Britain's tea into France's crouch, making the Frenchman jump up and curse loudly in French, throwing his wine into the air and having it land on Scotland; the red wine drenching his hair and suit. "Ooooooooh shit." America muttered
Alaska jumped out of the way so the wine wouldn't land on her as well and she bumped into China, who put his hand out to steady himself and he knocked his glass of water onto Russia; Britain was yelling at America, scolding him for being an idiot and that he shouldn't throw things at him.
As all hell broke lose, Scotland was grumpily trying to get the wine out of his hair, scowling heavily as he now smelled like cheap-ass alcohol.
The dispute soon turned violent and Britain shoved France when the Frenchman stumbled into the Brit; Alaska stumbled back when she was shoved and she ended up bumping into Scotland and China had his wok out already.
Scotland pulled out his revolver and held it into the air, pulling the trigger and firing a round; blanks of course. "Everyone just shut up!!" He shouted
China froze before he could hit Japan with his wok and Alaska flinched, covering her head before slowly looking up; Britain shoved himself away from France, glaring death at the Frenchman as the room fell dead silent.
There were a few who muttered amongst themselves and Alaska frowned faintly, chewing on her lip.
Alaska sat down just as quickly as everyone else and looked down at her papers that were still on the table, a few blotches of wine splattered on them. Britain took his seat faster than anyone else in the room, not making eye contact with the angry Scotsman.
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