Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

N. Ireland made a face as he stared at the floor, "Gawd abandoned me lawng aga..." "Gott abandons no vun, Danny." Prussia stated, "Zhe lost only have trouble finding Him again." N. Ireland snorted, "Don' git religious on me nao.."
Saxony made a noise. "Vhy don't ve just have ein couple beers und vhen you calm down, ve can head over to zhe hospital."
N. Ireland nodded, "Aye." He muttered. Prussia made a noise and finished his beer. Scotland lit a cigar and took a long drag, the smoke calming him slightly
Saxony sat in silence as she drank another beer, resting her leg against Scotland's to comfort him, taking his hand in hers and kissing his knuckles.
After a couple more beers, Saxony was starting to get drunk, her cheeks flushed as she downed a sixth beer, leaning back in her chair when she finished, setting the empty bottle on the table.
"Ah think yew should calm daon on tha beers, ghaol." Scotland said amusedly. Prussia laughed drunkly, beyond shitfaced, "Nonsense! Have ein 'nozher, Monika!"
Saxony laughed and looked up at Scotland, grinning drunkenly. "Liebe I can totally handle vone more beer~" She said, then started to giggle uncontrollably.

Alaska was laying on her side, bed covers kicked off of her as she stared at her door, damp blonde hair sprawled around her head, having just gotten out of the shower. She was lost in her own thoughts, and they weren't all that happy. Alaska laid on a large bed, tangled in soft sheets, completely naked and covered in small round bruises and bite marks. Her much shorter hair was tangled and her eyes were emotionless and stared blankly up at the ceiling, not bothering to curl up and cry anymore. What was the point? She'd gone through this so many times that she'd begin to lose count. Her womanhood throbbed and she listened to muffled voiced outside the room, not caring at all.
Scotland rolled his eyes, "One maor. Got it?"

Russia sat with America, both of their bosses chatting away. Russia was staring down at the floor, not liking the idea of selling Alaska to America, but really having no choice; he needed money and didn't want her to be attacked by Britain. America was really the only person he knew that could keep her safe.
"Jah, jah~ Keep your pants on~" Saxony said as she grabbed another beer. "Or don't~" She winked.

Alaska blinked slowly, turning her head to the door so she could listen a little better. 'Am I being bargained for again...?' She thought to herself, closing her eyes and slowly pulling herself into a tight ball. 'I wonder who it'll be this time...? I just hope they aren't to disgusting....' She thought bitterly and fingered the marks on her neck gently.
Scotland chuckled and kissed her cheek, "When yer sobar, ghaol...~"

When the deal was made, Russia moved into the room, purple eyes holding great sorrow. "Madison..." He said softly, "Get dressed, da? You're leaving..."
Saxony giggled and drank more of her beer, grinning happily. "Jah, jah~" She purred.

Alaska opened her eyes and looked up at Russia, blinking in confusion. "Where are we going...?" She asked as she stood slowly and moved over to the dresser to get dressed, pulling a comb through her hair once she was dressed.
Scotland chuckled and pat her head.

"Not we, Madison. You." Russia told her gently. A gentle knock came to the door and Russia looked, "Da?" America peeked in with a frown, "Is she ready?" "Da..." Russia nodded sadly and looked to Alaska, cupping her cheeks and kissing her forehead, "Be good for him, moy Podsolnechnika." He told her softly.
Alaska looked from America to Russia, tears coming to her eyes. "W-Why am I leaving...? I don't understand what I did wrong...?" She croaked out, her hands holding onto his long coat. "I don't want to...! I don't want to leave you..!" She said, pulling herself closer to the Russian. "Please don't make me go...!" Alaska felt so conflicted, she didn't love Russia like a lover, but she didn't hate him entirely either. She hadn't realized it until now, but she had always depended on Russia for some form of love, whether it was from him speaking to her or sex, she depended solely on Ivan for everything; though she did resent him for forcing her to do some things she did not wish to do, he never hurt her intentionally.
"Moy Podsolnechnika, you did no wrong. This is to keep you safe. Alfred will keep you safe and protect you better than I can. I don't wish for you to leave either, but it is for the best. Please, moy Podsolnechnika, do not cry..." Russia soothed, petting her short blonde hair. America frowned softly, "Don't worry, won't be so'll be like my little sister...! I'll take real good care of you...!" He said, smiling softly.
Alaska sniffled and pressed her face against Russia's chest, taking in his scent as she kept herself from crying. "Okay..." She nodded finally and slowly pulled away from Russia, rubbing her eyes on her sleeve. "But I'll get to come back once everything is settled between you and Great Britain, right...? Th-This isn't permanent, right...?" She asked hopefully, her brown eyes meeting his purple ones.
Russia frowned and glanced away from her, "I'm sorry, Madison....but you won't be coming back..." He said softly. America kept quiet as they said their good-byes.
Alaska's lip quivered and she nodded, whispering a good-bye before she slowly moved over to America, keeping her head down and not looking at the America. "Okay..." She muttered. "Let's go...." After they had left Russia's home and had gone back to America's house, she didn't do much, only muttering a couple words when he spoke to her. "I want to go home." She had finally confronted Alfred, eyes downcast. "I want to go home now." She said after days of refusing to eat and locking herself in her room. "I don't like you and I don't like it here."
America frowned, "Maddy, you are home." He told her, "If you go back to Ivan's you'll be in danger. I promise I'm not that horrible. Just give it some time, ok?"
"Don't call me Maddy, my name is Madison." She said. "Any I don't want to give it time, I want to go back to Ivan...!" Tears started to well up in her eyes. "Why did he sell me...? H-He just sold me off like a toy..." She sniffled. "What did I do wrong...?"
"He did it to protect you. He didn't want to risk Arthur hurting you and starting a war. So he gave you to me and now I'm gonna take care of you." America told her, "It sounds really bad but he really is doing this for your own good..."
Alaksa nodded and rubbed her eyes on her sleeve. Eventually she started to warm up to America, starting to move about more and she'd smile more than she ever did when she was with Russia, becoming much more accepting of America. Alaska slowly sat up and got out of bed, moving to her door and opening it, heading out into the hallway and going to America's room. She silently pulled back the covers and slid under them, curling up beside America. "Alfie...?" She whispered softly, rolling onto her side to look at his form, only able to make out the outline of his body in the darkness.
America shifted and groaned, pulling Alaska close and holding her like the caring older brother he was, "What's up, Maddy...?" He asked groggily, "What time is it...?"
Alaska closed her eyes and leaned her head against his chest. "I dunno... Three... Three-thirty...?" She whispered. "I just couldn't sleep... Could I stay in here for tonight...?"
"Yeah, sure, kiddo..." America replied sleepily and held her tighter, "I'll keep you safe from the big scary monsters..." He teased groggily
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