Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Saxony frowned and looked to Prussia. "Do you know vhat happened?" "Zhey probably gutted her baby from her stomach like ein sardine, isn't zhat right, bruder~?" 2p!Germany only made another noise, not saying much. "I vonder how small it vas~" She teased the two brothers, smirking over at them. "How far along vas she..~? It must be but ein little zhing~ Too bad~"

Germany nodded, wanting to hold her hand to comfort her, but he didn't want to cause her any more pain. "Jah, I'll stay vis you, liebe."
N. Ireland pressed his Colt to 2p!Saxony's head, emerald eyes cold and hard, "You die first." He growled darkly. Prussia panicked, "Auch! Nein, don't do zhat! Iain-!" "Burry tha fukken bullet in har brayn, Danny." Scotland said lowly, tone as cold as ice.

Ireland smiled weakly through the pain and closed her eyes, trying to relax
2p!Saxony leaned in closer to Danny's face, looking almost sad. "Nein, zhe baby died first." She said softly, then a cruel smirk pulled her lips up, a small laugh escaping her mouth. "Und next is zhat hure, Eire!" 2p!Saxony laughed hysterically and Saxony frowned softly and turned her head away, closing her eyes.

Germany stayed beside Ireland, not leaving for even a minute.
N. Ireland snapped and he pointed his gun lower, shooting her in the abdomen; right in her reproductive organs. 2p!Scotland cursed loudly at him in Celtic but Scotland kicked him hard in the face, growling at him to shut up. "My niece or nephew is DEAD!! And YOU wanna make a fucking JOKE out of it!? Here's a joke for you!! What has a big mouth, flat chest and no ovaries? The stupid blonde BITCH who's about to give birth to a good fifteen grams of fucking lead!!" N. Ireland snarled.

Ireland fell into a pain filled sleep, taking slight comfort in Germany's presence
2p!Saxony's eyes went wide and she wailed in agony, trying to move out of her chair and away from Northern Ireland, blood soaking through her pants and she hit the floor, making a noise of pain. "You bastard!" Tears started to fall down her face and she tried to hold her hands over the gunshot wound. "Alister...!" She wailed, looking up at him with horrified eyes. Saxony stared down at Prussia's feet, not saying a word; 2p!Germany didn't even give his sister a glance, staring ahead with uncaring eyes.
"Oh, you think I'm done?" A sinister smirk crawled across the length of N. Ireland's face as he cocked his gun and shot her again before repeating the process one more time. "Stop! Stop it, dammit!!" 2p!Scotland snapped before looking worriedly to 2p!Saxony, "I-It's gonna be ok, ghaol..." "Don' lie to har, man. Yew know that its nawt." Scotland stated bitterly. 2p!Prussia snorted, "Who's awesome now?" He grumbled. 2p!Ireland made a small noise and rested against 2p!Germany, "How tragic..." She muttered.
2p!Saxony cried out with every bullet that hit her and she clenched her teeth hard, trying to quiet her crying as she curled up into a shaking ball, her blood soaking through her clothes and onto the ground. Her cries shook her body and she tried to move over to 2p!Scotland, struggling to get into a sitting position. "I-I hope zhat baby... Burns..." She growled out at Danny through her pain.
N. Ireland shoved his Colt into 2p!Saxony's mouth, "Give me one good reason; one good FUCKING REASON not to pull the trigger!" "Yew cahn't afford tew go tew jail again, Danny!" Scotland pulled N. Ireland back and Prussia took his gun, "Go. Go have ein beer on me." He said and N. Ireland trekked away. 2p!Ireland moved to 2p!Saxony and smirked, "Aw, love~ your baby makers are mush now~! So much for those cute widdle babies you wanted with Alister~" She cooed tauntingly
Saxony looked to Scotland. "Ve should go und get everyvone else..." She muttered and headed for the stairs. "Shut zhe hell up..!" 2p!Saxony snapped at 2p!Ireland, red eyes full of rage and sorrow. "A hure like you vouldn't understand!" She held her bleeding abdomen, tears still falling down her face.
"Ah'll keep an eye on 'em, ghaol..." Scotland told her. 2p!Ireland inched close to 2p!Saxony's ear, "I can fix your baby makers when we get back, poppet~ don't you fret~" She whispered. She moved back to 2p!Germany, purring and rubbing against him, wanting to keep him interested so she could have her way with him when they were free
Saxony nodded and left Scotland with the 2p's going upstairs to retrieve Prussia and Danny to help her round up all the other 2p's. "Iain's going to vatch zhem." She said as she approached the two. "Are you ready to head out?" 2p!Saxony glanced to 2p!Ireland, but said nothing, she didn't even want to look anywhere in Scotland's direction in case he'd shoot her as well.
N. Ireland calmed down and nodded, "Aye. Oi'm ready." He answered, Prussia nodded in agreement. Scotland kept his eye on the 2p!s, emerald eyes dangerous
Saxony nodded and headed for the door, checking the bullets in her gun before she climbed into her car, throwing a pack of zip-ties to Prussia when he got in. "Ve might need zhose."
Prussia nodded and held onto the zip ties. After rounding up all the 2p!s, they finally managed to get them all back to their own places. Prussia sighed tiredly and leaned back in his seat, "Scheisse..."
Saxony looked exhausted and she sighed heavily. "Vell, I need ein beer." She muttered, standing up from her chair and going to the kitchen, bringing back four beers for all of them, handing everyone one.
N. Ireland took his gladly, Scotland giving a small thanks and Prussia nodding in gratitude. N. Ireland began to chug his and Scotland rolled his eyes, "Du yew even taste it?" He asked. N. Ireland's response was a thumbs up and Scotland rolled his eyes again
Saxony laughed softly and took a swig of her beer, sighing contently, then looking to both Scotland and Northern Ireland. "I got ein call from Ludvig earlier... He said zhat Eire's okay... For the most part." She said, looking down at her beer. "'Vhy lie..? She's in horrible shape...."
"Wha's 'bout tha baby?" N. Ireland asked quickly. Scotland looked to Saxony, hoping it would be good news; or he would have to restrain N. Ireland by gun point
Saxony shook her head. "I don't know.... Ve von't know zhe condition of zhe baby until it is born." She said softly. "It's still alive, but zhere's ein high chance of miscarriage und if it does survive after birzh, it vill have complications." She shook her head. "I'm so sorry..."
N. Ireland ran his fingers through his hair, eyes wide in disbelief. Scotland gripped his brother's shoulder and shook him gently, "Eire won' let the kid die, Dahnny, yew know that." "Oi...Oi kno'...but still...tha's moi sist'' Oi jus'..." N. Ireland covered his face and took deep steady breaths.
Saxony looked over to Northern Ireland with a frown. "I zhink she's avake, do you vant me to drive you to zhe hospital?" She offered.
"If Oi go ov'r tu tha hospital, Oi'll prob'ly end up sheutin' tha place up." N. Ireland stated. Scotland made a face, "He's nawt good at displaying angar." He said
Saxony nodded and pushed her beer over to Northern Ireland. "You need it more zhen I do." She said softly.
N. Ireland nodded in thanks and guzzled it greedily, getting a fairly good buzz going. Scotland sighed softly and leaned back, "Awl we cahn really do for har is pray." He said. Prussia made a noise, "I vill pray for her." He said. Scotland nodded and looked to his brother, "Yew should go tew Church an' pray for har, tew." "Iain, if Oi set foot in a Confession box, Oi'd git booted out f'r Heresy." N. Ireland stated dryly
"I zhink ve should all go und pray for her." Saxony said as she retrieved another beer from the fridge, opening it and drinking it down quickly.
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