Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Saxony held her side in pain, moving just out of his reach, putting her knife back in its sheath before reaching into the front of her shirt and pulling a luger out from what looked like to be between her breasts. She aimed for 2p!Canada and fired a shot for his shoulder.
2p!Canada winced when he was hit in the shoulder, "How is that fair?" He growled before throwing his bowie knife and having it stick into the floor, reaching into the holster on this thigh and pulling out his own gun, going to shoot off a round but Scotland shot the gun out of his hand, "Yer oot numb'red, kid." Scotland said gruffly
Saxony moved over, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a zip-tie to tie 2p!Canada's hands behind his back, gun still aimed at him as she reached for his wrist.
Saxony tip-tied his hands behind his back, wincing and touching her shoulder and looking at her fingers that were stained red. "Mein shoulder ist on fire..." She said as she sat 2p!Canada down, teeth clenched as she felt the blood start to trickle down her side.
Saxony hesitated before nodding and sitting down on the bed, pulling her sleeve down slightly so she could look at the gun shot wound. "Liebe, can you find me somezhing to wrap zhis vis?"
Saxony ignored him, keeping her hand clamped over her shoulder to stop the re-opened wound from bleeding anymore, but blood still oozed from between her fingers.
Saxony nodded and started to tear it into strips before wrapping up her shoulder. "Danke, liebe." She said, then pulled her sleeve back up and stood, looking to 2p!Canada. "How did you get here? Don't you have your own... Alternate universe vhere you already rule?"
"I don't care vhat you like more, you need to leave." Saxony said firmly, scowling softly. "You need to leave und go back to zhe place zhat you came from."
Another memory hit Saxony hard when 2p!Canada smirked up at her and her eyes went wide. She had tried to knock Prussia down a peg, and she had gotten ahold of his gun, ready to shoot him. But then he simply smirked up at her. "I'd like to see you try, liebechen~" He purred before he kicked her feet out from under her, then he was on her in seconds, hands around her throat as he clamped down with crushing force, the gun too far out of reach. Saxony, while relieving her flashback, had moved away shakily, sitting slowly on the bed with a terrified, dazed look, tears threatening to fall from her eyes as her trembling hands slowly moved to grip her shoulders firmly.
Saxony trembled and shook her head. "I can't be in here anymore..." She whispered before she stood up and bolted, her tough façade completely shattered as she burst through the door and collapsed on the porch, falling on her hands and knees, staring down at the ground with labored breathing, looking like she had seen the devil.
Saxony groaned and curled up, wanting to shut out all the bad memories that kept attacking her. "Nein! Go avay, stop!" She said in a panic, gripping her gin so tightly her knuckles turned white. She was so lost in her bad memories that she hadn't been aware of her actions and she had aimed her gun for Prussia, tears slipping down her face.
Prussia stopped and held up his hands, "Easy, Monika, easy. I von't hurt you. I svore never to do zhat again...remember? Vhen mein kingdom vas dissolved? I svore never to lay ein hand on you again..."
Saxony's arm trembled and her hand slowly uncurled from the gun and let it drop to the ground before she closed her eyes, nodding slowly and crying silent tears into her hands.
Saxony stiffened in Prussia's arms, then slowly relaxed, holding onto his shirt and drying her tears. "I'm so sorry... I couldn't stay in zhere... I just couldn't..."
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