Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Saxony opened the first bedroom door, peering into the gloomy room with narrowed eyes, when she saw nothing she headed down to the next room, her old room. She stepped on a board and it gave a small creak and her eyes went wide. Memories flooded back and she remembered how an angry Prussia would always step right on that board as he came to her room. She had failed him once in battle, and after the sound beating he gave her, she never wanted to do it again. He almost beat her blind, and when Ludwig came in to save her after hearing her sobs from outside, he was beaten mercilessly as well. Saxony stood there frozen, eyes wide as tears fell down her face, but she made no noise, and her body ached, as though she had only been beaten yesterday.
Saxony nodded, clenching her teeth and opening the door to her room, trying to fight back all the memories that came flooding back.
The room was trashed, as if someone had been looking for something. Scotland frowned softly and scanned the room; other than the old things Saxony had left behind, the room was empty
Saxony made a noise and her lip quivered but she turned and headed down to the next room; Prussia's. Opening it and raising her gun when she saw a figure sitting in a chair in the corner.
Scotland looked when she left and followed her, stopping when he saw the figure as well. 2p!Canada sat in an old chair, spinning his hockey stick, "Guess I can't trust anyone to do anything, eh?"
Saxony entered the room, keeping her gun trained on 2p!Canada with a scowl. "Vhy are you here? Und vhy zhis house?"
Saxony scowled more. "Jah, it is. Vhy are you here?" She repeated, not looking to be in any mood for any bullshit. "Und vhy did you choose here?"
"Last place anyone one would think to look, eh." He answered simply, "But, I guess that means Rich isn't getting any love when all this is done."
Saxony scowled. "Vhat zhe hell does zhat mean?" She asked, not moving any closer or any further away, feeling overwhelmed by being in Prussia's old room for so long.
"No one would think of coming here because this house has some dark history to it. Rich was helpin' me with all this and I can only gather that he was defeated if you guys are here..." He spun his hockey stick some more, scowling behind his Aviator sunglasses, "Dummy doesn't get any of my maple tonight." "Didn't need to hear that..." Scotland muttered
Saxony made a face, then started to move closer, gun held firmly in her hands. "Und vhat vere you hoping to achieve by doing all zhis?" She asked, watching him closely.
"Und zhere's ein reason you're not here...! You vould cause too much chaos..!" She said, taking aim at the point between his eyes, finger over the trigger.
"To you guys, we cause chaos...which is why we'd wipe you out. It's not that hard." He told her, getting his stick ready to chuck at her in case she even dared to pull the trigger.
Saxony focused placing her finger on the trigger, but then, she quickly re-aimed for his knee and fired a shot, not wanting him dead so she could ask more questions.
2p!Canada moved his leg in the nick of time, scowling and throwing his hockey stick at her, scowling when Scotland caught it, "Nao yer unarmed!" "Please." 2p!Canada took a bowie knife from a holster on his back, "I wrestle fucking Bull Moose, eh."
Saxony made a noise and holstered her gun, pulling out a double edged dagger and taking a stance, then moving forward quickly and slashing at 2p!Canada.
Saxony moved out of the way just in time and she crouched before she swept her foot under his, trying to knock him down, then springing up with her knife ready.
Saxony wheezed and doubled over, the kick having knocked the air from her lungs and made her dizzy, but she straightened herself out and stood, moving forward to elbow him in the nose, fist moving toward his gut at the same time.
2p!Canada rolled out of the way and kicked her hard in the side. He jumped up and held his knife at the ready, glaring at Scotland - who had his revolver loaded and ready
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