Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

2p!Scotland looked up in his daze, "We were jus' doin' what we were told..."

"Nah, I got this...! Don't even worry!" America went to his locker and pulled out his handgun, loading it with rubber bullets
Saxony made a noise. "Who sent you?" She asked again.

Alaska nodded and stood slowly, holding her head and making her way slowly up the stairs, going off to find some painkillers, stumbling down the hall to the bathroom.
Saxony made a face and looked to Scotland, then looked back to 2p!Scotland. "Vhere ist Matt?" She asked.

Alaska had taken three Advil's and had washed her face, wiping it with a towel as she walked out of the bathroom, then bumping into a chest. "Alfie, I thought you-" She stopped when she looked up, staring right into the smirking face of 2p!America.
"Hiding oot, obviously." 2p!Scotland snorted

"I see Alison sucks, yet again, at doing the one job I ask the dumb fuck to do." He stated.
"Vhere ist he hiding out?" Saxony asked, glancing at 2p!Saxony when she groaned and moved.

Alaska backed up slowly, staring up at 2p!America. "A...Al....." Her eyes were wide. "Alfred!!"
"Let me and my dumb arse slut of a woman go and Ah'll tell yew." 2p!Scotland said. Scotland folded his arms over his chest, "And whut mayks yew think-" "Listen, Ah didn' even wanna get involved in this. Esther jumped on it cuz she hates yew two. Ah tagged along cuz she dangled a sex proposal in my face."

"Maddy!" America rushed over and pointed the gun at 2p!America. The red head smirked, "Please, I know its not-" America pulled the trigger and shot 2p!America in the leg, making him drop, "Get out of my fucking house!" America snarled
"Don't... You dare tell zhem anyzhing...." 2p!Saxony said as she slowly looked over at 2p!Scotland. "Not even if zhey... Cut off zhat unsatisfactory dick of yours..." She muttered with a weak grin. Saxony sighed and looked to Scotland. "Vhat do you zhink?"

Alaska moved over to America and frowned, holding the hand towel against her chest.
"Unsatisfactory, mah arse. Or wus Ah mishearin' yew tell me how much yew fukken love it, ya German hooker." "Ah don' need to hear this..." Scotland muttered

"Get. Out." America growled. 2p!America growled lowly, "Where's my stupid ass sister?" "Don't in the basement. Take her and go or I'll shoot you again." America ordered. 2p!America knew when not to attempt anything that could cost him dearly; so he walked slowly passed them to get his sister, America keeping his gun trained on him
2p!Saxony snorted. "Zhere is a such zhing as lying, liebe, und zhe awesome me does it a lot." Saxony moved out of the room, looking to Prussia who was still in the hall. "Does Danny have anymore sedatives?" She asked.

Alaska waited until 2p!America was gone before she let out a breath and leaned against the wall. "Thanks..."
"Ye insult me, lass." N. Ireland stepped into the hall, dressed in his forest camo, his Accuracy International AW Sniper Rifle.

"No problem." America grinned
Saxony held up a hand. "I meant no disrespect." She said and motioned with her head into the room. "Ve need to do somzhing vis zhese two." She said. "Und I don't vant to kill zhem, it vould only cause more trouble."
N. Ireland rubbed his chin, "Wuhl..." He moved into the room, "Oi." He moved over to 2p!Saxony and gripped her chin, forcing her to look up at him, "I wan' ye ta tell me ev'rythin' ye kno'. Er Oi'm gonna pump ye full of y'r own drugs..." He played with a syringe in his hand, not looking like he was in the mood for any bullshit
2p!Saxony glanced down at the syringe, then up at Northern Ireland. "Eat scheisse." She said and spat in his face, red eyes defiant. Saxony made a face and leaned against the wall, letting Northern Ireland do his job.
N. Ireland's eyes flashed and he slapped her hard, making 2p!Scotland growl, "I warned her." N. Ireland said, accent gone. He took the syringe and stabbed it into 2p!Saxony's neck, injecting her own drugs into her system
2p!Saxony sucked in a breath when he slapped her and growled in pain when the needle stabbed into her skin, feeling the cool liquid burn her neck as it was injected. "How do you know you von't kill me?" She laughed softly, glaring up at him. "You don't know vhat drugs I have in my possession und if I'm allergic to zhem or not... Hell, I might even be immune...~"
N. Ireland grinned darkly, "Love, I have something very important to tell you. I am a Terrorist~ I specialize in warfare like this~ I do my homework~ And whatever Saxony is allergic or immune to, you aren't~"
2p!Saxony paled and Saxony made a face. "You aren't vatching me daily are you?" She asked. 2p!Saxony could already feel her hands and feet starting to go numb and she growled lowly, averting her eyes. "I'm not saying anyzhing."
"Not at all, Monika! I have people for that." N. Ireland replied. He stared at 2p!Saxony, "Now. Tell me everything you know, or I'll inject you again."
Saxony's mouth hung open slightly and she stared at Northern Ireland in disbelief. "I need to talk to you about zhat later." She muttered. 2p!Saxony only spit in Danny's face again, smirking softly. "Nein."
N. Ireland injected her with another syringe of the same liquid, "Talk." He growled, before pulling out his Colt and pressing it to her knee
2p!Saxony looked up at Northern Ireland and blinked slowly, starting to become sluggish with things. "Talk...?" She murmured. "About vhat...?" She asked, looking a bit confused.
"Matt.... He said to come und fuck vis you guys..." She murmured, closing her eyes like she was falling asleep.
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