Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

2p!Ireland pouted, "C'mon, Lutz~ you know ya wanna touch~" Her heavy British accent purred out in low tones, "I got a new scar just you for you~"

"That's nawt mah name." He said lowly, glaring up at her
2p!Germany made a noise. "Nein. Not now. Not until our job ist done." He said as he continued to drive.

Saxony rose an eyebrow. "Oh? Und zhen vhat ist it?"
2p!Germany continued to drive, not giving into any of 2p!Irelands advances, pulling up to a lone house in the middle of a field, getting out and pulling Ireland from the back seat, carrying her inside.

Saxony snorted. "Oh, jah, und I'm Esther." "Nein, zhat vould be me~" Saxony spun around and was face to face with a woman who looked exactly like her, but with her hair pulled back into ponytail and a scar over her left eye, which were red; she wore a military uniform and had a luger around her thigh in a holster, crop tucked into her belt. Saxony's eyes widened and she moved away from the two quickly, dropping the sharpening stone. 2p!Saxony twirled a syringe full of cloudy liquid around her finger, watching with amused eyes. "Liebe~ I zought you vere going to take care of her? Zhe awesome me has already played enough vith zhe redhead und he's too fucked up to see straight, so I gotta give him a break~" "Vhat zhe hell did you do to Iain..?!"
2p!Ireland followed closely behind him like a loyal pup, opening the door. "OI!! Daire!! Did you do as I asked of you, ya pussy little fuck!?" "Y-Yes, sis, th-the chair is ready..." 2p!N. Ireland came into the room, pushing in a steel chair with leather straps on the arms and front legs. 2p!Ireland smirked, "Good job~ Oliver would be so proud~" "D-Don't bring him into this, Eibhleann, please...."

2p!Scotland twisted Saxony's arm behind her back, "Just accept it, lass. It'll only sting fer a second."
2p!Germany sat Ireland down in the chair and strapped her down tightly, glancing up when a girl in a grey hoodie and sweats with long black hair came in carrying a briefcase. She shuffled over to 2p!Ireland and held the case out. "Here..." She muttered, keeping her red eyes on the ground. "Esther said to give these to you.... And to have fun..." 2p!Alaska pulled her hood further over her head, bags under her eyes.

2p!Saxony moved over and stabbed the needle into Saxony's neck, making the woman hiss, then slowly slump against 2p!Scotland. "Alister~ Bring her down to zhe basement, I'm far to awesome to carry zhat bitch downstairs." She laughed and headed down to the basement, moving over to Scotalnd, who was strapped down in a chair, shirt gone and welts covered his body as well as needle marks on his arms and neck.
2p!Ireland took the briefcase and smiled, "Thank you, love~ your reward is with Daire~"

2p!Scotand scooped up Saxony and scowled, "More like too fucking lazy to do it your damn self, Nazi whore."
2p!Alaska nodded and put her hands in her pockets, going off to find 2p!Northern Ireland and going to go collect her heroin, looking rather jumpy. "Daire....?" She called as she came into the room. "Eibhleann said you have my stuff.." 2p!Germany slapped Ireland's cheek roughly to wake her.

Saxony groaned as her head spun and she let her head roll to the side, feeling nauseous. "Danke, liebe~!" 2p!Saxony looked excited at the title Nazi whore and sat on Scotland's lap, taking her riding crop and lifting Scotland's head so he could watch as 2p!Scotland carried Saxony in. "Look who's home~!" She grinned. "Set her in zhe chair." She motioned to the chair right across from Scotland, about five feet to be exact; thick leather straps on the arms of the chair as well as the front two legs; Scotland had already been strapped down.
"Hm?" 2p!N. Ireland looked up and nodded, "O-Oh, yes, of course..." He reached into his bag and pulled out her drugs, frowning, "I-I really think you should go to church and ask God for help..." He said softly. Ireland gasped and jumped awake, looking around.

Scotland looked up as 2p!Scotland tied down Saxony, "Leave...har alone..." He croaked
2p!Alaska took her drugs and moved over to the couch, getting everything ready. "No thanks..." She muttered as she rolled up her sleeve. "Gut, you're avake." 2p!Germany stood back and moved over to a bag in the corner, digging through it before he came back with his riding crop, then struck Ireland as hard as he could across the face without warning.

Saxony looked over at Scotland, but her tongue felt thick and tingly. "Danke, liebe~ You can stand in zhe corner vhile zhe awesome me vorks~!" She stood up off Scotland's lap and moved over to Saxony, stroking her pale, unmarred face. "Such ein pretty face~" She cooed, moving to sit on Saxony's lap, looking to Scotland. "Vhat should ve do vis her~?" She gave a glance to 2p!Scotland. "Any input~?"
Ireland cried out and whined, cheek turning red and swollen. 2p!Ireland watched, leaning against the wall.

2p!Scotland didn't look very amused with her, "Why don't you just suck my dick and force them to watch. Shit, yew fukken skank, I don't give a fuck what you do to them."
2p!Germany smacked her with the riding crop over and over, watching as her cheeks turned red. He stopped for a moment and used his crop to make her look at him. "I vant to hear you beg." He said, grabbing a handful of her red hair and yanking it hard so she had to look at him.

2p!Saxony dismissed him. "Nein, zhat doesn't sound fun, your dick can only do so much for me." She said with the wave of her hand, then she turned to Saxony and undid the first button of her blouse. "I vonder how vell he can satisfy you zhough..." She undid the second button and Monika groaned softly, head still pounding, but that earned her a hard slap to the face, which woke her up a bit, shirt undone completely now. "Make sure he vatches." She said as she straddled Saxony and kissed her full on the lips.
Ireland whimpered and winced, "P-Plees...l-let me go...O-Oi dunno wha's Oi did wrong 'r wha's Oi did to deserve this...but plees...O-Oi don' wan' moi baby hurt..." She whimpered. 2p!Ireland whined softly, "Lutz, baby~ I thought I was the only one who could beg for you~?"

2p!Scotland scowled, "Strike one." He said lowly. Scotland tugged hard on his restraints, "Get awf mah woman, you disturbed fuhk!"
2p!Germany ignored 2p!Ireland as he worked, back handing Ireland hard before he wrapped his hands around her neck and pressed her against the back of the chair, squeezing her throat.

2p!Saxony ignored both Scotlands, reaching between their two bodies so she could grope Saxony, this making her squirm and make muffled noises against 2p!Saxony's lips, trying to close her legs, face flushed. 2p!Saxony pulled away and Saxony jerked her head away as far as she could, averting her gaze. "It seems she doesn't vant to cooperate. Liebe~?" She stood up and moved back over to sit on Scotland's lap, crossing her legs. "Vill you punish her for me~?"
Ireland wheezed and choked, tears falling down her cheeks. 2p!Ireland groaned, "Lutz, seeing you be this cruel is making me jealous~! Oh, please, be cruel to me, too~ I need you so bad, love~"

2p!Scotland crossed his arms, scowling, "No." He answered simply.
2p!Germany made a half snort and let go of her neck, moving away from Ireland and glaring at 2p!Ireland. "Go und take care of yourself, I'm busy." He said before he moved back to his bag and pulled out a thick leather mouth piece, moving over and forcing it into Ireland's mouth and tying it in the back. Un-strapping one wrist before he grabbed a firm hold on her wrist in one hand, then her pinkie in the other, and in one quick jerk there was a small crack noise as he dislocated her finger.

2p!Saxony scowled and shot a glare at 2p!Scotland, made an angry noise the stood, moving over to 2p!Scotland and batting her eyelashes at him, rubbing against him like a cat as her fingers ghosted over his groin teasingly. "Please liebe~?"
Ireland's eyes widened and she screamed in agony behind the gag. 2p!Ireland pouted and moved to the other room with her bag, grumbling how 2p!Germany didn't love her.

2p!Scotland scowled and stared down at her, "Yew told me to sit here cuz yew didn't need me."
2p!Germany made sure the gag was secure so Ireland had no way of biting her tongue, accidental or otherwise, then he grabbed the next finger and did the same. In one quick motion he had her finger dislocated, then he moved to the middle finger.

"But zhe awesome me needs you now, liebe~" 2p!Saxony said in an almost begging tone. Saxony looked over to Scotland as she twisted her wrist painfully against the leather restraint, trying to free even one hand. Her cheeks were still red from 2p!Saxony's antics, but she was far more worried about how Iain was holding up.
Ireland let out another pain filled screech, muffled by the strap in her mouth. Tears fell down her cheeks, feeling completely helpless. She mentally begged and pleaded for Germany to swoop in and save her, praying hard to her God for a miracle.

"Oh, do yew?" 2p!Scotland didn't look very amused. Scotland looked to Saxony and watched her, the drugs wearing off fast in his system
After dislocating three of her fingers, 2p!Germany strapped her hand down again and left the room to retrieve 2p!Ireland so she could have her fun with Ireland.


Saxony made a face of pain as she yanked her hand through the cuff, her wrist rubbed raw and she glanced to the 2p's before she started to quickly work on her other wrist cuff. 2p!Saxony didn't even notice as Saxony got one wrist free, still trying to convince 2p!Scotland to do her dirty work.

Ireland's head dropped as she cried weakly. "I-I'm dreadfully sorry about all this..." 2p!N. Ireland said softly. Ireland looked up at her brother's copper haired counterpart and sniffled. 2p!N. Ireland frowned and gently pet Ireland's head, making her flinch. "S-Sis is just following orders..."

Scotland looked between Saxony and the 2p!s. 2p!Scotland was getting a little annoyed with 2p!Saxony's flirting, though his pants did show a visible buldge from her minstrations
2p!Germany came back a little while later with 2p!Ireland, looking hot and bothered, obviously something 2p!Ireland had done had become physical. "Move avay from her." He ordered 2p!Northern Ireland as he walked out.

((Very soon and very angry~~))

Saxony had just got her other wrist undone when a sudden gunshot when off, then her eyes widened and she screamed in pain, blood slowly soaking through the shoulder of her shirt; Saxony held her bleeding shoulder and glared at 2p!Saxony, who still had her Luger aimed at Saxony. "Nein, nein, hure~ I vouldn't do zhat if I vere you~" She purred and moved over to Saxony, strapping down her wrists, yanking her shot arm to cause her more pain and too hear her scream in pain again. "Ssshh~" 2p!Saxony pressed the barrel of the gun to Saxony's temple, smirking darkly. "How much pain do you zhink it vould cause him if I shot his little fuck toy~?" She asked 2p!Scotland.
2p!N. Ireland squeaked and scurried away in fear, Ireland watching her last shred of hope run with him. Her head dropped and 2p!Ireland moved over, "Aw~ Are you givin' up, love~? That's not very fair~ I haven't had my fun with you yet~"

((Oh Gott~))

"LEAVE HAR ALONE, YEW FILTHY CUNT!! AH'LL RIP YER FUKKEN THROAT OUT!!" Scotland shouted at 2p!Saxony. 2p!Scotland only made a noise, not looking amused, "We weren't ordered to kill, Esther...don't get carried away, lest Ah call Dietrich..."
2p!Germany leaned against the wall, watching 2p!Ireland as she moved closer to Ireland, a scowl on his face. Something felt off and he could feel copious amounts of anger and bloodlust in the air.

2p!Saxony made a face and instead of shooting Saxony, she pistol whipped her and moved away from the blonde, moving to sit beside 2p!Scotland, hand falling on the bulge in his pants and she stroked it softly, watching Scotland and Saxony, who was grinding her teeth in pain. "Do you vant to share zhe hure's pain, Scottie~?" Esther purred.

Alaska had gone out for her morning run with her Alaskan malamute and had just arrived home, letting her dog into the backyard before she went inside, blinking when she didn't hear any noise of America and his TV. "Alfie! I'm back from my run!" She called, looking around with a frown before she headed up the stairs. "Alfred?" She frowned when she saw her door was closed. She never closed her door unless she was changing and America didn't have a reason to close her door. She opened it slowly and looked around the dark room, but froze when she heard a noise and a baseball bat smashed into the door just above her head, the nails in the bat digging into the wood, all just an inch above her head, her eyes widened and she stumbled back, falling on her ass.
((Oooooooooh Gott....~))

2p!Ireland cupped Ireland chin and forced her to look up, "Now, poppet, I want to hear you scream~ Lutz doesn't like hearing it because it grates on his ears~" 2p!Ireland lowered the strap and Ireland spat in her face, calling her obscenities in Gaelic. 2p!Ireland growled and slapped her hard, "Bad girl. Your boyfriend hasn't trained you properly yet, I see. Time to change that. I'll train you like big brother Oliver trained me." She took out her knife and cut along Ireland's shoulder, making her scream in agony. 2p!Ireland shuddered and mewled, "I'm getting all hot and bothered again~"

"Ah can deal anything you can dish out, potato eating cow." Scotland snarled. 2p!Scotland smirked, "Flirting with har, are yew?"

"What the fuck are you doing here?" 2p!America growled, red eyes cold, "I can't believe my fucking druggie of a sister didn't deal with you yet! A Villans work is never fucking done!"
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