Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

"Okay, I'll be here." She called back, then headed over to America's room, gathering up the sheets and going to throw them away outside.
America finally got out of the shower and towel dried his hair, wanting to forget all about what happened and moved to the kitchen to nuke the cold burgers
Alaska came back in the back door, closing it and making sure it was locked before she went to the kitchen, where she heard the microwave going. "Hey." She said, giving him a weak smile.
America looked and smiled, "Hey, Maddy...Dew's in the fridge. I figure we watch some of the old comedies I got hiding away." He said, acting as if nothing had even happened, "Whadda ya think, kiddo?"
Alaska did her best to pretend that nothing happened as well, not wanting to drag it up and depress him. "Cool, I'll grab you one." She said, opening up the fridge and pulling out two cans. "Movies sound great." She smiled.
America nodded and pulled the burgers out of the microwave, moving over to her, "Time for your brother to embarrass you!" He gave her a sloppy Looney Tunes kiss on the cheek before going to make his burger
Alaska turned and stuck her tongue out at him, popping open the sodas. "Can you put extra cheese on mine please?" She called, picking up the two cans and jogging over to the couch and setting the cans down, moving back out to the kitchen. "Dude." Alaska stopped. "We should totally have root beer floats...!"
Alasaka laughed and when America put her down, she went to go get some root beer, coming back she scooped ice cream into two cups and poured root beer over the ice cream, heading out to America and setting down the floats.
Alaska plopped down on the couch and picked up her burger, biting into it and making a noise. "These are awesome." She said after chewing and swallowing her mouthful.
Alaska laughed and took another bite, nudging him with her shoulder lightly. "What ever...!" She said and focused in on the movie.
"Score!" America grinned and drank his float.

A couple months passed and Ireland was beginning to show her pregnancy more and more. She had made a store run to get more beer for Germany and some stuff to make her odd cravings. When she came home, she stepped inside with her usual bright smile, "Lu'twig, Oi'm hohm~!" She called, "Oi go'cher beer, luv!"
There was no answer when Ireland called out, but Ludwig sat at the kitchen table, all of his guns out on the table as he took them apart, cleaned them and put them back together, though he did look a bit different.
Ireland moved into the kitchen and blinked, not remembering Germany wearing a white tank top and black pants before she left. "Lu'twig..?" She asked, concerned, "Whoi'd ye change?"
The German looked up at Ireland and he loaded the clip into the gun almost threateningly, red eyes staring her down. "I didn't." He said, voice steely.
Ireland's eyes widened and she took a step back. "Ye...Ye ar'n'..." She dropped the groceries and made a dash for the door, throwing open on to gasp in horror. "'Ello, poppet~" A woman who looked exactly like Ireland stood at the door; her hair a dull orange and her eyes a very cold ice blue. Ireland began to tremble and backed up when her doppelgänger took a step in
Ireland's escape was only in vain as she bumped into 2p!Germany's chest and he grabbed her firmly, placing a damp rag over her mouth and nose that smeekled sickly sweet.

Saxony unlocked the door to Scotland's house and stepped inside, but stopped when glass crunched beneath her foot. "Iain?" She called, removing the key from the door and closing it behind her, heading inside and looking around.
Ireland's eyes widened before drooping, slowly losing consciousness.

The house was a mess. Nearly destroyed. 'Scotland' sat in front of the fire place, sharpening his sword. He looked different. His hair was black and pulled into a ponytail, he wore a yellow vest and white button up with tan pants. Red eyes scanned over the blade, a massive scar doing diagonally down his face over the bridge of his nose
2p!Germany scooped Ireland up and carried her out to the car that waited outside before climbing in and waiting for 2p!Ireland, though he looked a little annoyed when he had to wait a minute for her.

Saxony frowned softly and slowly moved over. "Liebe?" She called. "Vhat happened...? Vhat did you do to your hair und your face?"
2p!Ireland trotted out with a grin on her face, hoping into the car and propping her legs up on the dash, her short dress raising and showing off her garter belt to 2p!Germany, hoping to get a rise out of him

"Shuddup." 2p!Scotland said gruffly, still sharpening his blade
2p!Germany glanced over at 2p!Ireland, snorted and then turned away, pulling out of the driveway and taking off fast, keeping his eyes on the road.

Saxony was taken by surprise and she blinked, moving to stand in front of 2p!Scotland. "Vhat? Iain, vhat zhe hell?" When he didn't look up at her, she snatched the sharpening stone away from him. "Iain...!"
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