Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Alaska was suddenly hit over the head with a blunt object, knocking her down; the plate of burgers saved before they were dropped. "How nice. You made Alfred a nice leetul lunch for his welcome home." Russia's thick accent sounded from behind her as he lifted her up and dragged her and the dazed America upstairs after setting the plate aside
Alaska groaned and her vision was blurred and it sounded like someone had stuffed cotton in her ears. She felt something warm trickle down the back of her head and closed her eyes, slowly opening them again and looking around. "A-Al..." She tried to call out to her brother when she saw him, but couldn't speak clearly being in a daze, then she saw feet and she slowly looked up, but her head hurt to much to do anything, so she just let herself be dragged up the stairs.
Russia tossed America onto his bed and pulled up a chair for Alaska, tying her down nice and tight, "You think your brother is the hero, da? Well, I will show you what happens to the hero when he decides to go against Ivan Braginsky~"
Alaska looked up at Ivan, squinting and making a noise as his words slowly became more audible. "Huh...?" She looked over at America on the bed, sprawled out and looking dazed, then back up at Russia. "Wh-What are you doing...?" She asked slowly.
Russia smile calmly and pat her head, "Just watch, da? Alfred will become one, whether he wants to or not." He said and moved over to America, who was starting to come to his senses.
Alaska winced when he pat her head and she watched him walk over to America, but she still wasn't quite registering what he was saying. "I-I don't... Wait, what...? No.... Lunch is gonna get cold." She murmured and blinked slowly, frowning at the throbbing in her head.
Russia only chuckled and forced himself on America, finding it amusing when the blonde struggled and fought. America begged Alaska not to look but Russia told her that if she didn't watch, he'd beat America's skull in with his pipe.
Alaska instantly snapped to attention when Russia got on top of her older brother and her eyes widened. She struggled between looking away or watching, not wanting to witness what was going to happen, but not wanting to look away and have Russia kill her brother. "I'm sorry Alfred..." She shook her head as tears welled up in her eyes, feeling sick to her stomach as she forced herself to keep her eyes on the two.
America felt shame swirl in his stomach and he felt like he was going to throw up, the unwanted pleasure coursing through him disgusted him to his very core. When Russia was finished, he redressed and left them there. America hid his face in shame, "I-I'm so sorry, Maddy...I'm so sorry..."
Alaska let her head fall when Russia finished, not wanting to look up ever again, tears falling onto her lap as she stared at her knees biting her lip hard. "D-Don't be sorry..." She whispered. "J-Just untie me so I can help you..."
Alaska sat up and moved over to the bathroom, grabbing America his robe and going back to the room, holding it out for him. "You should go... Take a shower..." She said hesitantly, keeping her eyes off of him until he was dressed.
America slipped the robe on and shook his head, "N-No...well, yeah....I feel pretty fuckin' nasty after that...." He muttered. He frowned heavily, "I'll be back....I'm sorry, Maddy...."
Alaska suddenly hugged him tightly, pressing her face against his chest. "It wasn't your fault." She said softly, then slowly let go of him. "If you need anything, I'll be out in the hallway." She said, then went to sit outside the bathroom door.
America grabbed his clothes and went to the shower. Alaska's phone chirped; literally - Prussia had recorded Gilbird chirping for her to use as a notification. The message was from Prussia, asking how America was doing after coming back from the hospital
Alaska pulled her phone from her pocket, glancing at the door to the bathroom, then replying that he was doing okay. "Anyway, how are you?"
"Vell, Vest und Eire are alvays making sure zhat I don't hit mein head again..." He responded. Another text from him appeared. It was a picture of him and Gilbird - who seemed really happy, "Gilbird misses you, liebe <3"
Alaska smiled weakly. "I miss him too, and I miss you as well <3" She replied, resting her head on her knees tiredly, rubbing the back of her head with a small wince of pain at the large bump on the back of her head.
Alaska made a face, typing back. "Not right now, Gil... I'm tired, sorry. :/" She rubbed her eye with her sleeve and glanced to America's room. She'd have to burn the sheets, maybe even get a new bed.
Prussia frowned, knowing something was wrong but didn't want to pressure her for answers, "Alright, liebe...I'll hit you up again later to check on you, ok?"
"Okay, see ya later." Alaska pocketed her phone and stood up, knocking on the bathroom door, "Alfie...?" She called softly. "You okay in there?"
America sat under the water, scrubbing every inch of himself, "Yeah...! I'm fine...!" He called. He still didn't feel very clean
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