Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Ireland frowned, "But, luv, Oi gotta tell Lu'twig..." She said. She saw how distraught Alaska was and pet her head, "A'kay, Oi'll jus' tell him tha's Gil went on a weird power rant...a'kay...? Oi promise Oi won' tell a soul...naw's even Alfre't..." Ireland held out her pinkie to seal the deal
Alaska hugged her pinkie with Ireland's, nodding and fighting more tears, watching Ireland start the bath before she slowly dropped the blanket, exposing all of the red marks as she gingerly got into the bath, sinking into the water up to her chin and hugging her knee's close.
Ireland frowned, "Oh, luv..." she gingerly touched the welts and her own horrid memories flashed back to her, causing her to jerk her hand away
Alaska winced when she touched the angry red mark and she slowly shrunk away, whimpering softly. "Can you get some ice for them...? I don't want Alfred to see..." She said softly, staring down at the water.
"Y...Yeh...Oi'll...Oi'll be back..." Ireland said and numbly left the room, moving to the kitchen and grabbing an icepack. She gasped in an image of Germany glaring down at her with cold blue eyes flashed in her mind and she dropped the pack, trembling in fear. She stood there for a minute before grabbing the pack and going back to the bathroom
The bathroom door was shut and locked when Ireland came back and it was deadly silent in the bathroom. Alaska was no longer sitting up in the tub, she was under the water eyes shut tight and she was pressed against the bottom of the tub as she held her breath. Sudden her mouth opened and she started to suck in mouthfuls of water, starting to sputter and thrash slightly as water filled her lungs; she was screaming under the water even though she had already gotten a good mouthful or three of water, hacking and gagging, but she still held herself under the water. Just then, Germany came home with the beer.
"Madison!! Open tha door!!" Ireland yelled and tried to knock it open with her shoulder but to no avail, "Lu'twig!! LU'TWIG!!" She screamed in a panic
Alaska's struggles slowly started to become weaker and weaker as she inhaled more and more water, her eyes starting to roll back and she slowly started to rise to the surface of the water, but was still face down and suddenly became unmoving, having lost consciousness. Germany dropped the beer case and ran down the hall and over to Ireland, looking around for any sign of danger. "Vhat's wrong?" He asked.
"Madison is in thar doin' Gawd kno's wha's!! Oi can' git tha door open!!" Ireland looked like she was going to have a panick attack, "Lu'twig, plees, git it open!! She coul't be doyin' in thar!!"
Germany didn't need any more of an explanation. He slammed heavily into the door, which creaked slightly, doing it again caused the door to give way. The lock snapped and Germany rushed in, gasping when he saw Alaska face down in the bathtub and he rushed over, pulling her from the water and laying her down on the ground and opening her mouth and starting mouth to mouth, then pumping her chest, repeating it until she coughed and hacked up water, taking in ragged breaths and coughing up more water, trembling. "Get her ein towel..." Germany said as he drained the tub.
Ireland ran to the hallway and snagged a towel from the cabinet, rushing back in and wrapping Alaska up in it. "I-Is she gonna be a'kay...?" She asked weakly, blaming herself for this happening; she should've known better than to leave Alaska alone.
Germany shook his head. "Vhat happened?" He asked, avoiding looking at Alaska until Ireland had wrapped her in a towel; the girl just laid on the ground, sniffling and staring blankly ahead. Germany scooped her up and looked to Ireland. "Get some blankets und start ein fire in zhe fireplace." He said as he headed out of the bathroom, heading for the living room and laying Alaska on some blankets on the couch before wrapping her in them. She whimpered and stared with glazed eyes, wincing every so often. Germany frowned, he knew those eyes. Those had been Ireland's eyes once, he was ashamed that he knew what those eyes looked like, but he had caused it before. He stood in wait for Ireland, not wanting to leave Alaska alone again.
Ireland came back with more blankets, chewing on her lip nervously. She swore Alaska she wouldn't tell anyone. "Oi came bahk to check on Gil an' Oi hear't him rantin' about tha War..." She lied weakly as she bundled up Alaska more and went to start the fire
Germany made a face. "Is zhat all he did? I saw zhe marks on her back, I know vhat happened..." Germany shook his head. "But I don't know vhy. Vill you vatch her vhile I go und talk to Gilbert?" He said and headed for the basement. Alaska winced again as she relived every strike Prussia dealt her, those rage filled eyes and, the knife that tore easily through her clothing. When his hands clamped around her throat and when he forced himself inside of her painfully; a tear fell from her eye as she relieved every horrible moment. Her womanhood still throbbing from him taking her roughly and without warning. Germany stormed down the stairs to find Prussia, beyond livid.
Ireland slowly moved towards Alaska and sat next to her, "Oh, luv..." She frowned, caressing her cheek soothingly

Prussia was still nude and unconscious on the bed, wincing slightly still from when Ireland had hit him over the head
Alaska whimpered and shied away from Ireland's touch, more tears streaming down her face as she tried to press herself further into the couch.

Germany yanked Prussia from the bed and threw him to the floor. "Vake up!" He snarled loudly, rolling Prussia onto his back with his foot and tossing his jacket over Prussia, then going into Prussia's bathroom and filling a pale full of water, then coming back out and dumping it over Gilbert's head to wake him up.
Ireland frowned and looked down at her lap, "Oi can' blame ye f'r naw's wantin' ta be touched....Oi wuz tha same...."

Prussia jolted upright, swearing loudly in German before looking around, "Vhat happened!? Vhy am I naked!?" He groaned and held his head, "Vhy does mein head hurt...!?"
Alaska didn't say anything, she just pulled the blankets closer to herself and stared ahead blankly.

"So gut of you to join zhe living!" Germany hissed through his teeth. "Do you know vhat I came home to?" He growled lowly, then pointed up the stairs. "Alaska almost succeeding in drowning herself in zhe bazhtub! Und you know vhat I found on her back?" He picked up Prussia's riding crop and slapped Prussia hard with it across the face, then holding it out in front of him. "Dozens und dozens of zhese."
Ireland frowned softly and sat silently with Alaska, figuring she would take some comfort in the company

Prussia's eyes went wide as his cheek stung. He held his face and looked quickly to Germany, "Nein, zhere's no vay..." He muttered. Images of beating her and forcing his way with her flashed back and he looked absolutely disgusted with himself. "Gott im Himmel...vh-vhat have I done...!?" He muttered in shame
"You've broken her." Germany said, eyes cold, like he was back in the war. "She isn't as strong as Ireland, und I screwed up vizh her, but you've," He shook his head, pointing up the stairs again. "She's far beyond broken." He said before he headed up the stairs, stopping halfway. "I have to tell Alfred." He said quietly, then he headed up the stairs to let Prussia dress in piece.
Prussia felt utterly horrible. He dressed quickly and chased after his brother, "Vest! Vest, vait! Don't tell Alfred! If Alfred found out, I'll get shot again...!" He said quickly. He looked down, "You know vhat...? Go ahead und tell him....Madison vould be better off..." He said defeatedly before dragging himself back to his room, "If you're all lucky, I'll fade away before I get killed...."
Germany had already picked up the phone, but set it down angrily when Prussia dragged himself back to his room. "Get out zhere und go get on your hands und knees und beg und beg until she can even bare to look at you!" Germany grabbed Prussia by the arm firmly and spun him around, shoving him up the stairs. "Und zhen you beg more."
Prussia stumbled and looked down, "Jah, Vest...." He muttered and moved up the stairs and into the living room where Ireland and Alaska were. Ireland looked back and watched Prussia as he walked around the couch and stopped in front of Alaska, eyes still downcast. He dropped to his hands and knees in front of Alaska and bowed his head low, "Bitte, mein liebe...I don't know vhat could cause me to due you such harm...I hope to Gott you can forgive me. I feel so guilty for vhat I've done to you...and to be honest, I don't zhink I deserve a kind vord from you. For vhat I've done, I'd expect no less zhan hate from you. I'm just so sorry, liebe...!" Tears dripped from his eyes and splashed onto the floor, "I can't apologize enough, Madison, I'm so sorry! I vould never intentionally hurt you! You know zhat, don't you...!? Ich liebe dich, mein blume! Vords can't describe how much you mean to me!" Prussia began to tremble as he sobbed more. Ireland frowned and sat quietly, watching Alaska to see if she would tell him to leave her alone or if she would accept his apology. She hoped it was the second; Prussia looked utterly heart broken.
The blankets shifted and Alaska whimpered when Prussia entered the room, but fell silent when he started to speak. When he finished, the blankets shifted once more before Alaska nearly tackled Prussia in a hug, sobbing just as hard at he was, if not harder. She clung to him and sobbed into his shirt, body shaking as she did so. "I-I tho-thought I h-had done something, s-something wrong....! I'm s-so sorry...!" She choked out her words the best she could, shaking her head. "Pl-Please don't h-hate me...!"
Prussia held her as tight as he could without hurting her, "Oh, mein liebe, you could never do anyzhing to make me do such ein zhing! I vould never dream of hurting you! Gott, I'm so sorry! I don't know vhat happened, I svear to you! I'll make sure it never happens again! I could never hate you, mein liebe! Ichi liebe dich!" He cradled her and nuzzled into her damp blonde hair, "I vill do anyzhing und everyzhing to make it up to you, liebe...I svear. If you ask for zhe moon, I'll bring you zhe moon."

(("I will punch you!!"))
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