Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Alaska gasped when she heard Prussia tumble down the stairs and she hurried down after him. "Gil...?!" She moved over to him quickly. "Are you okay, babe?"
Prussia groaned and sat up, rubbing his head, "Scheiss..." He grumbled. He looked around with a scowl, "Vhere zhe hell am I...?"
"You're in your room." Alaska said, helping him onto the bed with a worried frown. "Are you feeling alright?" She asked looking him over, lifting up his shirt to make sure his bandages were still good and that he hadn't opened up anything.
Prussia grabbed her wrist in a death grip, glaring death at her, "Vhat zhe hell do you zhink you're doing, hure?" He growled lowly, "You talk like zhat Ally, Alfred. Are you ein spy?!"
Alaska winced and tried to take her hand back. "B-Babe...? What's wrong? A spy..?! No...! We're dating...! Remember?"
"Zhe Awesome Königreich Preußen, am currently vis no vun. It ist up to me und Vest to rule zhe vorld vis zhe Aryan race. Zhe Deutsch own zhis vorld, hure. Und not Alfred, not Arzhur, not Francis, not Yao or Ivan vill stop us." He growled.
Alaska shook her head slowly, eyes wide. "Gil... Is this some sort of game...? I don't know what you mean..." She reached out and placed her hand on his forehead. "You don't have a fever..."
Alaska almost fell off the bed and she held her quickly reddening cheek, eyes wide with surprise, then she teared up and stood, slapping him as hard as she could across the face. "Don't ever hit me again!"
Prussia's eyes flashed with pure rage and he shot up, grabbing Alaska by the hair and throwing her onto the bed. He grabbed some rope and tied her down, unsheathing his knife, "I vill teach you to show proper respect to zhe Königreich Preußen, hure." He growled and hooked the blade under her shirt and began to cut it off her body
Alaska struggled and her eyes widened when he took out his knife. "What are you doing, Gilbert! Stop!" She struggled more, trying to wriggle away from the blade. Fear in her eyes as she watched Prussia's rage twisted face, it only fueling her fear. "Gilbert, please! Stop!"
Alaska blushed as he cut the last of her clothing from her body and she tried to curl into a ball. "Please... What are you doing...?" Tears formed in her eyes and she tried to cover herself.
Prussia tightened the ropes binding her to the metal bars of the headboard and scowled, "Teaching you ein lesson, hure." He gripped her hair hard and brought her close, red eyes full with rage, "I vill teach you proper respect vhezher you like it or not."
Alaska whimpered softly, then brought her head back as far as she could in a last attempt, slamming her forehead against Prussia's nose, then kicking him in the gut, just like America had taught her too do, twisting madly against the ropes, looking around frantically for anything that could be of use.
Prussia hissed in pain, holding his quickly bleeding nose, "You stupid bitch!" He growled and grabbed his riding crop, beating her hard with it, "Don't you ever do zhat again!!"
Alaska cried out, whimpering and crying in pain. "Gilbert stop!" She pleaded, tears streaming down her face as she curled tightly into a ball the best she could so he was only beating on her back and side.
Prussia growled and disrobed quickly, forcing her onto her back and forcing her legs apart, "Resist und you die, hure." He growled, grabbing her by the throat
Alaska trembled beneath Prussia, tears still falling from her eyes and streaming down her face, sobbing softly. "Please.... Stop..." She pleaded quietly. "You're hurting me..."
Alaska's eyes widened and she let out a scream, more tears falling down her face as she clenched her fists in pain. "Stop...! I don't want this...! Gilbert, you're hurting me! Alfred...! Help me...!" She cried for her brother, closing her eyes. "Alfred! Alfred!"
Prussia clapped his hand over her mouth to silence her as he continued to move. He froze and fell onto the side suddenly, Ireland standing behind him with her revolver in her hand - she had hit him over the head with the butt of her gun. She holstered her gun and moved to untie Alaska, pulling the blanket over Alaska to cover her, pulling her close and holding her, "Sshh...its a'roigh's, Madison...y'r a'kay...he won' hur'cha...Oi promise..."
Alaska clung to Ireland, sobbing hard as she hid her face in her chest. "He hurt me, he hurt me...!" She cried over and over, red welts covering her back.
Ireland held her like a caring older sister - which was kinda true due to America being her adopted brother - and pet her hair soothingly. "Sshh....relax, luv...he won' hur'cha nah maor...Oi sw'ar...Lu'twig will talk tu him when he gets back...c'mon, le's gi'cha intu tha tub su ye cahn relax...Oi'll stay wit'cha if ye wan'..."
Alaska nodded, slowly sitting up and standing, stepping over Prussia and heading up the stairs, trembling. "Y-You can't... T-Tell anyone..." She said as they made their way to the bathroom, trembling uncontrollably. "Y-You can't e-ever tell..."
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