Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Scotland looked back at her and smirked slightly, "Ah guess now yew cahn see mah scars better..." He told her. In the better, brighter lighting of the bathroom, Scotland's pale skin showed the light pink scars decorating his body; his back was covered in long claw marks - probably from his fights with bears. His front was covered in smaller marks; gashes from falling in the woods, claw marks from wolves and other marks from other various things
Saxony made a noise, continuing to kiss the scars slowly. "Jah~" She said, kissing one on his side before moving to the one on his thigh, looking up at him through her bangs as she kneeled in front of him.
Saxony kissed the scar on Scotland's hip and slowly stood, kissing the scar on his chest before kissing the scar on his collar bone. "I zhink zhey're beautiful."
"Nein." She shook her head. "Zhey each tell ein story of zheir own." She said. "Each scar is unique und holds its own beauty." She said as she kissed his collar bone, pressing her hips against his and slowly pulling him against her as she backed herself up against the wall so she was pinned.
Scotland smirked and yanked her up around his waist, "Yew ar' by far the most interesting woman Ah have ever had the pleasure of sleeping with~"
Saxony made a noise as she leaned closer, wrapping her legs around his waist and kissing the side of his neck. "Oh really...~?" She purred into his ear, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Scotland shuddered and smirked, "Gewd tew hear, ghaol~"

After a week of resting comfortably in the hospital, Prussia was ready to see visitors. Ireland made sure Germany was well enough before she took him to see his brother. N. Ireland helped Alaska, giving her a hand to hold since America was still healing
Alaska looked absolutely exhausted and leaned against Northern Ireland as she walked, looking frail and having lost a few pounds, her clothes didn't fit just right, parting from Danny to move over to Prussia, sitting on his bed beside him. "G-Gil..?" She smiled tiredly, taking his hand and nuzzling his knuckles.
"Liebe...?" Prussia asked softly, "Gott im Himmel, I feel like scheiss..." He rubbed his head with his free hand and looked around, "Vhere's Vest...?" "Roigh's here..." Ireland said softly as she helped Germany into the room. Prussia smiled softly, "Zhere now...I feel so much better now zhat I have two of mein favorite people here..."
Alaska laughed weakly and nodded. "I'm so happy that you're okay..." Germany moved over to Prussia's other side and sat down in a chair, not sure what to really say. "G-Guten tag..." He said, worried anything could make Prussia fall apart in his current state.
Prussia laughed and shoved Germany weakly and playfully, "Zhat's vhat you have to say to your bruder who vas shot? 'Guten tag'? Vest, you suck! Kesesese~!" He laughed. He held Alaska's hand and kissed her knuckles, "I'm glad you're ok, too, liebe...I vas vorried Alfred vould hurt you, as vell.."
Germany chuckled sadly and watched Prussia with sad blue eyes. Alaska shook her head and fought tears. "No." She shook her head. "I'm fine, I'm just so glad you're okay.."
Germany shook his head, then started to laugh. "Dummkopf." He said, looking down at Prussia with a small grin. "Don't scare us like zhat again."
Prussia blinked and grinned, "Jah...sorry, Vest...I von't let it happen again..." Ireland smiled softly and kissed Germany's cheek, "We'll give ye sum toime..." "We will?" "C'mon, ye dumb arse." Ireland pulled N. Ireland out of the room to let the three bond
After filling out all of the release forms, Germany helped Prussia into the car and Alaska sat beside Prussia on the car ride home, holding his hand and smiling happily. When they arrived home, Germany helped Prussia out of the car, but accidentally hit Prussia's head on the car door. "Sorry, are you alright?" He asked, Alaska moving over worriedly.
Germany frowned and helped Prussia stand up straight. "Sorry." "Why don't we get you inside to lay down?" Alaska said and together she and Germany helped him inside.
Prussia gently waved them off, "I can valk just fine, you two...! Scheisse, I vas shot, mein legs veren't not cut off...!" He said as he moved to the door
Germany nodded and backed off, but Alaska followed Prussia closely anyway. "Let me get you ein icepack." He said, moving to the fridge, then cursing. "Zhere's only vone more beer left, I'll go out und buy zome more- Can you vatch over him?" "Yeah, don't worry about it, I can handle him." "Jah." Germany grabbed his keys and headed out after locking up.
"Only vun beer left...!?" Prussia gasped. He jumped up, "Must. Get. To mein. Secret sta-!" As soon as Prussia rushed down the stairs to his basement/room, he missed a step and went tumbling down the stairs
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