Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Alaska shook her head. "J-Just don't ever leave... Okay?" She said quietly, trying to stop her tears, she started to cry more. "I-I didn't.... Mean to d-drown.... Myself...!" She coughed and wheezed, her throat becoming dry from all her crying.
"Sshh...liebe, its ok..." Prussia said soothingly, "I vill alvays forgive you..." Ireland stood up and went outside silently, hands shaking as she yearned for a drink she couldn't have
Alaska couldn't stop her tears, shivering and whimpering against his chest. Germany frowned and turned as Ireland went outside, and he followed, closing the door behind him. "Liebe?"
Prussia continued to hold her, wanting to give her comfort. Ireland looked to Germany and smiled weakly, nodding before looking back out into the forest, shutting her eyes tight to fight her tears
Germany moved over to Ireland and touched her shoulder lightly. "Liebe? Vhat's vrong?" He asked softly.
Ireland shrunk away from his touch, hugging the pillar of the awning weakly as she tried to keep her suppressed memories suppressed. But it wasn't working...
"Lu'twig!! Lu'twig, stahp!!" Ireland yelped when a leather gloved hand back handed her and she dropped to the ground, holding her cheek. Ireland stared up at the infuriated German standing over her, icy blue eyes practically glowing with rage. "I have tried to be nice, liebchen. I have tried to be patient. But, nein," He grabbed her by her long red hair and yanked her up, making her whine in pain, "Nein, zhat doesn't seem to vork. In fact, zhat's all zhat seems to come out of zhat pretty mouzh of yours, liebchen. Und I hate being told nein. So, here's vhat I'm going to do. I vill give you zhis vun last chance before I beat you visout mercy." Ireland's eyes widened in pure terror at his words. She trembled when he began to touch her affectionately, faux gentleness in his commanding blue eyes, "I vill ask you zhis vun last time; join vis me against zhe Allies, or I vill not hesitate to beat you. Und your face ist far too beautiful for scars." He said lowly. Tears slipped passed her eyes and she trembled. She didn't want to be involved in a war that she had no part in. "O-Oi'm sarry, Lu'twig...b-but Oi don' wanna git involved..." She said weakly. The gentleness was gone in a flash and replaced with the purest form of rage. He threw her to the floor and uncoiled his whip, "Just know, liebchen, zhat you brought zhis on yourself." He growled and cracked the whip against her small frame. She tried to lurch away, screaming in agony but Germany's heavy boot slammed down on her leg; causing Ireland to silently scream as she felt her leg break. When Germany's arm grew tired of the whip, he threw it aside and wrapped his massive hands around her neck. Ireland wheezed and weakly clawed at his wrists, unable to beg for him to stop. Her vision began to fade and she weakly reached out, tiny fingers curling around his Iron Cross before her grip slipped and her hand dropped, losing consciousness. Germany released her and scowled down at her, retrieving his whip and leaving without a second thought of her well-being.
Germany had pulled his hand back when Ireland shrunk away and he frowned heavily when tears started to fell down her face. "Liebe..." He said softly, feeling a pang in his chest and he moved closer to hold her comfortingly. "Vill you ever forgive me for zhe horrible zhings I did to you...?"
Ireland began to sob as she held onto him, unable to think of the right words to say to him. She just hoped it would be enough for him to understand that she never held a grudge for what he did; because she had always loved him. Even when she was broken and beaten within an inch of her life, she still loved him. And she would continue to do so until the day she died.
Germany pet her hair soothingly, holding her tightly against his chest and resting his chin on her shoulder. "Liebe, don't cry." He said quietly, trying to calm her down.
Germany shook his head. "Don't be sorry, just let it out." He said, rubbing her back comfortingly and kissing her temple softly.
Eventually, Ireland's sobs quieted before finally stopping, reduced to nothing more than sniffles and hiccups. Her pale cheeks were stained with tears and her face was flushed in embarrassment
Germany gently tilted her chin up, caressing her cheek lovingly and kissing away her tears. "Let's go inside, jah?" He said softly, smoothing her hair away from her face. "I got some beer, I zhink ve all need some."
Germany gave a nod and took her by the hand, leading her back inside to where Alaska was leaning against Prussia on the couch, wrapped heavily in blankets and already had a beer in hand, taking large gulps.
"Kesesese~! Slow down, liebe, you need to breazhe, too~!" Prussia teased. Ireland smiled softly and looked down, "Cahn Oi jus' haf sum wat'r, mo ghra...?" She asked softly
Alaska slowed down and set the can on her lap, wiping her mouth and making a soft noise, nuzzling into his chest. "Sorry." Germany nodded, heading to the kitchen to get a glass of water for Ireland, coming out and sitting beside her and holding it out for her. "Here you go, liebe."
"Thank ye..." Ireland said softly as she took the glass and took a drink. Prussia held Alaska and rubbed her arm affectionately, looking over at Ireland and Germany, "Hey, Eire...I don't mean to pry, but...vere you crying out zhere...?" He asked. Ireland merely nodded and drank her water. "Vhat about?" Prussia asked. Ireland shook her head, not wanting to talk about it.
Alaska sipped her beer in silence and Germany had his own glass of water, glancing at Prussia with a glance that said 'drop it.' He then cleared his throat. "Vhat are ve going to tell America?" It was deadly silent. "Why do we even have to tell him?" Alaska muttered before tipping her beer can back and taking another gulp. Germany made a face. "You vere..." He glanced to Prussia, then back at Alaska. "Raped und you tried to drown yourself in mein bazhtub." He said sternly and Alaska frowned. "He doesn't need to know." She said softly.
"Jah, let's not tell Alfred....I don't feel like getting shot in zhe head zhis time." Prussia said softly. Ireland held Germany's hand, "Thar ar' sum thin's bruth'rs shouldn' kno', mo ghra..." She told him gently
Germany stared at Alaska for a while, and she stared back before he ran his hand through his head and nodded. "Jah, jah, fine. I von't tell." He nodded and Alaska smiled faintly. "Thank you..." She said and took Prussia's hand under the blanket, squeezing it.
Prussia rubbed his thumb against the top of her hand, frowning softly.

After a few weeks of rehab, America was finally able to come home, "Man, I feel way better!!"
Alaska was going in and out of the back door, the smell of burgers wafting through the air. Alaska popped her head in the door and grinned. "I'm grilling some burgers, they'll be done soon, you ready for lunch?" She asked.
Alaska grinned brightly and put her fist in the air, then headed back outside, closing the door behind her and poking at the burgers for ten more minutes, then putting them onto a plate and turning the grill off, heading across the lawn and to the house. "Dude! Burgers are ready! Get the Dew!" She called as she entered the house.
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