Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

2p!Germany perked and moved away from the wall when he heard a car speeding up the dirt road towards the house, then screech to a stop, skidding in the dirt. "Keep going." He said as he went to go see who was outside.

2p!Saxony stopped stroking 2p!Scotland's erection and smirked, crossing her legs. "Is zhat so~?" She stood and moved over to Scotland and straddled him, making Saxony scowl. "Get off of him!" She snapped. "Leave him alone!" She winced when she jerked her hurt shoulder and she ground her teeth more. 2p!Saxony suddenly slammed the butt of her Luger down hard on Scotland's hand, hearing a crunch as she dislocated his finger violently. "Stop it!!" Saxony screeched.

Alaska crawled backwards slowly before she scrambled to her feet and ran down the stairs as fast as she could. All she needed to do was make it to the garage and she could get one of America's shotguns. "Alfred!" She called as she ran, hoping he had been outside while his doppelgänger had come inside.
2p!Ireland continued leaving long cuts on every inch of Ireland's skin, making her scream and cry.

Scotland ground his teeth but didn't hollar or growl in pain, not wanting to give her the satisfaction

2p!America trailed after her, dragging his bat, "Don't run! It only makes it worse!"
It was deathly quiet outside before the front door of the house was kicked open and a heavy thud sounded. Germany was on top of 2p!Germany and head his doppelgänger by the throat, slamming his head repeatedly against the ground before 2p!Germany started to slam his fist into Ludwig's gut, but he only grunted with every blow, glaring death down through two black eyes. "Vhere zhe hell is she!?" He snarled in his face.

2p!Saxony smirked in Scotland's face as she brought her gun down again on his already dislocated finger, hearing another crunch. She then holstered her gun and slowly wrapped her hands around his throat before squeezing hard. "Leave him alone you cunt!" Saxony snapped at 2p!Saxony, but she only laughed.

Alaska ran to the garage door, but her eyes widened when she saw the handle had been smashed off. She kicked the door repeatedly, whimpering softly when she couldn't get the door open, so she turned and looked around for anything, hoping America had left a handgun inside.
"LU'TWIG!!" Ireland screamed, making 2p!Ireland scowl and slap her, "Shut up. Or I will kill you." "Ye don' scar' me, ye Jesabelle!" Ireland spat.

Scotland growled and smashed his forehead into 2p!Saxony's nose, "Fuhk awf, yew disease ridden mongr'l!" He snarled. 2p!Scotland smirked and chuckled faintly behind his hand.

"Here, kitty, kitty, kitty~" 2p!America called, "Where aaaaaaaaaaare you~~??"
Germany gave one last hard slam against 2p!Germany's head and he blacked out, out of air and being knocked unconscious. Germany stood and started to where he heard Ireland's voice, rage in his blue eyes and his hair was slightly messy. He spotted 2p!Ireland and scowled, reaching into his coat and pulling out a Luger, raising his arm and aiming for 2p!Ireland. "Move avay."

2p!Saxony screeched in rage as she landed on her ass, holding her bleeding nose, then glaring at 2p!Scotland. "Qvuiet!" She stood with a sway and pointed her gun at Iain's chest, but just then a shoe nailed 2p!Saxony in the back of the head. Saxony glared at her doppelgänger, who turned slowly and approached her. "You're dead, hure." She wrapped her hands tightly around Saxony's throat and squeezed hard, causing her to wheeze and gasp, squirming as she tried to breathe.

Alaska spun and bit her lip, then looked to the back door. She just had to make it to the back yard and she'd be free. She charged down the hall, not looking as she ran past the main hallway, and got to the back door, fumbling with the lock.
2p!Ireland scowled, "Make me." She hissed. Ireland panted as her body ached from sheer pain, blood soaking her shirt, "Lu...Lu'twig..."

2p!Scotland scowled, "I'm callin' Dietrich..." "You don't need to." 2p!Prussia stepped in with a scowl, "Let her go, Esther. Now."

"There you are~" 2p!America smirked, "Ready to join your brother~?"
Germany saw the blood as it started to soak her shirt and he clenched his jaw. He needed to hurry. "Fine." He growled out and squeezed the trigger, shooting 2p!Ireland in the leg twice, moving over to Ireland and moving between her and her doppelgänger, placing his gun against 2p!Ireland's temple and pushing her further away from Ireland and kicking the knife from her hand. "Lay on zhe ground." He ordered.

Saxony was just starting to slip into unconsciousness when 2p!Prussia came in, 2p!Saxony scowling and shoving herself away from Monika who coughed heavily, wheezing and gulping in air. "Vhat zhe hell are you doing ordering zhe awesome me around!?"

Alaska spun to face 2p!America, a handgun pointed at him and a scowl on her face, though she was still terrified. "Where the hell is Alfred? Tell me now or I'll shoot." She said; she had luckily found a spare gun in the spare room.
2p!Ireland scowled softly and got on the ground, "Gonna tie me up, too~?" Ireland looked up with dull eyes, "Lu't...wig...?"

2p!Prussia tried to look as calm as possible, "Birdie told me to come und check on you. You're being ein bad girl, Esther." He said lowly, "Alister, take her und teach her ein lesson." "With pleasure~ C'mon, yew Nazi bitch~ Mah trouser snake is in dire need of attention~" 2p!Scotland grabbed 2p!Saxony and started dragging her away

2p!America didn't look very intimidated, but he didn't move any closer; Villain or not, who wants to get shot? "Alfred? He's down in the crawl space, out like a light."
Germany made a face and slammed the butt of his gun against 2p!Ireland's head hard, hoping to knock her out and shut her up. He then turned to Ireland and started to undo the restraints, then he gently picked Ireland up and started towards the door. "Don't talk, liebe." He said tiredly.

2p!Saxony grumbled softly, but followed 2p!Scotland willingly. Saxony looked up at 2p!Prussia, watching him closely. "Vhat now...?" She asked, wishing she could close up her shirt.

Alaska slowly inched past him, hoping he didn't call her bluff on the unloaded gun and take a swing at her, keeping her gun pointed at 2p!America as she slowly made her way down the hall and to the stairs, then suddenly there was a loud thunk noise and Alaska dropped her gun, hitting the floor. 2p!Alaska stood behind her, holding a two by four; bending down and picking the gun up, she removed the clip and dropped it on the floor. It was completely empty.
2p!Ireland was out like a light. Ireland laid against Germany weakly, "Mo...ghra..."

He waited until the two were gone before turning to Saxony and Scotland, "Now," He pulled the blue contacts out of his eyes and grinned, "Your big bruder rescues you...!" "Gilbert, yew crafty fuhk." Scotland smirked. Prussia moved and unbound Saxony first, "Kesese~! I found zhe ozher me guarding ein closet. So, being Awesome, I tricked him into ein fight und beat him! He vas keeping Vest locked up." After Saxony was free, he undid Scotland's bindings too

2p!America moved and smirked, "Oh, there you are, Alison...took ya long enough."
Germany placed Ireland in the backseat of his car before he got into the drivers seat and sped towards a hospital at top speed. "Just stay avake liebe." He said as he drove.

Saxony rubbed her wrists and then buttoned up her shirt, moving over to Scotland. "Danke, bruder." She said, smiling softly, glad he had shown up. "Is Ludvig okay? Vhat about everyvone else?"

Alaska groaned and tried to get into a sitting position, 2p!Alaska only watched with bored eyes. "Shut up.... I came as soon ass I could, I was busy." She muttered softly.
Ireland nodded and kept her eyes open, or at least tried to

"Vest ist fine...he should be going to get Eire..." He answered. Scotland pat Prussia on the back, "Gewd tew see yew, Gil." "Kesesese~! I'm too awesome to be defeated!"

"Busy getting high, you useless little shit?" 2p!America scowled, "Fuck, you can't do a damn thing right unless you're in orbit, huh?"
Germany got to the hospital in record time and pulled Ireland from the back seat, carrying her inside and demanding that someone help her, a nurse rolled out a gurney and she had him lay Ireland down before they wheeled her off quickly.

Saxony glanced up the stairs. "Vhat are ve going to do about zhem? Ve zhouldm't let zhem just roam around."

"Somebody hasn't fucked Matt enough, huh? You're getting kinda grouchy, want me to call him?" She retorted as she watched Alaska try and struggle away, looking dazed.
"L-Lu'twig...!" Ireland called weakly, reaching out to him, not wanting to be alone as she was carted away

"Kesesese~! Don't vorry about zhem~!" Prussia pulled out a walkie talkie, "Zhey're secure! Do you see zhe targets?" "Aye! Oi got'em!" N. Ireland answered. Prussia grinned, "Now, you got zhe tranquilizers?" "Oi still t'ink we should kill 'em." "Nein. Just sedate zhem." "Yeh, yeh..."

2p!America scowled, "Haven't been sucking Dietrich's cock enough, sis? You look like you're suffering from withdrawls!"
Germany frowned and watched Ireland leave, pushing his stray hairs back with his hand.

Saxony blinked. "Is zhat Danny?" She asked, then made a noise, shaking her head, not wanting to have to know what he had to see.

"I was just gonna ask the same think, broski. Been craving for Matt to bend you over and fuck you nice and hard?" Alaska wheezed when 2p!Alaska tossed the two by four on her back, making her fall again. "Deal with her, I need to go get my pay." She muttered and turned to leave.
After a moment of silence, N. Ireland clicked over the walkie talkie, "Target's secure! They ar' out loike fukken loights!" "Good vork, Danny! I owe you ein beer!" Prussia grinned

"Nope." 2p!America snatched her arm hard and tossed her back over, "You're gonna fucking deal with that bitch instead of going off and getting high." He growled and left, locking the door behind him
Saxony gave a nod and headed upstairs, digging through one of the drawers and pulling out a few zip-ties. "Let's get zhem secured." She said and headed upstairs, going into Scotland's room; 2p!Saxony laid naked on the floor, a dart in her shoulder.

2p!Alaska got up and pulled her hood back onto her head, scowling before she grabbed Alaska by the arm and started to drag her to the basement, dragging her limp body down the stairs. Alaska groaned softly and closed her eyes, nauseous. "Dumb bitch." She muttered as she kicked her down the last five stairs, making her tumble to a stop on the ground; 2p!Alaska headed after her, moving over to the wall and pulling a chainsaw from its hook. "Time to finish this."
Prussia stayed outside of the room as Scotland followed after Saxony; 2p!Scotland was in a daze from the tranquilizer

"I don't think so! Get the hell away from my sister!" America growled and took the two by four, smacking 2p!Alaska hard in the back of the head
Saxony moved over and hauled 2p!Saxony up, wrapping a sheet around her before she zip-tied the 2p!'s wrists to one of the bed posts, tossing some zip-ties to Scotland.

2p!Alaska grunted and dropped the chainsaw before she fell forward on her face, out cold. Alaska laid on the ground, eyes closed but still breathing. "Al... Alfie...?" She murmured.
Scotland took the ties and tied 2p!Scotland to the other bed post, dusting off his hands, "Whut do we do with them? Cuz Ah'm nawt keeping them he-ar."

America moved to Alaska and gently helped her sit up, holding her firmly, "I'm here, Maddy, I got ok...?" He asked worriedly
"Ve could alvays ask zhem who sent zhem und vhy zhey vere sent." Saxony said, looking over to Scotland.

Alaska held onto America, hugging him tightly. "I'm so sorry...! I should've never left...!" She said. "You could've died, and it would have been all my fault...!"
"Sounds gewd tew me..." Scotland muttered

America held her tight, "Don't even worry...I gotta hard head, I'll be ok." America smiled
Saxony crouched down in front of 2p!Saxony and slapped her cheek roughly to rouse her. "Vake up." She said, but she only gave a low groan and tried to open her eyes, but couldn't. "Tch, vhat about him?"

Alaska pulled away and started to pat America down for any injuries. "A-Are you sure...?!" She asked, then her head gave a mighty throb and she doubled over, holding her head. "My head huuuuuuuuurrttttssss...." She whined.
Scotland nudged 2p!Scotland and the raven haired male made a noise, eyes half-lidded but open, "He's conscious."

"Don't worry, Maddy, I'll get these people out of our house and get you some pain killers." America assured
Saxony crouched in front of 2p!Scotland and grasped his chin, bringing his eyes level with hers. "Who sent you, vhat vas your purpose of doing all zhis?" She asked firmly.

Alaska looked up at him. "B-But won't you need help...?" Alaska asked, wincing when she sat up.
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