Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Saxony made a noise, looking at 2p!Scotland. "Vhat about him?" She said, motioning to him with her head.
"Tell us vere Matt is hiding out first." Saxony made a noise. "Und how do ve know you'll keep your vord?" She asked.
Saxony nodded and moved over, cutting the zip-tie off of 2p!Scotland and then doing the same for 2p!Saxony, moving away from both of them.
2p!Scotland stood and threw on his clothes, taking 2p!Saxony's jacket and wrapping her up in it before scooping her up and taking her away
Saxony looked to Scotland. "I'm still not sure as to vhere Matt vould be." She said with a frown.
Saxony frowned heavily and nodded. "Ve should go und see vhy he sent everyone out to harm us." She said, going to get her luger.
Saxony came back in a heavy overcoat, gun in hand. "Alright, let's go." She said, heading downstairs to the car.
Saxony got into the drivers seat and buckled up, waiting for Scotland and Prussia to get in the car before she started off to their old home.
"I'm actually a little nervous..." Prussia muttered. Scotland looked over, "Why?" "Zhat house ist full of dark memories..." Prussia muttered
Saxony was gripping the steering wheel hard and she looked more pale than usual. "Jah." She said quietly, sitting stiffly in her seat.
Saxony glanced over at Scotland, but didn't say anything, setting her jaw before she looked back to the road, driving for almost an hour before they pulled into a very secluded area, driving up to an old home that looked rather abandoned.
Saxony got out of the car and slowly looked to the house, swallowing a lump in her throat before she started towards it.
"H-Hey, Monika..." Prussia stayed near the car, looking guilty, "I-I'm sorry, but...I can't go in zhere...." "Why nawt?" Scotland asked. Prussia frowned, "Too many bad memories..."
Saxony looked back at Prussia and nodded, understanding completely. "Alright, Stay und make sure he doesn't try und get out zhe back vay, und alert us if anyone comes." She said, heading up the steps and to the front door, hands trembling.
Prussia nodded and sat against the car, keeping a watchful eye on the area. Scotland took Saxony's hand and gave a reassuring squeeze, "It's awl righ', ghaol..."
Saxony nodded and squeezed his hand back, opening the door and heading inside, gun ready and face set.
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