Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

"Sshh...its ok...I understand..." Prussia assured gently. Scotland came out dragging 2p!Canada, "We're gonna get Danny an' gather up awl these fuck'rs."
Saxony nodded, then glanced to Scotland when he came out, feeling ashamed that she had broken down in front of him, but she sucked it up and slowly stood. "J-Jah.."
2p!Canada said nothing as he sat in the back with Scotland. Prussia got in next to Saxony and frowned softly, "Let's gazher zhem all up und zhen Iain und I vill take care of zhem."

A doctor walked over to Germany, "Herr Weillschmidt?"
Saxony nodded. "Who vill ve go after first?" She asked, starting up the car and heading out, leaving the horrible memories behind.

Germany looked up, standing and nodding. "Jah, is Ire- Eire alright?" He asked.
"Let's get Esther and Alister first..." Matt said. Scotland nodded, "They shouldn't be too hard to find."

The doctor made a small noise, "Well..." He hesitated, not really knowing how to explain the situation to the grief stricken German
Saxony nodded and thought where they might be, keeping focused on driving. "Any ideas on vhere zhey gazher?"

Germany felt his heart sink. "Vhat happened to her?" He asked. "Is she okay?"
"Probably out fucking or drinking, eh." 2p!Canada said simply

The doctor looked down at his clipboard, "She's lost a considerable amount of blood, Herr Weillschmidt...the stress her body endured caused a great deal of damage to the will be a miracle if it doesn't miscarry...and if it does manage to survive, the child will have severe health problems..."
Saxony nodded and headed to the bar the closest to Scotland's house, pulling into the parking lot and getting out.

Germany felt like he was going to faint and he slowly sat down, holding his head and staring at his feet. "How is she...? Is she going to be okay?"
Scotland offered to stay and keep 2p!Canada in check. Prussia went in with Saxony, spotting 2p!Scotland at the bar instantly

"Frau Eire is fine; she's resting comfortably in her room, if you wish to see her..." He answered
Saxony moved over to 2p!Saxony who was sitting beside 2p!Scotland, muttering sourly to herself and downing her beer, already tipsy. Saxony pressed her gun against 2p!Saxony's back and made sure it was hidden from sight; 2p!Saxony stiffened and glared ahead. "Oh goodie, it's zhe hure. Vhat do you vant?" "Get up, ve're leaving."

Germany nodded and after he got her room number, he went to Ireland's room, closing the door quietly behind him and moving over to Ireland. "Liebe..." He frowned down at her condition, sitting beside her in a chair.
2p!Scotland looked and sighed, "Great...yew a-gain.." "Make zhis easier for zhe bozh of you und come qvitely..." Prussia said

Ireland's body was wrapped from her neck down, barely awake from the sheer amount of pain she was in. They couldn't give her pain killers because she was pregnant so she was forced to sit through the pain. She couldn't turn to look at him but she managed a weak smile, "M-Mo...ghra..."
Saxony kept her gun pointed at 2p!Saxony who grumbled more and stood up. "I'll be glad to zhank zhat little snipper of yours." She hissed through clenched teeth.

Germany forced a sad, weak smile. "Liebe..." His voice cracked and his façade faltered, smile melting away; he hung his head in his hands as tears fell down his face. "If only I had come sooner..."
"Kesesese~ Danny ist wunderbare~" Prussia said. 2p!Scotland sighed, "Guess we're goin' hohm, Esther..."

Ireland frowned, "Mo ghra, nah, don' croi, plees...Oi couldn' bear i's if ye croid..."
Saxony escorted the two with her brother and the 2p!'s got in the back seat; 2p!Saxony glared at 2p!Canada. "You moose humping deutschbag! You sold us out, didn't you?!" She hissed as Saxony got into the drivers seat.

Germany shook his head more, his hear becoming slightly messy. "I'm so sorry, liebe....!"
"The hell did you just call me?" 2p!Canada growled. 2p!Scotland sighed and sat between them, "Shut it."

"Lu'twig..." She frowned and sat up slowly, wincing and whining in pain
2p!Saxony scowled and looked away from 2p!Canada. "Zhe awesome me doesn't deserve zhis." She muttered. "I'm too awesome." She said sourly and Monika headed back to Scotland's house, once there, she led 2p!Saxony inside the house, going to retrieve some zip-ties. After all the 2p!'s had been patted down and all their weapons had been confiscated, Saxony looked to Prussia, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. "So... Who's going to vatch zhem all?"

Germany looked up when she gasped and he stood up quickly, but didn't touch her. "Liebe...! Lay back down...!" He said quickly.
"Oi will." N. Ireland said as he cocked his Colt, making his 2p self flinch and whine in fear. 2p!Ireland scowled and glared at her brother, "Don't be such a pussy, Daire."

"N-Nah...! O-Oi'm foi- AAHH!!" Ireland fell back and began to cry as a tremendous amount of pain shot through her body, a couple spots on her bandages turning red with fresh blood
Saxony nodded and glanced over at all of them; 2p!Germany was sitting quietly in his chair and 2p!Saxony was complaining to 2p!Prussia that she was to awesome for this kuhscheisse. Saxony turned back to Prussia and Scotland. "Alright, ve have ein very large list to complete, let's get started."

Germany moved to the door and called for a nurse, his eyes wide and he started to look drained, nurses coming in to check on Ireland.
"For fuck's sake, Esther, shut zhe hell up. I'm tired of hearing your "I'm awesome! I'm awesome!" kuhscheisse. If you vere awesome, you vouldn't be tied up, jah?" 2p!Prussia growled, making 2p!Scotland smirk. 2p!Ireland cozied up to 2p!Germany, "Zip ties, love~ bring back memories of our honeymoon~?" She cooed. Prussia rubbed his temples, "Gut Gott...I say ve all take turns taking zhem home."

"O-Oi'm foine! Oi sw'ar!" Ireland whimpered, "Oi jus' nee't ta sit up!" "You should've called for help!" One nurse scolded. Ireland shot death at her and started cursing at her loudly in Gaelic, biting back the sobs of pain
"Vhy don't you shut zhe hell up..?! I didn't ask for your kuhscheisse opinion anyvay!" 2p!Saxony hissed back and glared at 2p!Scotland, elbowing him as hard as she could while restrained. 2p!Germany glanced over to 2p!Ireland and made a noise. "Jah." Was all he said. "Jah, zhat vould be for zhe best..." She agreed.

Germany moved between Ireland and the nurse to break up the swearing fight, sighing softly after the nurse was gone. "Liebe... She is right... You should've asked for help.."
"You know, love, we haven't made love in a very long time~ can you please show me how much you love me when we get home~?" 2p!Ireland bat her long eyelashes at him, "I've been good, haven't I~?" 2p!Scotland grunted when 2p!Saxony nudged him but he said nothing. "If you didn't ask for mein opinion, zhen don't bitch at me." 2p!Prussia growled. N. Ireland's trigger finger twitched, "Must. Kill. All of them." "Nein! Nein! Calm down, Danny!" Prussia panicked.

Ireland whimpered, "O-Oi'm sarry, mo ghra...Oi jus' wanted tu assure ye that Oi wuz a'kay..."
"M-Maybe someone else should stay vis zhem- No offense, Danny..." Saxony said and watched as 2p!Saxony tried to kick 2p!Prussia in the shin; 2p!Germany made another grunt, his grunt of agreement, giving the faintest of nods.

Germany shook his head. "Don't vorry about it, liebe." He said, sitting down in his seat again.
2p!Ireland looked ecstatic as she purred sexy words in Gaelic in his ear. N. Ireland shuddered, knowing exactly what she was saying, "Oi don' car' jus' git them away frum me." He said dryly. "I could call Vest, but...he's probably vis Eire..." Prussia said. N. Ireland and Scotland's attention turned on him quickly, "Whut tha hell happened!?" They both snapped, making Prussia jump

Ireland frowned, "Oi promise Oi'll be lawng as ye stay wit' me, Lu'twig..." She said weakly
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