Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

"Haha..." She yawned and snuggled closer. "Just go back to sleep..." She said, hugging him tightly.
In the morning, Alaska was tangled in the sheets, still snuggled against America, breathing evenly.
Alaska slowly started to wake up, stretching and yawning, sitting up and looking over to America before she poked him in the side lightly, flopping back onto the bed again. "Dude..." She said tiredly. "You're snoring..."
Alaska propped herself up on her elbows and looked to America, then she slowly crawled over so she could rest her chin on his arm, letting her arms fall across him lazily, taking in a long, deep breath. "AAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE...!!!"
Alaska flopped off of America, holding her hands up when she saw he had a gun in his hands. "Dude..! Sorry, your snoring was really loud...! I didn't mean to scare you..!" She said.
America looked and sighed, setting the gun aside, "Sheesh, Maddy...all the shit that's been happening, can you really blame me for having this thing?" He asked softly
Alaska wormed her way over and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Sorry bro..." She said, hugging herself close. "I didn't mean to scare you."
Alaska flopped back and nodded, holding one of his pillows against her chest. "Okay...." She said through a yawn. "You gonna go back to bed too...?" She asked, looking up at him and flashing a tired smile.
America looked at the clock and frowned, "Can't...I gotta go to a Conference in a couple hours..." He crawled out of bed and stretched, "You can tag along if you want, you just gotta sit outside the conference room."
Alaska groaned. "How come I can't ever go inside? I wanna listen into the meeting as well." She said with a faint frown.
"You aren't a Nation, can't be there to listen..." He told her as he grabbed a suit from his closet, "But...I hear Eire is still hospitalized...she needs a stand in...Gil is standing in for Ludwig since he's still with Eire..."
Alaska sat up, interested. "What does a stand in do anyway? Do I have to learn about Eire's past, cuz I totally will dude." She said, eyes shining excitedly.
America chuckled, "No, all you gotta do is sit in her chair and bring up issues she needs dealt with. I'm sure Iain will give you a few of her papers." He said, "We'd have Danny sit in for her but he's not allowed at Conference meetings anymore..."
Alaska bounced off the bed and hurried to her room. "Sweet...!" She grinned brightly as she dug through her clothes, looking for something appropriate to wear.
America grabbed his suit and went to take a shower, calling Scotland before hand to let him know that Alaska was gonna stand in for Ireland. When Scotland agreed, America thanked him, hung up and continued to get ready
Alaska hopped into the shower as well, having picked out a skirt suit; after her shower she blew her hair dry and got dressed, letting out a nervous breath.
Alaska came out of her room, fixing the buttons on her shirt with a nod. "Yup...!" She grinned excitedly.
Alaska followed close behind America, hurrying over to her side of the car and getting in and buckling up.
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