Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Alaska watched America, surprised at how seriously he took his work, only having mainly seen his goofy or protective side, she was impressed.
"Maddy, does Eire have any issues that need attention?" America asked. Ireland's papers held little issues that she could more than likely handle herself. Though there was one important matter that she needed handled; she was dreading another potato famine because her crops weren't growing as well as they used to
Alaska nodded. "The Republic of Ireland is fearing another potato famine because her crops aren't growing as well." She reported.
"Anyone got any ideas?" America asked. Scotland sipped his coffee/scotch, "We could send her some food." "Ve could find a vay to get zhe crops growing again!" Prussia chimed.
"Alright, now that we have that issue settled, anyone else?" Britain piped up, looking around the table.
"Ar'nt yew tha carin' oldar brothar." Scotland glared death at Britain but the room was silent after that; meaning there were no other issues to be settled.
Britain looked at everyone except Scotland. "Alright, now that that's done and over with, let end this bloody meeting already."
"So pushy..." America muttered and dismissed the meeting. Scotland stood and moved to the door, walking in Britain's direction to get to it. He shoved Britain hard into the table before he kept on walking
"The bloody hell?! Watch where you're going you git!" Britain snapped at Scotland, straightening himself up and scowling.
Scotland stopped and turned on his heel, "Whut wus that, Arthur? I didn't heer yew ovar tha sound ov mah preparing tew ram mah foot up yer erse." He growled, emerald eyes cold and dark
Britain paled and held up his hands. "N-Nothing, please, continue...!" He said, motioning for Scotland to go ahead of him.
Britain let out a breath before he hurried out, waiting until Scotland had left before he got into his car and started off.

Germany had requested Ireland something for lunch so when she woke, she would get her food ready to eat when she wanted it. Sitting back down he looked over Ireland, who's cuts were healing nicely, though they'd leave scars.

Saxony was on the couch in one of Scotland's shirts, laying with her arm over her eyes. When she heard the door unlock and open she uncovered one eye and looked over, making a noise and shifting. "Your scotch-coffee is on zhe table, liebe." She called.
Ireland groaned softly and slowly opened her eyes, "Lu't...wig...?" She called softly, vision blurred slightly by sleep.

Scotland moved over and kissed her forehead, "Thanks, ghaol.."
Germany stood up and moved over, taking her good hand gently. "Jah, I'm here, liebe." He said softly.

Saxony made a noise and leaned up, kissing his cheek before laying back down. "I need to make some coffee... I have ein horrible headache..." She said as she stood up slowly and headed for the kitchen.
Ireland smiled weakly and tiredly, able to turn her head enough to look at him without it hurting, "Mo ghra...y'r still here..."

"Nah...stay on the couch...Ah'll git'cha some coffee..." Scotland said
"Of course I'm still here, liebe...!" Germany said. "Vhy vouldn't I be...?"

Saxony yawned and flopped back down on the couch. "Danke, liebe..." She said softly as she nuzzled into a couch pillow.
"Oi had a dream where ye left..." Ireland said softly, frowning.

Scotland smiled softly and made Saxony some coffee and grabbed his coffee/scotch, moving back and handing Saxony her caffine
Germany kissed her hand softly, shaking his head and smiling sadly. "Nein, I'd never leave you." He said.

Saxony took her coffee gratefully and patted the spot beside her, sipping the coffee happily.
Ireland smiled softly and tried to sit up so she could eat

Scotland sat with her and drank his alcoholic coffee, "Be glad yew warn't at the meeting.."
Germany helped her sit up slowly, making sure not to touch the more deep cuts as he did so, calling the nurse in so she could bring Ireland's food to her.

Saxony blinked and looked up at Scotland. "Vhat happened?" She asked, leaning against him.
Germany put a few pillows behind Ireland before he uncovered her food. "Do you need help eating, liebe?"

Saxony frowned and took a drink of her coffee. "I'm sorry about zhat, liebe."
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