Obsessed [(A Naruto RP) LadyYunaFFX2 & Jugger82's 1x1]

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Her voice had been relatively soft to ensure Nathan didn't hear this. Honestly, a part of her was terrified on how he would react if any of this reached his ears. She'd never once forgotten the words he'd once told her ...

"I'd never want another Sensei .... "

But ... the way he pushed her ... it seemed like he didn't want much of anything, much less her. Well, not in the appropriate ways. And that was more than enough for her to have done this. Her head shook softly as she massaged her forehead.

"He .. he seems like a feral animal that direly wants it's freedom. I can't blame him ... to some extents but ... " She groaned softly. "The easiest thing seems to just allow him that .... if you want an extra precaution, do so as an exile. But ... I don't know if we should resort to ANBU yet. I ... I've been thinking of just removing the tracking device and saying he can leave if he wants to so badly. It doesn't make sense to keep him here if he doesn't want to live as a shinobi."

She nodded lightly to herself, ensuring the words had been right and fair. From what she heard, it seemed so. Even during the call, her ears remained open and alert for hints of Nathan and if he was still in the shower or if he'd already finished and was listening to the talk.
Darian's sigh from the other end was heavy...obviously since the volume of it on her end would be quite a bit loud. "Fine...Fine...Release him. If you think he can behave himself and not act another act of crime...then do it. I'll start on some paperwork to get another student assigned to you as soon as you send in your report of this. I'll leave this decision up to you, Hinata." He replied and hung up the phone. By now, Nathan would have left the shower and was redressed in a tanktop and some boxer shorts. He laid in his bed, eyes closed as he snuggled relaxedly into the cushion.
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"Alright. Sorry if I disturbed you." Hanging up gently, she bit down on her lip as she gazed down. She had the consent ... but was this the right thing to do? Maybe one last talk would determine it all better. Nodding to herself, she headed to Neji's room and saw that thankfully he was now decent. Glancing down right into his eyes, she sighed softly. For a bit, she merely studied him ... and then finally spoke up. "Nathan ... you know what I've wanted for so long and am re-thinking about. Right now, however, I want to know .... what do you want? You haven't seemed to desire being a shinobi despite also having said you wouldn't want another sensei. Do you really still want to be a student ... or are you that desperate for freedom? Because ... if you want it so badly .... I can remove that right now."
He heard her walk in and opened his eyes, and saw as she just seemed to watch his own. When she spoke up, Nathan listened to her words and stayed silent for a moment. What DID he want? He wanted his freedom, yes...but he had a place to stay now. A roof over his head, food in his stomach without having to steal it, and someone to keep him in shape...Maybe it was just the fact that he felt like a prisoner in a prison because of this tracker on his wrist. "Remove it." That was all he said to her as he held his arm out toward her. The tracker looked the same, minus some gnaw marks on it from his teeth.
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The answer was no shock to Hinata. It would have been more so if he hadn't asked for it off really. Nodding softly, she gently lifted his arm up, knowing what she was looking for. It was very small and unless one knew what it was and where to find it, it was close to impossible to detect. With a deft tug, Hinata pulled off what had appeared to merely be a small strip of paper but seconds after that, the device fell off his wrist. Holding her free hand out, she caught the tracker.

"I ... figured as much. I ... I'll leave you be. I doubt you want to remain here much longer so ... " Her head bowed to him as she turned and headed back to her room, tossing the seal and device away, sitting back down on her bed afterwards. She listened silently, expecting to hear a window or door open soon enough to signal Nathan leaving.
After she had left, the first thing Nathan did was go to the bathroom and wash his wrist thoroughly, feeling the skin underneath 'dirty' compared to the rest of him. After that was said and done, he returned to his bed and laid down in it, eyes closed as he slept even more soundly without the device pressing into his skin as he slept. If Hinata was still listening intently by then, she might have been able to hear the faint sounds of his snoring, signalling his slumber in Neji's old room and his new room.
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Hinata's eyebrow raised slightly as she heard the snoring. Peeking in, she noted Nathan sound asleep. For now ... she decided he could sleep. But when he woke up ... she would see about helping him seek a place for himself. After all, he didn't seriously intend on staying here ... did he? That ... seemed silly, especially if he also had no intentions on remaining as her student. She refused - and if she didn't, her father would - to just allow a man she barely knew to reside here. Rent free too .. and live off in her home. No, that wouldn't be fair.

That could be discussed later though. Right now, she decided to take advantage of the fact she had promised they both could relax. Heading back into her room, she laid down upon her own bed. Yawning softly, she murmured softly, "What a confusing one he is ... ", easily falling asleep soon afterwards, her chest steadily rising and falling.
The next morning, Nathan awoke at the crack of dawn and headed out to the training room. He walked in, and meditated a bit to make it easier on his chakra to flow through his body. He had three training dummies lined up in front of him for when he would actually practice...and when the sky had a brighter tinge of blue, his eyes would open and he'd focus his chakra into his fists, causing them to glow with a small brown light. He rushed forward, his hands becoming rugged and sharp as he punched and swiped at the training dummies. The rock-on-metal collisions sent loud clangs throughout the area, signalling a wakeup call for Hinata and any Hyuugas within the mansion. By the time anyone would even find him, the training dummies would lie in pieces around him as he sat down and begun to meditate again, his hands returning to normal.
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Hinata had been in the midst of waking up when she heard the loud noises. Not bothering to slip shoes on, she ran and saw that at least none of the estate had been hurt but ... those dummies were definitely beyond repair. A sigh left as her eyes glanced down. First clearing her throat, Hinata then began to spoke. "Morning. I ... am confused. You ... want your freedom. I gave you that so ... why are you here? You've never shown a true interest in being my student or a shinobi. You are not going to remain and live off me and my family. Please ... leave before I get Darian or ANBU here."
"Who said I wanted to leave? And who said I didn't want to be your student?" He replied and stood up to look at her. "I was just pissed off about this tracker. A whole month of me being here and you hadn't trusted me enough to remove it from me? Thats why I was getting annoyed with you. And besides. It isn't like I haven't thought things through. If I leave, I'll be homeless and stealing again. With you, I got a roof over my head and food, and you get to keep me as a student...for whatever that is worth. I told you already, I wouldn't have any other sensei than you, Hyuuga."
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"W-well .. that's how it seemed. You refused to obey orders the one mission we went on and even before then, you didn't really listen to me as a sensei. You constantly tried to run ... disobey me. So ... I didn't think you'd want to stay in Konohagakure. You seemed to want freedom ... complete, total freedom so I gave it to you." Unfortunately, Nathan had his own points regarding himself. He would be stealing, more likely than not, if he left. She stared at him more quietly, leaning against the wall behind her.

Her eyes blinked slowly as she continued to gaze at him, remaining silent for what felt like quite a while. Finally, she nodded and sighed softly. " ... Are you willing to prove I can begin to trust you now then? To prove I didn't make a mistake by allowing the device to leave your flesh? Because if not ... I will go through with getting someone here. Simple as that but I will not just let you live off me or my family. That's not right nor fair ... and I'm not going to allow it."
"I'm still here, aren't I? I won't run away under your care." He replied as he walked over to her and patted her shoulder. "You can't let just one slip-up on my part ruin an entire month of me working hard under your care." He sighed. "What are you going to do, Hyuuga? Are you going to teach me or are you going to release me? I'll leave if you want me to leave. And I won't guilt-trip you into keeping me here. I'll leave and never come back if you want me to, Hyuuga."
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Hinata remained silent once again, trying to listen to all the options going through her head and figure out what was fair and right to say. Rubbing her forehead slightly, she glanced back up to Nathan, looking into his eyes. "I want whatever you do. If you truly want to remain and stay as my student ... I won't push for it. But I'm very serious on not allowing you to remain here and live off us. Just be honest if not with yourself, with me. I don't want this to end up being some sort of act ... some trick. So you tell me ... and be completely honest with me ... is this really what you want? To stay here and be my student?"
"If it means a place to stay and food...I don't care. I'll be your s;ave for a glass of water and bread everyday if you asked. Just something." He shrugged. "I'd rather live clean than live dirty, though I still want the freedom to act on my own without feeling like a prisoner being judged for every little thing I do." Nathan shrugged. "Anyway...Today is another day for us to spar or do a mission or whatever. What did you have in mind that we could do today, Hyuuga? Spar? Escort someone? Do some errands again?"
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"N-no. That won't be necessary, really. Just ... behave and cooperate. That would be all I'd ask of you." She would hold him to these words ... but gods help her if he broke this promise ... she wasn't sure what she would wind up doing. Nodding in understanding, she then glanced up, trying to think on an agenda for today. "Missions, unfortunately, need to be obtained ahead of time in order to do them. However, I can see about getting one that we can do in a few days maybe. Today .... will be your first test. I'll allow you to remain behind, not follow, if you wish to resume your meditating and training. However ... I also expect you to be here still, working on improving yourself and your abilities when I return. Does that sound fair?" She offered.
"Sounds fair enough to me. I mean, I already woke up early and began my training regime in order to tighten up my body's skin and muscles." He pointed to the debris that was the training dummies after he got through with them. "Think I overdid it a bit?" He laughed lightly and returned to the spot in the room where he meditated before. "You go on ahead and do whatever it is you need to do. I'll be right here when you get back, Hyuuga. Either meditating or training. Go on."
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She managed a small smile as she looked back down to the shattered dummies. Hinata would give credit where it was due; for not having a bloodline - none she knew of anyways - he was rather strong. Actually, some of the best Taijutsu users didn't have one she realized; maybe she should have expected this to be his forte upon learning that much of him. "Well ... somewhat. I am grateful at least the walls are still intact. Please though ... do be careful. We only have so many dummies around ... if you break them all, you won't be able to use them."

Giving Nathan a bow of her head, she headed out the front door and to the Hokage's office. She was still trying to figure out how to go about the talk they'd had regarding Naruto ... though she was steadily leaning towards - reluctantly but still - giving up. Nathan had definitely pointed out a lot to her; all of which was the truth. It hurt ... definitely. But maybe ... she'd waited more than long enough. Maybe ... she should move on.

Sighing softly, her feet easily guided her into the Hokage's office, her hand extending out. Within seconds, a file was placed into her hand. Taking a glance over it, Hinata nodded slowly before bowing her head to Tsunade. "Thank you ... " She replied softly before excusing herself, re-reading over the file as she left.

It was an A, nearly S, mission. In concept, half of it - the finding and capturing someone - was similar to the last one. This person, however, was a missing nin whom had originally been from Kumogakure. Seeing that name made her unable to help but tremble a bit; her family had a horrid history with them and though it was supposed to have been settled, she heard of those few rebels who would dare to break tradition and peace. She almost feared ... this may have been one.

Don't make assumptions ... She said, trying to reassure herself she was just over-thinking. With a deep sigh, she walked back in and headed outside, the file still in her hand as she looked around for Nathan.
All the while she was gone, he had been practicing his taijutsu both on training dummies and surrounding trees in the area. He cut them down with his bare hands and legs, and chopped them up into firewood for the household, which he piled up on the side of the estate closest to the area he had cut down. "At least if they don't use the firewood, I cleared up some room for a new building at least." He laughed lightly and returned to the training room, but on the way he saw Hinata returning. He walked behind her and tapped her shoulder. "Hello there, Hyuuga. Tell me...How was your trip? As you can see, I'm still here and had not ran away while you were gone."
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As her shoulder got tapped, she turned and saw Nathan behind - now in front - of her. Managing a small smile, she then handed the file over to him. "I can't emphasize enough on this one though ... please wait for my orders and listen to them. Kumogakure nin are as good in taijutsu as we are; this is not a mission we can rush into recklessly. Promise me that when we head out in a few days, you won't repeat things similar to what occurred in the first mission. Please ... "
"Yeah alright." He smiled and patted her head, almost petting her even. "I promise you I won't act without permission. Besides..." He pulled out a small grenade, the fuse having been removed. "As much as I love things that go boom, I'll skip out on using this." He pocketed it and winked to her. He then finally opened the file and began to read about the rogue nin that had been their target for them. "So...Any of them you know?" He handed her the file again. "And what are we sitting around for? Lets go ahead and get this mission underway."
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Her head shook no regarding if she knew the rogue shinobi they were to find. "Just the nation. My clan ... has a bit of a history with them and it never exactly got solved permanently so ... " She turned away from him, swallowing softly. "I ... was intending on getting a few days of training - mental more than physical - in for this. My last visit there ... wasn't exactly pleasant, to say the least. And prior till now, I've never had to go back there again. So ... it's very .... nerve-wracking for me."
"Well then lets train for a bit before we head out...the mission didn't say we had to do it within a certain time period. I'll be here to train here with you, Hyuuga." He smiled and patted her head once more. "Take as long as you need to train...You say you need mental training though?" His supportive smile turned into a questioned frown. "What kind of mental training...? What did you have in mind...?" Nathan was confused. He didn't know the details as to what happened in Kumogakure, but he didn't want to press her on the matter. Though...he would try and find out eventually what the deal was. He hated being the clueless one in a situation involving him.
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Her mind was too focused to note how Nathan had pet her head several times now already. Glancing down, she tried to figure out what type of training she even needed? After a bit, she nodded slowly and exhaled deeply. "See ... they want my eyes ... to literally remove them and learn the secrets of the Byakugan. So ... if worst came to worst somehow and one or - gods forbid - both of us got captured .... I need to be stronger, mentally especially. So I guess ... something .... to somehow help out should things resort to that? I'm ... not certain what type of training that would be exactly." She went silent, allowing Nathan to process all the information, adding in as a thought came to her.

"Admittedly, I don't know for sure if this is one of the nin who was so adamant on trying to get my eyes. Still ... much better safe than sorry as they say. I'd still like to try to prepare ... somehow ... "
"Then it seems you need to prep your mind by physically training. You sound like you're unsure of your skills, or worried about my own safety. How about we spar for a bit? Show our true extent, no holding back whatsoever. Aim at the intent to kill one another but without killing one another. We won't know how good we truly are unless we try fully...Hyuuga." He smiled once more to try and cheer up the girl. "Come on. I'll see you at the practice field. I'll be waiting and expecting a good fight from my favorite sensei." He turned and began to head out toward the practice field...hoping his optimism would rub off on her somehow.
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Indeed, the poor heiress was unsure of her abilities. Even against Pein, she'd given 110 .. maybe 200% effort and still lost. Nearly died, to be more accurate. Just because the mission hadn't been labeled S, Hinata knew all too well that meant nothing. In fact, it could have been an S or higher ... if there were such thing. Sighing softly, she watched Nathan walk away, following a few moments after. She stared silently into his eyes as she got across from him ... and then got into a stance.

Bowing her head, she kept eye contact as well as possible while getting ready for the spar that was to come. " .... Ready then, Nathan?" She asked softly, as if asking if he was sure of his own idea. Like he'd pointed out various times before in the past ... with or without the Juken activated, his body hadn't been able to take much punishment.

True ... he also suggested no holding back and while it would work for him, it would for herself also. She could only hope he truly understood what he'd just asked for.
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