Obsessed [(A Naruto RP) LadyYunaFFX2 & Jugger82's 1x1]

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"Admittedly, I'm not sure myself. They probably should be sending more out, yes. He's managed to kill even some of the strongest ANBU and ROOT that have been sent after him. But ... this was what the mission said to do. Hopefully ... he won't be one of the rebels who wanted to go against the peace treaty which was attempted to be made between our clan and Kumogakure. It ... became official but some have still tried to go against it, regardless." A small smile managed to cross her face upon hearing him vow he'd help ensure she remain safe enough.

"Thank you, Nathan. I ... still am somewhat nervous though not nearly as much." Exhaling softly, she then listened to him reveal why the jutsu may have backfired .. and nodded to him softly. "All summoning jutsus require a blood pact with the animal or creature you wish to summon. Before we arrive ... you should do that to ensure when we find our target, there won't be even the slightest risk of the jutsu failing again. I don't have one, personally, but I have seen it done from a few others within Konohagakure."

Her violet eyes remained in front of him, only glancing back to ensure she wasn't walking too fast. Aside from those select few times, she kept her focus purely upon their target and destination, noting where they were and how far they still had to go. About another day, maybe day and a half, assuming no other bandits or anything of the like tried to slow them down.
"Are you certain you want me to practice? What if I use up all of my chakra again and become a limp corpse like before?" He frowned and began to think on the matter. "Well...Alright...I can try but there is no guarantee that it will work...or stay up more than a minute. Which still might be more useful than you think." He stepped back and used his teeth to prick his thumb. Pulling out a sheet of paper that he drew on, it had contained the summoning circle which he began to start placing his blood in the right spot. He put the paper down onto the ground, and repeated the jutsu like before. His hands began to furiously make handsigns and his body would slowly begin to become engulfed within the ground until he was completely swallowed. It would be silent, and then suddenly the same scene played out as before. Two giants hands appearing and pulling the rest of the body out. However, this time the body was smaller...but much more finely shaped with Nathan's head being at the head rather than poking out of the chest. "This is how it is supposed to look at least..." He murmured as he looked down to Hinata. He was still as tall as he was when he last did the jutsu, but the body was much more healthy in appearance. "Shall we see how long I can keep it going...?"
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Hinata watched silently, giving Nathan a reassuring smile that he would do well. Her head finally shook no, however, at the last question. "No ... you need to make a pact, an agreement with it first. Do that now while it's before you ... it'll determine how to go about that. I'm not completely sure otherwise how it works." While he was in the midst of doing that, though, she kept her eyes out to watch his back. Things could - and would - go very badly if someone were to interrupt this ... and that was the last thing either of them, Nathan especially, would need.
"An agreement...I don't recall mother ever making a pact...but she might have done it long before I was born." He looked down to his rock body of armor and wondered how he should make the pact. "Gaia...Guardian of the Earth...My name is Nathan Stone. My mother was your last pact member, and now I request for you assistance for battles to come...Do you accept me, Gaia?" He felt awkward talking to the rock golem underneath him, and then he looked to Hinata. "Like that...?"
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Hinata gave Nathan an affirmative nod, otherwise remaining relatively silent. "As far as I've been told, yes. It's up to Gaia if she wants more than a mere blood oath from you or not ... though honestly the more .... 'vile' summons do something like that. It has been heard of, though, that the 'neutrals' and even some corrupt 'good' ones may ask for quite a bit." Having never actually seen a pact being officially made, Hinata couldn't help but look up and listen, intrigued. She was personally curious how this would go ... and added a silent prayer that they would be one of the few that would just accept someone wishing to make a bond between them and leave it at that. If worst came to worst, yes she could watch over Nathan while he rested up -- he already would regardless of what was or wasn't asked for him. But the less they wanted, the better for them.
Silently the arms of the golem began to raise itself toward Nathan's head. "Woah woah whats this? This isn't me!" He murmured as he seemed to struggle inside of the golem. The index finger of the right hand began to pet the boy, and he seemed to look dumbfounded before the golem went limp, giving Nathan full control. He looked around, and tried lifting the arms of the golem, which worked. "I think...It accepted me, Hinata..." He murmured as he began to walk. "It feels much easier to walk in it too...much easier than when I used it before...Interesting..."
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Hinata's muscles tensed, ready to break into a run if she needed to help out. Admittedly, this thing could have easily crushed her if she didn't have her bloodline or Juken. Not that it couldn't; it would just be much easier if she didn't have it. But Nathan had no bloodline she knew of to help him out with lessening the damage. Thankfully, however, it didn't try to crush him despite seeming that way at first. Sighing softly in relief, she gave Nathan a nod. "Yes, it seems it has. Do you want to get used to the feeling first before moving onward?" She offered, her body relaxing upon seeing he wasn't in any risk of danger from the summoning pact.
He began to move around a bit more, and then turned to her. "It feels like I'm not even wearing this thing yet I feel the power brimming through the suit..." He replied as he slammed a hand down onto his rock armored chest. "I didn't even feel a thing...pain wise...but I still felt the vibrations..." He seemed to go sick from the violent vibrations of the impact upon his chest, stirring up the food he had eaten and irritating his stomach. He soon calmed down, and the suit slowly melded into the ground once dismissed. "Alright...I feel better...Are you ready to go...?"
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By the time night fell, they were about half way to the outskirts of Kumogakure. A yawn left Hinata's lips as her pace became slower, the use of her eyes having been kept on for so long finally taking it's toll upon her. Forcing herself to deactivate them, she managed to hold onto a nearby tree, her hand lightly shaking. A weak chuckle and soft smile crossed her lips. "Sorry ... I ... think ... I overdid it. Though ... " Glancing around while still holding on, she nodded slowly. "I ... think this .. would be a decent place ... to rest up for the night anyways."
He walked over to her and helped her stand, hooking her arm over his shoulder as he did the same to her so he could hold her up. "Just rest...I'll get a fire going and the tent set up." He replied as he laid her down by the tree, and proceeded to do so. First he got twigs and branches piled up, then used flint to start the fire. Next, he began to unpack their tent...and propped it up for her. "Here's your sleeping arrangement, sensei." Nathan had only brought one...one for her.
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"T-thank you.... " She murmured, the new and much weaker tone hinting how much of a toll the bloodline had taken on her. Whilst Nathan went about preparing the tent, her eyes went through REM. A few times, she slumped forward towards the fire, almost falling too close. Thankfully, the new source of heat made her eyes shoot open and help her remain conscious long enough for Nathan to finish making the tent. Her head bowed weakly as she stumbled inside, not caring if there was a sleeping bag in or not. Once her head found some version of a pillow or area to sleep upon and her eyes closed ... poor Hinata was out, too exhausted to be afraid of how dangerously close she would soon be nearby a nation that her clan had never gotten along well with.
He saw that she had no sort of sleeping arrangement...as he had forgotten to pack the sleeping bags. He frowned...and looked around, feeling a bit awkward. He figured they wouldn't stay up late, so he went to put out the fire for the night and returned inside, lifting Hinata's head gently so that she could now rest her head on his chest as he lay beside her as her pillow. "Good night, Sensei..." He said gently as he closed his eyes and followed suit with Hinata, falling fast asleep.
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Despite having forgotten sleeping bags, Hinata had remembered to bring food and rations along at least. So as her stomach woke her by clenching, she gently moved her head off Nathan's chest, slipping off towards their bags. After fishing around, she found some of the sandwiches she'd packed away. Unwrapping a peanut butter and jelly one, she began lightly nibbling on it. They would both need all of their strength ... food would help out with that. And with how much Hinata had drained herself, she definitely had to eat. Her ears remained alert as she ate silently. In situations like this, she knew being too cautious was better than not enough.
Nathan had been fast asleep by the time Hinata would awaken from her exhausted slumber. He was in a deep sleep of his own, though he was not as hungry as her. Had he remained with Gaia any longer and he may have been in the same state as Hinata, though a bit more mobile and not as exhausted. However, he would be hungry. He felt a bit awkward without the extra weight of her head on his chest, and this would soon stir him from his sleep to see Hinata start eating a sandwich. He slightly laughed a bit and closed his eyes to try and sleep once more.
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Normally, Hinata would have scolded him for going back to bed. But she didn't right now. If he wasn't fully conscious or aware of his surroundings when they found the target ... it could be one of the few things that would no doubt cause trouble. She didn't expect too much ... but with the man being as strong as the former Akatsuki, there would definitely be some. A soft sigh left her lips as she closed her eyes, still nibbling lightly on the sandwich. She tried to think on what to expect; the file hadn't hinted his abilities.

Tai or ninjutsu most likely, maybe both even ... She silently mused, her gaze going down to the ground. Even as she finished, Hinata continued to think and plan ahead, allowing Nathan to sleep until he was completely rested up and woke up.
After about five minutes, he finally worked up enough energy to suddenly jump up and stand to his feet. The immediate rush began to wake him almost instantly, but he yawned as a result. He looked to Hinata and smiled as he reached into their bag and pulled out something of his own making...a rice ball. He chowed down into it happily and smiled to her. "Morning sensei." He said with an upbeat grin on his face as he moved over to her. "Ready to get a move on? Or do you need some more time to rest?"
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Her head quickly shook no upon hearing Nathan's question. "Morning and no. I got more than enough from last night. Thank you though. However ... I am going to wait until we get closer to our destination to activate my bloodline. My reactions and senses will still be keen but if you don't mind ... keep your own eyes and ears alert. They're always much better with the Byakugan on, unfortunately." Standing up and grabbing their possessions, she slipped the backpack over her shoulders. Exhaling softly, she gave Nathan a smile and nod before looking forward. ... Here goes everything and nothing, I suppose ..
"Of course. When have I been known to let my guard down, Hinata-sensei?" He said with a small laugh as he began to pack up the tent and put it into his own pack, which he put onto his back. "I'm ready when you are. Lets get going." Once they had set off, Nathan had his ears and eyes open...watching for the slightest of odd things within the area, and listening for anything that sounded like someone stalking them. "Hinata...Can you tell me more about your clan's relationship with the Kumogakure?"
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Hinata's head glanced up to think on the last question .... before back in front of her. Her fingers lightly tapped against her side ... and finally she realized she had no exact ideas. A nervous chuckle left as her head shook slowly. "Honestly ... I'm not quite sure what began this mess. Jealousy is what it seems but .... I'm not sure if there was more of a motive or ... what. My father doesn't like speaking of it and while to some degrees I understand ... it's times like now I wish I knew more. Ignorance is not always bliss despite what the old saying otherwise suggests. A treaty had been made right before I was kidnapped apparently ... but was technically broken when the Kumogakure nin kidnapped me. They never got me back to Kumo however ... my father killed them instead."

She paused, her head bowing as the part regarding Neji began to come in. "But they felt my father also broke his part of the treaty ... and wanted his dead body since they couldn't have me. In his stead ... my uncle ... whom was his twin brother ... gave his life up and tricked them into thinking he was my Father instead. It's been mostly ... neutral I guess you could say since then but with some groups, there are those few renegades and rebels who go against rules and treaties even though they're supposed to be in place. That ... is probably the most I can definitely say I know for sure, unfortunately."
"Seems like you lot have a large history together...A long and painful one." He added in, and moved over to pat her on the back. "Don't worry though, Hinata-sensei. I'll be sure to make sure no Kumo nin get you again. I'll die before I let them take you from me." He smiled at her, hoping to reassure her since she seemed to be doubtful of this mission or their chances of success...at least to him it seemed that way. "We've still got a ways to go until Kumogakure...From what you've told me. What should we do to pass the time while we walk? Or should we just keep walking quietly and listen for anything that might sneak up on us?"
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Did .. he really mean that? Or were they just words to try to impress her? Still, she managed a smile. "I ... doubt it'll come down to that but ... thank you all the same. We ... probably need to keep alert more than anything. It never did say on the file if this one resorted to stealth or not ... but it's not a risk I'm willing to easily take." With that, she went silent again, continuing to keep her footsteps as soft as possible, her eyes glancing around at every possible angle for even the slightest hints of movement.
He shrugged. "Alright alright...Gonna be a long and boring walk then. And thats just to Kumogakure...We still gotta go in and find the guy or guys or whoever." He shrugged and went silent, following her and listening to his surroundings. He simply heard birds chirping in the background as he walked, and it brought a break in silence that was easily and gratefully accepted. His eyes stayed keen, looking for anything out of the ordinary in case of a Genjutsu putting up an illusion around them. Sometimes his eyes would trail to Hinata for a split second, just to see how she was doing. He slowly began to start walking closer to her, unintentionally as they walked...and sometimes his hand would very lightly brush against hers.
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