Obsessed [(A Naruto RP) LadyYunaFFX2 & Jugger82's 1x1]

"Well? What are you waiting for?" He questioned as he seemed to look her back intently in the eyes. "I'm not going to fight you until you use that Bakugan...Bakara...Whatever your clan's bloodline ability is called. You'll hold back. I want you to use it against me...If you can't take me seriously as an opponent, how can I trust you to take the enemy seriously when they'll have the intent to kill you like I'm going to try to do now?" He began to perform his handsigns with precision and speed, and all of a sudden his body would become encased with a heavy rock layer. "How are you going to stop my chakra flow if I'm wearing something like this? I want you to use your ability against me, Hyuuga."
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For once in the past month - maybe ever - an all-knowing smirk crossed her lips upon hearing his question. Pressing her hands together, she murmured softly, "Byakugan ... " As the tell-tale signs finished forming on the sides of her head, she looked right at Nathan. "Because ... that armor is about to crumble, with enough force and all." Focusing first on preparing to use the Juken, two lionshaped heads began to appear around her hands.

Lunging forward, she thrust both hands forward; one for his sternum, the other his right shoulder.

"Jūho Sōshiken ... "http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Gentle_Step_Twin_Lion_Fistshttp://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Gentle_Step_Twin_Lion_Fists She murmured softly, revealing the name of the technique, her eyes remaining right upon Nathan's body to see if either punch connected or not.
He grinned as he saw her eyes begin to change to show her his chakra, and he got into a ready position for her. "Bring it!" He roared out as he saw the Juho Soshiken begin to form in her hands, and upon seeing her run toward him...Nathan slammed his foot down hard into the ground, the rocks around his body crumbling from the earthquake he had been charging with his chakra the entire time he was waiting on her to use the Byakugan. The earthquake was not for her to be harmed...but to cause her to stumble over and dispell the attack. At least, if it worked it would cause her to fall over and allow him to make his move.
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Alas, unbeknownest to Nathan, she had done quite a bit of chakra control training and with that came improving her balancing abilities. Her mind went back to a very specific mission in which she went with her teammates and Naruto to find a bikochu beetle to aid out in finding Sasuke after he'd left Konoha. During the nights when the boys were all asleep, she would go to a waterfall she had found and seemed to dance upon it .... all while nude as chakra always flowed much easier without anything restricting oneself. Unfortunately, that did include clothing; moreso, however, was the one time Naruto had almost found her.

Despite the shaking, she kept her footing and did not stumble as he may have hoped. Her smile merely widened as she lunged again.

"Hakke Kūshō .... "

He wanted to show off with impacting moves? She could do that easily ... maybe more should this work.
"The hell...!?" He cried out as he saw that she had kept her footing easily! He was about to regain his armor in an attempt to block any sort of attack, or at least soften the blow, but felt something hit him in his body. His eyes went wide as he felt himself slingshot back and hit a nearby tree hard. He slumped down and felt like the air that had been in his lungs was knocked out. 'She's amazing...' He thought in his head as he saw her, and frowned as he managed to get himself up, reluctantly. "Alright..." He began to charge his chakra, and roared out as he began to make earth clones of himself. One by one, they spawned out of the ground. Though, they looked like mere rock versions of himself without any sort of features other than the earth they were made out of. "Go! My army of me!" He cried out as the five clones that sprouted began to bullrush toward Hinata, Nathan was behind them as he began to charge up chakra once more for his strongest attack.
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Hinata couldn't help but inwardly cringe as she watched Nathan roughly hit the tree. She knew that had to hurt ... Neji had used this technique against her in sparring a few times before. And with the way and angle he made impact ... it looked very painful, to say the least. Glancing to each of the clones that showed up, she got in a stance and waited for each to get close. Clones always came back with a drawback; they were about one-tenth stronger than the actual user; thus it took no more than three punches to make each disappear.

Still, that had, she knew, given Nathan time. Hopefully not enough though. Her eyes went to Nathan as she began studying him ... it was likely to be an offensive attack; and a huge one. Nodding after a few moments, her arms went out in front of her ... and began to slowly weave in circles around her. She didn't move ... no, she would wait for him to do so this time.
Once he had gathered enough chakra, he would unleash his ultimate jutsu. "I learned this one from mother...studied her handsigns carefully and practiced silently, but this will be the first time I ever use it..." He began to undergo a long series of handsigns, and as this would go on...the earth around him would slowly begin to vanish as he begun to sink underground, the earth closing in around him. All would be silent, except for his voice as it seemed to echo in the earth around him. "Gaia...Guardian of the Land...Take form!" From where he began to stand, two giant hands sprouted from the ground, layered in rock. They began to pull the body out by pushing on the ground...the body was also encased in rock, except for Nathan's face who was clearly visible. Next came the legs...and then Gaia would be overground. The giant golem would stand at ten feet tall with hulking limbs. "Can you break THIS armor, Hyuuga?!" He roared out as Gaia began to rush forward toward her, much like he used to do with his rock armor.
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So he had been so persistent for a while on not wanting to learn from her or anyone else but he had his mother? Interesting. At any rate, there was a bigger - literally - problem to pay heed to it seemed; the massive titan before her. With the Byakugan on, she instantly seeked out for the weakest possible point, remembering Neji had to do this with Jiroubou's earth prison years ago. "Found it ... " She murmured, keeping a calm pose and reaction whereas most would probably panic at such a sight. Exhaling softly, she broke into a run her hands lowering ... and aiming right for the kneecaps of the giant. Her hands moved back then thrust forward, focusing all her power and chakra into the single point of it's right patella.
He saw her rush toward him, and grinned. "You're going to get trampled, Hyuuga!" He roared out as he came closer and closer to her, only quickening the lessening of distance between them with her running toward him. He was no more than about four yards away when suddenly his rock armor had collapsed around him, his eyes widening. "Gaia...!? No no no!" He was flung forward, the momentum of the giant having thrown him as he had rushed toward her. His unarmored body had ran into her, practically tackling into her. All was black for a few moments, and then he raised his head. "Ow...something broke my fall..." He murmured and noticed he had been face-deep into Hinata's large breasts as he had landed on her.
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"Not before that falls apart I won't!" Thankfully, she was right; she hadn't gotten trampled. However, something else seemed to be in store for them ... though she probably should have seen that coming. The last time they sparred, she had dirt tossed into her eyes and got groped. True, he'd definitely made progress on avoiding ... such tactics since then. But she couldn't just easily forget such a thing, either. Her head shook and as reality came back into view, she saw Nathan stumbling forward. Her arms extended out, trying to catch him ... but with the momentum, she wound up getting tackled.

She supposed this time .. she would let it slide, to some extents. He may not have - hopefully - meant to land with his head on her breasts .. but that didn't mean she felt anymore better with it either. Sighing softly, she guided Nathan onto his back, moving his body completely off hers as she waited for him to regain his composure. "You ... you okay? I ... have never seen a jutsu - quite literally - fall apart like that before. That ... was new."
He felt her lay him on his back and he sighed in exhaustion. "Tired...So tired...exhausted..." He murmured as he just seemed to lay there, looking out to the sky. "I never could maintain such a jutsu...I never mastered it, but I could keep it for display for quite some time..." He sighed and shook his head weakly. "So much chakra used at once...I can barely move. I'm exhausted..." He could practically still feel her plump breasts on his face and they felt amazing, causing him to fall into a blissful trance with a smile on his face, eyes closed as he seemed to enjoy something. Eventually he came back to reality, and turned to look at Hinata. "Could you carry me back to my room...? I don't think I can stand."
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/Naruto RP Pics/Hinata_by_Angel_Dark.jpg

Hinata gave Nathan an affirmative nod, first deactivating her Byakugans. Leaning down, she took one of his arms and guided it upon her shoulder, slowly helping him stand up. "Are you wounded? I have some ointment my clan makes every now and again ... it works really well on wounds." She offered, beginning to walk them both inside, helping him lie down on the couch as they arrived inside the living room. "If not the ointment, can I get you something else maybe?" She offered.
"Just...come sit with me. Consider this part of your training...Mentally in more aspects than one, Hyuuga." He reached up lightly and patted the cushion just above his head. "We must speak of something...It may or may not be important, but to simply lay down and speak as sensei and student might do well for the stress you've got, Hyuuga." He smiled gently to her, wanting her to just relax. He knew this mission was going to be on her mind the entire time until it was over with...and he just wanted to help her. "Cmon Hyuuga."
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Her head couldn't help but tilt slightly, intrigued. " ... Oh? Something to speak of? Alright ... " Off the top of her head, the heiress couldn't think of anything that needed to be spoken about. Still, that didn't mean Nathan was wrong and if nothing else, she could at least hear him out .. and not just because he'd gotten her attention and curiosity. Also because it was the right thing to do. Giving herself a slow nod, she sat beside Nathan, being careful to avoid sitting on his legs or any part of his body and possibly causing him to become uncomfortable. Her violet eyes looked over, waiting to hear what had abruptly come to his mind that he felt needed to be talked about. "So ... what is it you want to talk about now?" She asked.
"Our current situation, mainly." He replied, watching her eyes as he spoke to her. "I've caused you much grief since I came into your household..." He sighed and closed his eyes. "I've brought you much frustration due to my actions, and I've brought you sorrow as well, I can feel this. You've nearly given up on me despite how I acted and I was tempted to just kill you before and make a run for it...but I'm glad I haven't done so. I've also tried to make you my student in terms of being sociable, but that ended in failure apparently. I just want to ask why you have decided to hold on to keeping me your student so long. And do not blame your nindo, for you have doubted it before. I do not believe that you would try so hard for a nindo you did not fully believe in."
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In truth, her nindo was indeed a good part of the answer. However, she supposed it wasn't all of it the more she contemplated on it. Glancing up in thought, she nodded before looking back down to Nathan. "Well disregarding the nindo ... I suppose because I believe everyone deserves a chance. Like I said before .. my father has given up on me taking over the clan, he has since I was young. So my younger sister is going to take over when she's older. But I've noted as I've grown up that sometimes ... even when giving up seems like the right answer, it isn't. You need to keep going, to keep trying. Does ... that make any form of sense to you?"
"True...It does make sense to me..." He forced himself to sit upright, the strain of it exhausting and it was obvious he was trying his hardest to do so. He was now sitting next to her, and sighed as he looked down to the ground as he spoke. "I suppose I should tell you my reason for staying since you removed that tracker...It was indeed for the food and housing. But there was another reason, Hyuuga." He moved his head to lay onto her shoulders. "And this also crosses over to my anger over your love for Naruto..." He remained silent for some moments. "Hinata, I stayed because I hoped for a chance that you may love me as much as you had loved Naruto. You are the only person who believes in me, and the Hokage only sent me here because she did not think I deserved a death sentence." If he could move at all, he would have tried to kiss her cheek lightly but he literally felt spent.
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And at the revelation, Hinata couldn't help but swallow nervously. She still hadn't figured out exactly how to deal with that even. She had leaned towards giving up as Nathan and others had suggested but ... there was that determined part of her that refused to do so. And it had yet to fade .. thus she hadn't officially made up her mind on what to do or not do. Her head slowly shook as she looked right into Nathan's eyes.

"I ... I'm still thinking on how to react to that ... whether to give up or not. I'm sorry ... but I need time to contemplate on that. It doesn't mean anything definite yet though. But ... thank you for being honest with me. And ... no. You don't deserve a death sentence; not for mere stealing and bandit activities. People like .... " She then stopped, realizing it wasn't even her place to try to judge others, albeit she still did believe Sasuke got off way too easy.

"Never mind that last half but Tsunade-sama's right. You don't deserve death. Just some form of reprimandation at worst. Just ... please give me time as I have done so with you." She went silent, hoping her answer would be acceptable to him.
"I am not expecting you to fall for me, nor should you do so out of guilt. Do not take this into deep consideration. You either do or do not care for me like I wish you to do. But either way, I thank you for not giving up on me. It is as I said to you before...I would rather not have any other sensei but you, Hinata." He smiled and closed his eyes...going silent, his breathing slowed to the point where it seemed like he was dead. However, in reality he was simply sleeping soundly, silently, and peacefully comfortable against her.
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An inward sigh of relief echoed in Hinata's mind. He'd reacted much better than she'd thought, thankfully. Nodding slowly in understanding, her mouth opened to thank him for understanding but soon, his head slumped forward. "... Nathan?" The sight of his chest slowly rising and falling said all Hinata needed to know; he had fallen asleep. A small smile crossed her face; he really had used as much chakra as he'd said. That spar had taken so much out of him. Not that it hadn't herself ... she just had better chakra control than him.

Over the next several days, she helped him work and improve on that ... along with focusing to ensure his control remained firm. The days seemed to fly by fast and before she knew it, the day of the mission had arrived. Even with her proving she had gotten stronger, Hinata was still somewhat anxious. Rightfully so, of course, but all the same a part of her knew it may hinder her if she let the fear and nervousness dominate her too much.

At the moment, she was leaning against the gate, waiting patiently for Nathan. Her heart wasn't quite racing but it wasn't beating at a relaxed pace either. Her eyes were already activated, signaling she was more than eager to get this done and out of the way. It would take close to a day or so to just arrive within the outskirts of Kumogakure, the location of where the missing nin was supposed to be hiding. According to the file, he had no bloodlines or special abilities that they had to worry about. Then again, Kumo nin weren't known for bloodlines; mainly being good at Taijutsu as she'd warned Nathan.

A soft sigh left her lips as she continued to patiently wait for her student, her fingers lightly tapping against her kunai pouch attached to her right hip.
After some time, Nathan would be seen walking up from the road from the city toward the gate. He seemed tired, a yawn escaping his lips as he approached her. "Good day Hinata..." He murmured as he rubbed the bags out from under his eyes. "The day we've been training for has finally arrived...Lets make all this training count." He grinned widely as he suddenly pulled out an apple and began to eat it. "After you, sensei boss girl." Nathan seemed bright today, happy and looking forward to getting the mission underway. He was ready to put his training into real action against the enemy.
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Hinata couldn't help but feel a bit worried. If Nathan was tired now, how would he fare when they found their target? Still, she tried to keep her concerns hidden away from her facial and body language, not wanting it to be noticed. Her head bowed as she was greeted, managing a small smile to Nathan. "Morning. Well ... off we go then." Swallowing softly, she turned on her heels and began heading off towards Kumogakure.
He nodded and tossed the core of the apple aside to follow after her. It would indeed be a long walk. A whole day or two of nothing but walking, Nathan hoped he had the patience for something such as this. He wanted action...but he would have to make due. "So tell me...or rather just remind me...what has this Nin done, and what does he look like?" In truth...he hadn't really read the entire mission specs when she had given it to him. He just skimmed it for a target and a place.
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Continuing to walk, Hinata began to answer his questions regarding the nin they were seeking out. "He's a missing nin whom has turned into quite the serial murderer apparently. His .. victims don't seem to have any form of pattern but I may very well have missed it, honestly. But from what I could read, I didn't note anything. He's darker skinned like a lot of Kumo nin tend to be, dark brown hair and .... " Her head looked up in thought before back ahead of her to keep from running into anything. " ... Blue-green eyes. He's a bit over six feet tall, in his late 20s to early 30s .... that suffice for you?" She asked, trying to recall if she'd forgotten to bring anything else up.
"He's tall as hell...Thats a little more than half a foot taller than me..." He murmured in annoyance. "Without my rock armor anyway. But...If it should be this easy to find him, why would they only send us? I would have expected more than just the two of us to go out and hunt him down rather than a small group of two...We don't even know if he has any lackies. But whatever...I'll be there to protect you, Hinata-sensei." He grinned. "Thanks to you, I might be able to channel Gaia. I see now what I was doing wrong...I never gave a blood tribute when I summoned Gaia, which was why it drained my chakra so much. I guess when I was a kid, I always looked away from mother since I hated blood back then."
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