Obsessed [(A Naruto RP) LadyYunaFFX2 & Jugger82's 1x1]

"Alright...Alright..." He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "Come find me if you need me, Hyuuga." He replied and left to go to his room, leaving her with whatever feeling she had from him holding her like he did. He laid down on his bed and smiled, deviously...It would only be a matter of time before he'd be free from her and the tracker would come off of him. He wanted to just take advantage of her as he held her, but he restrained himself, knowing that all would be ruined if he suddenly began to molest his sensei.
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Guilt swept over Hinata as he stood and left. Maybe ... that one time really had been an accident? She was now feeling horrid on how she'd punished him that one day with the two buckets. Her eyes closed, her hands hiding her face as a weak groan left once Hinata was sure he was out of earshot. He was trying to be kind to her ... and all she'd been was a real bitch so far. Well, mostly, but still ... no one would think this to be the same Hinata they all knew if anyone had seen or heard how she'd been treating Nathan.

... What would they say anyways? Would any scold her? Say it'd been the right actions to take?

Her body shook at the mere thoughts, part of her wanting to know and the other not so much.

Calm yourself ... go do something to keep yourself from panicking ...

Her head quickly shook as she continued watching the clouds for a bit longer before standing up and heading into the kitchen. Cooking was a good way to keep her mind off bad memories and thoughts; besides, she figured Nathan may be hungry like herself. Gathering all the needed ingredients, she began working on making some pancakes for them.
By the time she would be finished cooking, Nathan would have fallen asleep in his room. He was cuddled up, holding the pillow tight as he seemed ever so relaxed as he held the pillow like a lover. He dreamt of a lover, to hold and care for forever. He yearned for another, though he could not see who the woman was within his dream. He dreamt of living together with this unknown woman, living long and having children, watching those children join a ninja academy and make a life for themselves and he knew how NOT to treat his children thanks to his childhood parents forcing him to be a ninja, scolding him whenever he was slacking in class. If Hinata were to walk in, he'd see him sleeping soundly and muttering a little...Finally, he spoke of how he was dreaming of. "Hinata..."
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As Hinata finished up and began stacking the pancakes up on the plates, she noted there was quite a bit of silence. Her head tilted before she proceeded to seek out Nathan. For a bit, she merely watched from against the doorframe, unable to help but smile. He did seem somewhat cute when he was asleep. She had to cover her mouth, however, as a word caught her ears.

"Hinata ..."

Gods is ... is he .... dreaming of me?

She knew she should be flattered but ... it really was difficult to appreciate. She was too stubborn, too persistent about not thinking of a male who wasn't Naruto. A weak sigh left and finally, she gave the doorframe a light knock. If he didn't wake up, she'd let him resume sleeping and save some of the pancakes for him. But she may as well offer if he wanted to be woken up for breakfast or not and - to make up for having to wake him - she could let him stay in bed.
He heard the light knocking at the door and slowly opened his eyes to see Hinata there. He smiled a bit and leaned up, the smiled quickly faded as he tried to get his mind straight. He was still fog-headed from suddenly waking up, but the scent of pancakes began to hit his nose. His stomach forced him awake as he stood up and walked toward Hinata. "Hungry..." He murmured as he walked past her and toward the kitchen. Upon arriving, he laid his head down on the table. He had no recollection of his dream or who he was dreaming of. He was just waiting for his pancakes..."Hyuuga...Pancakes...Hungry..."
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/Naruto RP Pics/Hinata_by_Angel_Dark.jpg

Before she could begin to speak up and say he didn't have to leave the bed, he'd already headed out. Sighing softly, she followed behind and put pancakes upon the other plate as well. Setting both plates down, she then grabbed a bottle of syrup, setting it down after covering her pancakes lightly with some for herself. "Sorry about interrupting your nap .... u-um .... " Exhaling softly, Hinata then bowed her head, murmuring softly, "Itadekimasu." before beginning to eat.
He began to slowly eat the pancakes dry, no syrup. He was a few bites in before his head lifted, bags heavy under his eyes as he looked at her suspiciously. "Hyuuga...Whats up? You've been acting strange ever since your training. Don't tell me you're awkward around me." Nathan sighed and leaned back in his chair, looking at her with sleepy eyes. "You're normally more direct and fluent with your language toward me but you've been stammering and quiet ever since that bit a while ago. Maybe it was a mistake to try and train you."
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Maybe she really was just that easy to read. Others had joked and simultaneously informed her of this but ... she hadn't thought it was this simple. "W-well ... " Waiting to finish swallowing the bite she'd taken, she looked down towards the floor before back to Nathan. "It was just new, really. You always - or most people I know do - just ... reflect on first experiences and ... " Her head shook as she sighed. She knew the words she wanted to say .. but they weren't properly leaving her. "N-never mind. I barely know what I'm even trying to say at the moment, honestly." Now more than ever, she'd been glad to have given them both a day off. If she was having this much of an issue just speaking, she knew she wouldn't have been able to say and execute plans much if at all. Her glance went back down as she resumed eating, trying to avoid thinking on the mixed emotions that had seemed to come from the 'training', as he had so fondly called it.
He remained silent. Maybe this was a bad idea after all. If his plan didn't work out in the end, things might become even worse. But he wanted to escape...'Maybe I should just be patient...I want to escape but why should I toy with her emotions like this?' Nathan tried to think of a way to fix what he had done wrong, but shook his head after feeling so deep in thought. "Hyuuga. We'll not do it anymore if it causes you that much distress. Wouldn't want you to end up falling for me when there is another dumb bastard out there that you're saving yourself for." He yawned slightly and resumed eating his dry pancakes without another word, not even so much as looking at her while he ate.
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Her head shook no quickly. "It isn't distress. I know you're trying to help but I still --- " She stopped and narrowed her eyes, clearly not impressed with his choice of words being 'dumb bastard' as she cleared her throat. "That was uncalled for. Watch your tongue, especially around people you don't know. Yes, he can sometimes be a bit too hyper and fail to notice things, but Naruto is not - by any means - a bastard. I'd appreciate it if you didn't say such things like that." Her own head looked back down as she finished the scolding, going back and focusing upon eating now.
"Naruto? Naruto-fucking-Uzumaki?" He said in surprise. He relaxed in his chair and looked away. "Should've known a girl like you would fall for a hyperactive brat like that." Shrugging, he stood up and took his plate to the sink. "Would've thought you of all people could've done so much better, someone more higher up in the food chain than some demon-tainted kid. 'Ooo look at me! I've got a fox in my body! Kyuubi Kyuubi Toad summon!'" He mocked. "Come on Hinata. You're not gonna get anywhere with a hard-headed kid like that." He stopped and tapped his chin as he began to think in space. "Though on the other hand he's gunning for Hokage pretty hard now..."
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/Naruto RP Pics/Hinata_by_Angel_Dark.jpg

Hinata's fists trembled and before she second guessed herself, she stood from her chair. This slap ... she had no intention of apologizing for. He'd really gone way too far for her. A still somewhat shaky hand landed even harder across his cheek than the first she'd given him, grasping the collar of his shirt as she stared right into his eyes. "It's because of people like you that actually, he used to be very shy ... had low self-confidence in himself. But he found others that became his friends and comrades aside from me ... and he's changed! Him?! Brat?! No ... that is what you have been for the most part upon arriving here. He's not the way you try to mock him ... and he will become Hokage! Why?! Because he has grown -- physically and mentally. Maybe not - admittedly - perfectly on the latter ... but I can say for damn sure I know I'm right!"

Shoving him angrily away from her, she grasped her dishes, her hands still trembling before she took her turn to storm into her room. "You're sending me on the worst emotional rollercoaster ride ever! Even when Neji-nii-san was killed .... I wasn't this bad! I hope you're happy!" With that, she shut herself in her room, collapsing on her bed, her body still violently trembling. She wanted nothing more to do with him ... definitely at the moment, possibly ever. It'd been nearly a month, she knew, but ... how had this boy even become a Genin?

He refused to be respectful to anyone, herself included, was too much of a loner ... maybe that was what she should arrange for. Shaking hands covered her face as she exhaled through her nose, trying to calm herself though with the insults still echoing through her mind, it was definitely much easier said than done.
After her rampage, Nathan rubbed his cheek and followed her to her room after a minute or two. He opened the door and leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed as he looked to her. "See. Why can't you be more like that? You were honest and true with your words. You didn't second guess yourself. And you were passionate about what you believed in. If you were more like that, you'd be the perfect ninja. You're amazing in terms of strength...even someone like me can see that. Its your social ability that lacks severely. I'm sure even Uzumaki could see what kind of powerful woman you were, if you just VOICED yourself like you did earlier."
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Her hands kept hiding her face, only moving away as she stopped to think on his words. He .... was honestly right. Her head shook, a sigh leaving her lips as she finally glanced up at him. "I .... I just can't around him. I freeze up whenever I try to say anything and then the one time I finally got the courage ... " Her head bowed, continuing to lightly shake from side to side. "True, it was during an invasion of all things ... but everyone's been trying to remind me he still heard the words all the same. I know ... and the fact he seems to not acknowledge it hurts me about as much as having watched my own cousin die .... for the both of us at that rate .... "

She quickly bit down on her lower lip, trying to keep tears from forming. "My social's never been good ... especially since Otou-san turned his attentions to my imouto ... and focused on aiding her to take over the family ... "

Why was she even feeling the need to say this to him of all people? Aside from the fact he probably was one of the few who didn't know this of her .... she barely knew. What she did note was for the first time in a long while, Hinata felt lost again ... doubting her nindo and desire to avoid giving up on Naruto. She'd had this plenty of times before; but the temptation to actually toss her hands up in the air and forget of him had never been as strong as it was right then and there. It made her tremble harder, the harsher grip upon her lower lip aiding with the tears forming in her violet hues.
He frowned and walked over to sit next to her, a hand on her hip as she lay there. "Hinata..." He sighed and looked her in the eyes. "You can't save yourself for a guy who doesn't even know you exist. You'll grow up to be an old, withered woman who lost out on many chances at love because of one ignorant man who doesn't know what he's missing. If I were you, I'd move on. Move on to finding someone else, move on to finding someone else to fall for!" He frowned. "Don't be 'that girl' who never had a shot at love because you were holding off for someone who wasn't interested. You'd be the typical female cliche! At least thats why mother told me the women were like in my father's country." He shrugged. "All I'm saying is, you've got a lot to offer OTHER people as well. Don't stay with one guy. Understand what I mean?"
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/Naruto RP Pics/Hinata_by_Angel_Dark.jpg

There it was again, the 'Move on' speech that most others gave her. Different words were used, of course, but the concept was the exact same. Her head looked up to the ceiling, trying to think and contemplate. She gave a slow nod of understanding. "Understand? Perfectly. But .... no one else has caught my eye, really. Two of the others have their eye - still - on Sasuke as far as I know. And there'd be no way I could think of being with him. Naruto .... he's done so much for me though, even if not in an intimate way. He helped protect me from bullies when I was four years old, he cheered me on during the Chuunin Exams when I wound up against Neji-nii-san. And back then ... we weren't even close so he had so much disdain and anger towards me. It went away soon after but during the fight .... Naruto was the only one who believed in me to say anything."

So many memories she thought she'd shoved away in the back of her mind soon re-emerged and one of them pushed her over. Even as her gaze stayed up at the ceiling, the tears that had been forming finally fell.

"I never knew or had a nindo before then .... he helped me figure it out that day, even though I lost my match. I swore never to give up ... on anything. It's why I've been so persistent with trying to teach you anyways despite the unorthodox roads I've taken ... and why it doesn't feel right to just forget about Naruto. So that being said, do you see what I am saying, Nathan-san?"
"I understand where you're coming from...And its stupid." He said bluntly. "You can't keep believing that you can achieve everything you put your mind to. You're not God, nor will you become one. You win some and you lose some. I once thought I could be hokage when I first became a ninja years ago, but look at me now. If you can easily beat me without holding back, then how am I supposed to even lay a hand on the hokage? This is something I've learned I could not do. Just as your nindo is flawed in thinking you can achieve everything." He sighed once more, trying so hard to come up with the right words to say. "You can't do everything you want to do. You've got to let some roads stay unexplored and blocked. If you stay there, you won't be able to explore all the other alternatives that come your way. And its not a matter of NOW. So what if you don't have someone else to have your eye on? You aren't a whore, Hinata. Far from it. You don't need a man. You're so young! You're not even twenty, your life has only just begun! Take it slow..."
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"I'm not trying to be a god .... nor would I want to. I'm just .... trying to do what's right. And for so long, it's felt like something along the lines of waiting for Naruto is it .... but .... " Her eyes closed as a sigh left, a few more tears slowly streaming down her face. "I don't know. You and all the others who have given me this talk ... I know you're right. Maybe that's why it hurts so much ... knowing it's the truth. But the selfish part of me doesn't want to let go .... and yet.... I do simultaneously. I .... I'll think more seriously on it all. I want to be damn sure I want to do and consider this."
"Eventually you're going to have to find a lover of your own. You live in a CLAN. And from what I know from you over this past month, you're the heiress! Your father will force you to marry another man, someone you may not even know, before he dies and gives you his legacy. Do you really want that? To wed a man you know nothing about, from another clan or possibly even within your own clan? Just think about that. I'll give you some time to yourself...If you need me, I'll be sawing off my arm in an attempt to get this DAMN tracker off." He patted her hip and walked out toward his room. However, he was only half joking. He was not going to saw off his arm, but he was going to try and break off the device for he was growing annoyed of it.
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Her head shook no on the part of being the heiress. She .... was and wasn't. By blood and tradition, yes. But her father really did focus so much more on Hanabi being that role ... it was hard to feel as if she were supposed to ever take over. " .. Honestly, I'm astounded he hasn't already done that ... " She murmured softly, slowly wiping some tears away, exhaling softly. Her eyebrow raised as she watched Nathan leave. Was ... he serious on the device part?

Silently rolling onto her stomach, she placed her hands together. The word left her lips, though barely above a whisper, "Byakugan .... " While he had been making progress, Hinata couldn't just allow him to even attempt to remove the device. She watched his chakra signature, noting what movements he would soon make .... and whether she would need to join him in Neji's old room or not.
In his room, Nathan began to chew at the device...desperate like a fox, though not desperate enough to chew his own damn arm off. "If I can just...Gnaw off the device...I can get some freedom to my arm...! Several times a week I get an itch underneath and I can barely scratch it!" He continued to gnaw at it, but stopped when he felt his teeth begin to ache from it. He sighed, and laid back on the bed. "I'm going to go crazy here. Damn that Darian and his trap..." He sighed and stood up, undressing in the nude before going to take his shower in his bathroom, unknown that Hinata could 'see' him the entire time.
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Her body tensed, ready to get up and stop him. Thankfully, he gave up. That was all she needed to see, especially as he headed towards the shower. Her head buried itself into her pillow as she quickly deactivated her bloodline. Her head remained downward ... as she began to think; not only on his words but the actions she'd caught Nathan attempting. Was he truly that desperate? He almost seemed like a wild animal that wanted it's freedom .... and to some degree, she couldn't blame him. But he'd chosen the wrong path -- a thief and bandit and was now paying for the crimes, all in a more merciful way too. Well, Hinata was certain it was better than if he were turned over to ANBU.

Remaining on her stomach, it dawned on her just how much she needed to think about. What to do regarding Naruto could wait; in her eyes, Nathan was the more immediate concern, especially if he was truly that desperate. Sighing, she sat up on her bed and walked over to the phone. Picking it up, she dialed Darian's extension and waited for him to answer. If he truly wanted freedom ... maybe he should just have it. There was only so much she could do for him and if after a month he was still trying to force the device off ... she may never be able to trust him. So, she would see about getting consent to just remove it herself.
Hearing his phone begin to ring, Darian grumbled as he stumbled toward it, obviously disorientated and having just awoke from a slumber that was well deserved. He answered the phone, and the first thing that Hinata would hear would be the last half of a long yawn that he had. "Hinata...? Whats wrong...? Did Nathan do something again?" He sighed and pinched the bridge between his eyes. "Do I need to call the ANBU...Just take him off your hands and get you an actual student and not a thief and criminal...?"
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"It's ... " Hinata sighed, trying to reply as honestly as possible. "We both have, really. He's forced me to go to routes I would never normally take .... though simultaneously he's not completely altering his attitude. To some degree ... yes but ... " When the subject of ANBU was brought up, she thought seriously on that. Going by his crimes and what social standing of sorts he had .... she should say yes. But her kind nature was nagging her to say no. Even with all he had said and done .... it took a lot for a person to truly deserve to be shoved over to ROOT or ANBU; someone like Orochimaru or - as many believed - Sasuke, though the latter had been let off too easy for many peoples' tastes.

"Would ... would ANBU even have to be resorted to? Is there no way we can just let him go? Or ... is he more dangerous than a mere criminal and thief?" Only if the answer was yes would she even begin to consider it. Otherwise, if it was just those two ... maybe they could just exile him from here. He definitely wouldn't be Konoha's issue anymore .. and it would ensure he'd never have to worry about laws or ANBU ever again ... was that not what he wanted?
"Well if he's a public nuisance and...from your report on the previous mission we had given you, a danger to innocents...we'll have to resort calling in ANBU if there are no suitable holders for the criminal. If he's just being a nuissance and simply stealing food, there isn't really much the ANBU will do since they deal with far more dangerous criminals...criminals that can actually HARM people. Nathan's never had a record for even hurting anyone he's stolen from, though the alarm of him using bombs in the last mission has me worried for his status right now...Hinata...What do you think? You're his sensei, and you've been with him for a month. What do you believe we should do concerning the boy?"
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