Obsessed [(A Naruto RP) LadyYunaFFX2 & Jugger82's 1x1]

"Heh...I think that is the first time you haven't called me Nathan-san." He teased as he looked back to the dummy and studied it for a bit. He got into a fighting stance, and prepped his body and mind for a fight...imaging an enemy in front of him. Within a second he began to undergo some amazing combos, taijutsu obviously being his strong point when it came to fighting. However, the combos, though flashy and powerful, left a lot of room for him to be struck and countered. Eventually one hard kick knocked the dummy off of the wooden post it was on and made it land on the ground. He rubbed his leg a bit as he looked to the broken training dummy. "Is that proof enough of how good I am with Taijutsu?"
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Hinata blinked as she watched the dummy get broken as if but a doll ... maybe something weaker even. Staring down at it, she pulled her wrists out from behind her back, nodding. "Yes, it is. Now see how you fare against someone who can move and think ... " She got in her own stance, remaining a bit away from Nathan for now to ensure some distance was between them. "To make it fair, I won't use my bloodline just like I've asked you to not use your Earth chakra. Let's keep this spar clean enough though. That being said ... no hitting below the belt. My rules extend to myself, always, so I'll never try to cheat them." Her ankles remained tense, ready to jump towards or away from him depending on who made the first move, as she waited for his reply.
He frowned as he watched her take a fighting stance. "If you insist...Hyuuga." He returned to his own fighting stance...though this one was different. He seemed more loose now, almost cocky in his stance. Though this was just a ruse. He was paying full attention all the while acting over confident with his facial expression and posture. He held his hand out, and motioned for her to make the first move. "You know. I've learned enough of you to know that I shouldn't be stupid enough to make the first move...Come on then. Lets see what you got, 'sensei'." He said teasingly.
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"Very well however ... you can just use Hinata, not Hyuuga." Though she was stronger with the Juken active, she wasn't incapable without it. In fact, that was the last thing Hinata was, especially in the Taijutsu field. Still, she would try to do something he wouldn't expect .... but what would constitute under that category? He was rather skilled himself and if he was cunning like most thieves, he may know quite a bit of tricks.

Maybe ... though ... this could work.

At first it seemed like a mere lunge, with a punch directed for his shoulder. Near the last second, however, she altered it to his sternum instead; mainly to knock the wind out of him if not make him get pushed back a bit. But it definitely would have been much more deadly if she'd kept her eyes activated ... that was a given.
He saw her lunge for him and moved to the side, just simply side stepping so that she'd fly past him. However, he felt a strong blow to his sternum as she suddenly knocked him back some, his head gasping for air as he held his stomach. "D-Damn!" He cried out as he looked up to see her. He soon regained his posture, the same cocky one he had earlier. 'The hell did she just do...? How is she that fast...?' He thought in his head as he eyed her...watching once more. He slowly began to approach her. Now would be his chance to move in and strike. Inch after inch, he'd move in closer. His fists would guard him but he still seemed like his guard wasn't even up as he came closer to her. Suddenly, he'd kick up some dirt into the air as a distraction before he'd lunge forward to tackle her to the ground.
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An eyebrow couldn't help but raise and for a few moments, Hinata got a bit worried. She hadn't hit him that hard ... had she? The way he was gasping suggested either she had ... or he just wasn't used to harsh hits like that. Hopefully only the latter; it'd be bad if she had to explain the reason she may need to send him to the Hospital was herself. Thankfully, however, he got up and showed he was well enough to stand. Noting he seemed to be trying to close the gap between them, she took steps back, her hands by her sides.

When Nathan's foot finally did move, she had expected a kick. Instead, dirt flew up from the ground and into her eyes, making her cover them to keep too much more from entering.

"Ahhh .... ngh!"

With her eyes shielded, she hadn't been able to see the lunge and soon felt herself on the ground. Panting lightly as his weight was now on her body, she began trying to get out from under him, her eyes slowly blinking to get what dirt was left out of her eyes.
"Got you!" He said happily, not seeing what he had done exactly. He was used to fighting other men when it came to his life...but a woman was another story. When the smokescreen of the dirt cleared, his eyes widened as he saw his hands on her breasts as he pinned her down. He grinned, and began to massage the large melons as he kept her pinned. "Mm...Nice and busty...Just how I like my women..." He said with a grin as his hands massaged the fleshy breasts through her clothes. "Oh my dear sensei. Has anyone ever told you that you're the softest they've ever felt?" As he seemed to lose himself in playing with her breasts...he actually began to lower his own guard as he continued to taunt her in her embarrassing defeat.
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By the time her eyes had finished adjusting and getting rid of the dirt he'd kicked in them, a foreign touch was the next thing she quickly noted; though it didn't take long to note what exactly it was. "N-nathan! W-what .. ??" Maybe 'what' was the wrong question, which she quickly replaced, " ... Surely you ... know you're pushing your limits with such contact right? I'm not repeating myself .... stop and get off or I will get others involved."

And again, she found herself ready to resort to things she didn't like. Simultaneously, she wasn't exactly fond of the attention she was getting; not when it was unwanted especially. Her head shook lightly no in response to his question, though the pinning didn't stop her from trying to get out from him. She continued to squirm, purposely keeping her wrists still for now. She'd only move them if she felt it necessary to.... and if he didn't oblige ... she would fight back with her eyes activated. She wouldn't like it, but Hinata wasn't just about to be forced in such a lewd position and remain in it if she could do anything about it.
He grinned and simply removed himself from her. "Fine. Fair enough. Though it started off as an accident...I think it went well for me." He grinned and stepped back, assuming she'd either try to retaliate now that she could get back up or she would end the sparring session. His fighting stance stayed cocky as he looked to her...expecting anything to happen. "Come on Sensei...Want to try for round three? Break the tie with a tie breaker...Or are you going to just end the sparring session today because I got a bit grabby." He snickered some. "If you actually let me...I might send you to a world of pleasure unlike anything else you've ever felt."
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Again, her eyes narrowed at Nathan as he spoke, snickering even. Her head shook no and adamantly. "I have my eyes on another, for one. But more over, I'm not only ending it because of the free gropes you got but also because of the fact you clearly need more discipline." Moving a bit away from him to avoid getting groped or smacked on her rear, she leaned forward and deftly picked up two buckets nearby. As she turned the hose on, both got as full as possible without making the water overflow and then, she made Nathan grasp and hold them both.

"Pick them up and keep holding onto them. I will tell you when you can let go. You must remain standing during the entire punishment." Her eyes remained upon Nathan as she backed away to grab a chair and sit down in it, ensuring he wouldn't try to cheat or get out of this.
"Oh..." He murmured as he took the two buckets of water and felt how heavy they were. "Oh come on...I grab your gallons and you give me these gallons?" Nathan said out to her and held the buckets to his side. At first...they didn't hurt his fingers. But after a while. the metal of the handles he held began to dig into his fingers as he held them. He frowned....And wished that he could give a small coating of rocked layer on the palms of his hands to hold the buckets without the pain. He looked at Hinata as she sat in the chair and glared even more, though he said nothing at all to her. Eventually...he put the buckets down. However, he only did so because he needed to take off his heavy overcoat, which left him in a tanktop. "Much lighter...Much cooler..." He tossed the coat aside and a loud thud could be heard, sounding just how heavy his coat was. He resumed to pick up the buckets, and he felt much easier to carry them. He felt lighter. He grinned at Hinata...She wasn't going to break him like this. 'Gotta do better than this, sensei.'
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/Naruto RP Pics/Hinata_by_Angel_Dark.jpg

Were it not for the fact she had her own heavy coat of sorts, she would have scolded him for letting go just to shed that. But because she did know how easy one could risk getting overheated in those if doing too much in them, she said nothing. This was meant to work on his arms, not cause him to pass out. Her head shook lightly as he tried the teasing method again. "No ... " She replied, keeping her voice calm.

"I'm doing what I think is right. This isn't a competition, thus I don't have 'to do better'. Besides, not like either of us are going anywhere anytime soon. If I must have you keep holding those till lunch, I will. The longer you keep being smart to me like that, the longer this will go on. Plain and simple." Out of a mix of habit and slight anxiety from the recent grabs, her arms went across her chest. She wouldn't make him turn around; simultaneously, she wouldn't allow him to just stare at her chest either.

Though he was trying to pass it off as an 'accident', something in the pit of her stomach told her that was the last thing it truly had been ....
(Oh, when things are 'set in single quotations like this' only, thats him thinking in his head. Just saying. :] )

Nathan let out a small snicker as he watched her reactions toward him. "You say you don't want this to be a competition yet you threaten to force me to keep going until lunch in order to break me. I wonder if you know what hypocritical means." He teased once more and kept holding the buckets out to his side. He held his arms out fully and held the buckets...his muscles began to really show now, his body becoming sweaty from the strain and the heat outside so that his body and muscles glistened in full view of her. After about another hour...he felt his arms begin to truly ache from the weight of the water. He was just about tempted to take one bucket and pour it over his head to cool himself off before he fell to the ground to rest...but he wouldn't. He forced himself to keep holding those buckets...but his facial expressions obviously showed pain and reluctance. 'No...Not going to drop these...Going to keep holding them and I'm not going to let sensei have the satisfaction of seeing my loss...!'
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/Naruto RP Pics/Hinata_by_Angel_Dark.jpg

"I said I would if I had to. And yes, I know what hypocritical means. You, however, don't seem to know what 'rank' means, otherwise you'd know 'sensei' is much higher than 'student'. Every time." With a weary sigh, she let her head fall against the back of the chair, continuing to watch. Though she hadn't meant for it to go on till noon, it wound up doing just that. It'd been tempting for her to remove the heavy jacket of her own, but she kept hers on. Fanning her face lightly with a hand, she stood up and nodded, the pained look on his face and sweat dripping signals enough that hopefully, he had learned his lesson for now.

"Enough, you may set them down now and head inside. Do you want anything to eat or drink and have you learned your lesson from this?" She went in first, keeping ample distance to avoid any further gropes. She would wait till near bedtime to consider talking to Darian. A part of her was steadily beginning to wonder if he had a record for sexually assaulting women ... one known about at least. If so, something would need to be done about that ... and quickly. There may have been a bigger ratio of men to women but there were still others here. None should have to worry or suffer just because one person couldn't behave himself ... and it would be what she'd speak to Darian about.

(No worries, I kinda figured. But I'm also pretty sure in the 2 year time skip, Hinata's become a bit less naive ... and is able to add 2 and 2 faster. Not as much as Neji, maybe, but definitely progress from when she was in Shippuden.)
Once she ordered him to put the buckets down, he dropped them and let the buckets fall over, the water spilling onto the ground. He rubbed the palms of his hands and his fingers as he followed her inside, hearing her ask if he wanted anything. "Water and food...I don't care what you make...Just....Hungry...and Thirsty..." He replied as he walked upstairs toward his room. Walking inside, he grabbed new clothes and headed into the bathroom to shower. It had been so long since he had an actual shower rather than just pouring water over his body to clean him. He wouldn't be out for another half hour, and when he was out, he headed downstairs to find Hinata.
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A soft sigh left Hinata's lips as Nathan headed up. Had that been too much? Her head slowly shook no. His ... sexual acts had been worse, in her eyes. She still had quite a bit to do even after lunch ... but all of it could wait. Heading into the kitchen, she wasted no time in pulling out some ingredients. By the time Nathan was seeking her out, he could do so from the aroma hitting his nose. Just from the smell alone, some type of meat was being made it could easily be guessed. With hearing the sound of his footsteps, Hinata knew even without turning her eyes on he wasn't too far away; enough to be able to hear her.

"I should be done in about ten or so. Feel free to get comfortable and .... " Her head nodded after the brief pause as she added slowly, "I'm sorry ... to some degrees. Not about telling you that your actions were wrong though maybe going somewhat overboard in reaction. If you don't want to accept it, I'll understand."

Going silent to let her words sink into his head, she resumed focusing on cooking.
The smell of the food being prepared hit his nose strongly and his stomach began to rumble. He followed the scent, and soon heard her as she called out to him. He heard her apology, and remained silent as he sat down at a chair and looked to her while she cooked for him. He was going to make a perverted joke. Saying that she should wear nothing but an apron while preparing dinner but he figured he might not get any food if he makes a comment like that. He stayed silent some moments more as he waited for the food and eventually he spoke up to her. "You don't have to apologize, sensei. There is nothing for you to apology about."
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For a while, the lack of an answer made Hinata think he was infuriated at her. True, he had all the rights to be ... but still ... and then her ears caught his reply.

"You don't have to apologize, sensei. There is nothing for you to apologize about."

A soft sigh of relief left her lips. Maybe ... things really were taking a turn for the better. She really wanted to be right about that. Finishing up with making the teriyaki chicken, she set it aside and worked on finishing the rice. Waiting to get to a point where she could leave the food for a few seconds, she then grabbed two cups and a pitcher. Putting ice in both cups and the pitcher, she then filled them all with water. Taking one of the cups and the pitcher, she walked around, eventually finding Nathan patiently sitting and waiting.

"Here .... " She offered, carefully setting the cup down first, the pitcher a bit above it. "The rice should be done soon. Excuse me, I need to go ensure it doesn't burn." Deftly turning on her feet, she got back into the kitchen. Unfortunately, the heat from outside plus what was in here now was becoming just a bit too much for Hinata to endure.

Panting, she kept stirring the rice with her right hand, her left slowly unzipping and removing the jacket, tossing it against one of the backs of the chairs. She had to - somewhat unfortunately - admit that this had felt a lot better. Besides, it wouldn't do either of them any good if she had overheated. Fanning her face with a hand, she finished in about several more minutes.

Serving several pieces of teriyaki chicken on both plates along with rice - which she'd already put butter on earlier - she then took both plates and now her own cup and brought them over. Setting Nathan's plate down first, she then set her own down, sitting across from him. Her head lightly bowed as she murmured softly, "Itadekimasu." before taking her fork and beginning to eat, giving a nod to signal Nathan no longer had to wait.
Nathan watched the plate get placed in front of him, and he grabbed a pair of chopsticks and looked to the food before him. It smelled delicious...and it was homemade...He looked to her, and saw her confirming nod and began to dig in to the food, enjoying each and every bite. He drank and ate the food heartily and lively, and once he was done, his plate had been finished long before she would have finished. He smiled and took the plate to the sink, placed it in after rinsing it of leftover stains or rice, and sat back down to wait on her.

This would go on for another two weeks...and then their first mission together would arrive. Tsunade had given them the mission to scout out bandits who had been using explosives to bomb and loot caravans and travelers. Their objectives were to find their bomb supply and then apprehend the bandits. Nathan waited outside Konoha's main gate for Hinata, prepared and raring to go.
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The reaction on how eagerly Nathan ate up pleased Hinata. At least she'd been able to cook well enough. She couldn't help but wonder if she was worthy of the title 'Sensei' though. The more she seemed to fail to get through to him, the worse she felt about herself. For the first time in a while, Hinata cried herself to sleep that night though only when she was damn sure that Nathan already was.

Alas, time never waited for anyone and soon enough, two more weeks had passed. Hinata's self-doubts were slowly beginning to fade on Nathan, enough to consider taking the device off even. Maybe ... if the mission went well. But for now ... she would focus on the mission at hand. She couldn't help but wonder why it hadn't been a more typical escort mission as most teams got for the first one; though it may have had to do with the fact that her student was older than a typical Academy student and could handle himself well enough probably.

Regardless, Hinata couldn't nor would dare argue with the call Tsunade had made.

Walking out with the file in her hands still, re-reading it over to ensure she hadn't missed any details and to look at the photos of the men they would need to find, her head glanced up in time to see Nathan waiting for her. Her head bowed lightly as she slipped the file away. Exhaling softly, she then went on to speak. "Very well. So ... Nathan-san ... you ready?" She had proven that he could handle himself fine but ... Hinata had no idea if he had ever run into other bandits before. If not ... things may get a bit messy.
"Things will be just fine..." He replied to her as he began to walk out to the forest with her. "Bandits should be easy...Non-chakra users and simple explosives. Nothing dangerous." He replied as he continued on the walk with her. He felt the tracker still around his wrist and he still wanted it to be removed. He had ceased his sexual harrassment insults...though there were a few quips once or twice every three days or so. "Hinata...Are you sure you can trust me coming with you?" He murmured as he looked to the tracker on his wrist. "I might just ditch you while the guards are distracted by you. By the time you might be done with them, I might be miles away. Are you certain?" He was just testing her once more to see where he stood with her when it came to trusting him. He had no plans of escaping, however.
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Her head nodded, figuring he knew well enough what he was talking about. And that alone got rid of any uncertainties that he hadn't dealt with bandits before. When he went to ask on her trust about him ... her eyes went right to his. " .... Honestly, I'm not certain. However, this is what the Hokage asked of us both. But believe me when I say, I do eventually want to be able to trust you and take that off. And I will admit, you have made a lot of progress so far. But ... I'm still going to make completely sure that I will be able to take that off and feel good about doing so. Right now, I'm sorry, but I can't say that time is now."

Breaking eye contact, she then looked out towards the Forest of Death. "Very well then ... off we go." Placing her hands together, she murmured softly, "Byakugan .. "

The same tell-tale signs that she'd activated her bloodline soon appeared once again and she began trying to seek out unfamiliar chakra patterns. They weren't in range ... not yet. But if they were to be nearby, they probably would be soon enough. Silently, she began to advance forward, hoping to sense the bandits somehow. Finding them would also result in the two finding the bombs and since that was the first part of the mission - to get to the bomb supply - that would be half of the mission done. The next ... she doubted they would have trouble with, honestly.

Two good Taijutsu users against mere bandits? It was no contest, really.
After some moments of searching for them, Nathan and Hinata would soon come across a small encampment of raiders, and inside the encampment were hostages and other civilian servants. Nathan frowned as he saw this. "We can't just go rushing in...We'll get slaughtered if they trap us and blow the place..." He saw one of the bandits stray from the path, and went about subduing him. Nathan took out the bandit with a knockout blow to the back of his neck. He pulled the man's body into the bushes to hide it from view, but noticed a few small bombs on him. Nathan stealthily pocketed this...making sure Hinata didn't see as he reappeared next to her. "What do you think we should do...? We can't just storm the place and take out the bomb supply from here. Though I can think of a way we can get rid of the bomb supply from here..."
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Hinata frowned also at the sight of the hostages. That hadn't been something either herself or Nathan had been warned of ahead of time. And now that she was seeing this for herself .... they'd have to be even more careful, as Nathan was even agreeing upon. Her head nodded in agreement with him as she stayed silent, trying to think how to go about this. "I can say for sure that I wasn't intending on storming on in anyways. The first priority ... should be the hostages and getting them away first .... "

Glancing back when the sounds of something walking back towards her caught her ears, she inwardly sighed to see it was just Nathan again. Though ... where had he gone off to? Ah well, he hadn't been noticed; that much was obvious. As she continued to glance at him, an idea came to her. "Do you know the Henge no Jutsu technique by chance? Maybe you can disguise yourself as one of them ... distract them long enough for me to get the hostages safe and then we work on getting rid of the bomb supply?" She suggested.
"I have a better idea..." He grinned as he pulled out two of the explosive bombs and lit their fuses with flint he also got off of the body of the man he had knocked out. The two bombs were ignited and Nathan tossed them as hard as he could toward the outside of the wall nearest to the supply within, which was obvious since other bombs were littered around it. Two loud explosions went off at the same time, and only caused a larger explosion as the bomb supply was destroyed, causing half of the camp to light up in flames. The debris managed to knock the cages open on the hostages, though many of them seemed to be panicking as they all ran through the fiery wall that was blown open due to the explosion. "Now we move in and take out the rest!" He did not even wait for Hinata as he rushed in to start taking them while they were surprised.
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