Obsessed [(A Naruto RP) LadyYunaFFX2 & Jugger82's 1x1]

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Hinata's eyes widened a bit at the sight of the bombs. "...Where did you get those? We weren't handed such items. And what ... ??" Before she could finish the last question, however, he answered by tossing them, making her gasp and close her eyes. For a few split moments, she feared the worst but thankfully, as she opened her eyes, she saw the hostages hadn't been hurt by them. She gave Nathan an angry and annoyed glare, " ... We speak later after this. For now ... yes. We move in ... "

Jumping out from hiding, she didn't allow the other bandits any time to gain any possible advantage. The explosions had definitely gotten their attention and their existence was known about. Once one came into view, she activated Juke and thrust a palm harshly into the man's stomach, all her blows aiming to incapacitate but nothing worse.
As Hinata joined him in his assault, Nathan had already began to conjure up his rock armor to surround his body...which he began to thrust into the bandits. They'd feel a wrecking ball as he rammed into and crashed through bandits like a bull. He would soon remove the armor and reform the rocks into small baseballs, which he tossed out toward the bandits that began to chase him and even covered Hinata one from a bandit. After a few more moments of fighting, Nathan would rejoin Hinata after piling up the unconscious bodies of the bandits and tied them all up. "I think that this went well for a hard day's work!" He said with a large grin on his face, feeling proud of having accomplished the mission so easily.
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Hinata hadn't expected any trouble from the bandits and went even smoother than she thought. Her arms crossed over her breasts as she glanced back to Nathan. " ... Yes, it did go well. However .... I do not appreciate your recklessness. Maybe if there hadn't been hostages involved, your idea on tossing those bombs would have been easier to accept. But .... what if any of them had gotten hurt ... or worse? Do you know how much trouble that would have gotten us both into, me a bit more?!"

Her head shook as she sighed. "Moreover, last I checked I am still the sensei. That being said ... you listen to me. Not vice versa. The final call is mine, not yours." Another frustrated sigh left as her eyes returned to normal, her head lightly shaking. "... Go back to the estate. I'll be back in a bit. Right now ... I'm infuriated with you. Yes you did well but just .... "

Her head continued to shake from side to side, her eyes slowly closing as her ears listened to see if her orders would be heeded or not. If no ... she would have to make him, probably. She wouldn't like it.... but Hinata would do it.
He did not leave. He grew angry with her as she grew angry with him. "I don't get what the big deal is!" He retorted and pointed to the pile of unconscious bandits. "I managed to get them and the hostages got out without any deaths! I threw the bombs outside the walls on purpose, Hinata!" He stayed there as he continued to justify his actions on the mission. "While you stood by and idly watched, I went about my own plan to get things done and it worked! All you did was back me up when I rushed into the confused bandit base! If anything, you should be thanking me for finishing this mission!"
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"You put them - and us - at risk with those bombs!" Her eyes shot open, hearing he hadn't left as instructed. "Furthermore, you did everything without my orders or consent! Those are my issues! Shinobi follow a chain of command. You are a Genin, I am your Sensei! You listen to me, not vice versa!"

When it got to her being accused of doing nothing ... that was her last straw. Without second thinking on her actions, her hand pulled back, landing harshly on his cheek.

"Who are you to say I did nothing?! I found them and their base out and I helped you fight them! Do not say such things of me!" For a bit she merely stared angrily into his eyes. Finally, however, she grasped his arm and began dragging him back to the Estate. She'd make him go to his room and remain there for the rest of the day.

Right now, she wanted to do nothing of this job and was slowly beginning to wish she hadn't accepted this job ....
He felt the hand go across his face and he stumbled back a bit from the sudden attack on him. He held his cheek as he glared at her, hearing her prove her worthiness to the fight. True...She HAD found the base...Something he obviously overlooked. Nathan felt her grab his arm, and began to start dragging him back to her Estate. "You don't have to be so god damn forceful!" He said angrily as he followed after her to the estate. Upon arriving, he shrugged his arm free and went to his room, feeling insulted that she could just...Treat him like some kind of kid and send him to his room! He sat down on his bed and frowned hard, eyes closed, as he tried to ignore the anger that swelled up within him.
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"And you don't have to be such a spoiled, arrogant brat ... " She retorted, turning on her feet and heading into her own room. Her head collapsed on her pillow as she laid down on her stomach, muffling the sobs that soon followed. She was frustrated ... but more than that, she was angry at herself. Kurenai would be scolding her by now with how she was handling him ... probably. Definitely for the slap and that alone was making so much guilt overwhelm her. " ... I don't know what to do ... " She murmured softly, tears slowly falling onto her pillow.
Had it not been for the tracker slapped upon his wrist, he'd be gone right now. He knew if he tried to escape now, she'd just find him and force him back. He wanted to tear it off. He didn't care if he had to cut his own hand off to get it off...He wanted to get out of there. Though...he never really WANTED to cut his hand off just to escape a non-lethal environment. "Dammit." He said out loud as he slammed his hand down on the bed, which didn't really do much but make a loud springy sound from the bed. He sat up, and wondered what he needed to do now. He was stuck there until Hinata would come and get him. He sighed and shook his head...Maybe he should be a bit more willing...Maybe he could even eventually convince her to truly take off the tracker. He was so close! And then this mission happened. He sighed once more, his anger now gone and his motivation depleted.
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After getting all her frustrations out and tears cried out, Hinata wiped her face dry and slowly stood up. Exhaling deeply to calm herself, she gazed down at her sheets, in deep thought. With a slow nod, she left her room and leaned against the doorframe to Neji's old room, glancing somewhat sadly to Nathan. "At least about the slap ... I am sorry. I'm not, though, on saying how I felt ... especially you being as hasty as you were. Can ... can you sort of see where I'm coming from? Even if only a bit?"

Her head shook as a weak sigh left. " .... I can't blame you if you hate me right now. Honestly .... I'm questioning what I'm doing. I don't like quitting .. but maybe ... " She swallowed, not wanting to finish the sentence and knowing that he probably could figure it out easy enough.
He stood up and walked over to her when she never finished her sentence. He put his hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eyes. "Don't even finish that sentence...I wouldn't want any other sensai. You've got nothing to apologize for, sensai. So stop it." He removed his hands from her shoulders and turned to walk back to his bed and lay on it, back toward her. "I'm not mad, nor am I depressed. I'm just...tired. Exhausted. Spent. The emotional rampage along with the mission has me light headed. I wish to sleep now, Hyuuga." He said her last name...something he hadn't done in quite a while, rather than calling her by her first name.
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"... I wouldn't want any other sensei .. "

The words made her feel a bit better, a small smile coming to her lips. " .... Really? Thank you. That ... means a lot to me. I .... I know I've probably been going about this the very wrong way .... " She sighed softly, nodding in agreement as she moved fingers through her hair. "Yes ... I think some sleep would do us both some good."

Bowing her head to Nathan, she left to allow him to get some rest. After a deft change into a nightgown, she allowed herself to fall upon her own bed. Not but seconds after her head found the pillow did the poor heiress pass out easily enough.
The next morning, Nathan awoke and redressed himself into a new garb and headed out to walk around the estate. He had never had time to truly take in the wonders the Hyuuga family had when it came to this place. They seemed so rich, and so well respected...How did Hinata get stuck with a lowlife bandit like himself? He sighed, and sat down in the courtyard and began to meditate so that he could allow his chakra to flow through him and relax him some more. His mind kept racing back to Hinata though. She seemed truly angry with him...and he felt guilty. He didn't know why. Why did he have guilt? He was just doing the job! He shook the feeling from his head and sighed as he could no longer concentrate enough for meditation. He simply laid back, relaxed, and watched the clouds go by.
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When Hinata woke up the next morning, she thought long and hard on what to do. She was already late, even by her own schedule; but with the idea that had repeatedly been going through her mind, she was fine with that. Nodding lightly, she went to Neji's old room, only to see Nathan not there. Her heart race and panic filled her for a few seconds. Her head shook no as she took calm breaths through her nose.

Even if he did ... the device is still on him ....

Sure enough, after some walking around, she found him outside. Her head bowed politely to him as she sat beside him, "Morning, Nathan-san. I think ... today we can both have a day off, in celebration of the still successful mission. Maybe not how I thought it'd work ... but you're right. When all is said and done, we did still accomplish what was asked of us. How's that sound?" She offered, keeping her gentle eyes upon his all the while.
"If that is what you want...then lets do it then." He replied as he stayed there on the ground, laying there and looking to the clouds. He took a deep sigh and then looked to Hinata. "Are you feeling better, Hyuuga?" He murmured and leaned forward to sit upright. "You were out of it yesterday. I hope the rest did some good for you." He stood up and walked past her. "I am heading to the training room...I'll spend this day off training..." Though...on the way toward the training room, he passed the kitchen and stopped to step inside of it. He frowned...and began to rummage through the kitchen for some sake. That was something he hadn't had in a long while.
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Hinata gave an affirmative nod to Nathan at his question. "Yes, thanks. And yes ... it is what I want. I had to make certain of that but ... I'm positive." It really was a nice change. Kami knew she didn't get enough days off, especially from her dad or just shinobi life in general. Watching him head off, she remained outside for now, clad in everything else save the heavy jacket. It'd been getting too warm as of late, she decided not to bother with it.

Inside ... he would not, unfortunately, find Sake. Though her father seemed like his anger was as bad as if he'd drank, he never actually did. And with Hanabi still living under his roof, he never wanted to risk her accidentally finding it and sipping from it. So ... the house was very alcohol-free, much to Nathan's dislike.
Upon finding out about the dry family, he sighed and stood up and continued to the training room, sober. Nathan didn't really know what to do. He was going to train...but as soon as he entered the room, he felt demotivated. Like all intent of kicking the shit out of a training dummy had lost its shine, and he would return to Hinata. He would not find her for another ten minutes, seeing she had taken off her heavy jacket and went to sit beside her. "I lost motivation in training...I think I'm really just going to relax..." His eyes lit up slightly, an idea came to mind. Maybe he could seduce her into removing the tracker from his wrist. He leaned into her slightly and draped an arm over her shoulders.
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Hinata gave Nathan a small smile and nod in understanding. "For today, that's fine. Like I said, feel free to just relax today ... no need to push yourself and force any training in." Her eyes closed, only opening at the feeling of his arm finding her shoulder. " .... Um .... it ... it's not you I just ... " She shifted, moving away far enough so he couldn't repeat the gesture. "I'm .... not used to such contact. And ... like I said before .... I ... kinda have my eyes on another. So please don't .... "
He raised an eyebrow at her reactions. "Then let this be your own training...For once, why not let me be the sensei and you the student?" He moved over to her once more. "I'll teach you to be more comfortable with physically touching a man." His arm draped over her shoulders once more, and he lightly pulled her into his body. "See...? Its not so bad." He pulled her to lay back in his chest, and wrapped his arms around her to hug her. "Tell me when you need me to slow down...I'm trying to make you feel comfortable with a man like this..."
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"W-well ...." Before she could finish her protest or move away though, she felt herself against Nathan's chest. She supposed to some degree, he did have a good point. If she was too scared to even try to approach Naruto, how would she be able to do any of this with him without possibly fainting? Her heart raced but she slowly nodded. "I ... well ... I suppose. But ... no groping or anything ..... please." Her eyes slowly closed, her heart continuing to pound in her chest as she tried to relax. It was a foreign sensation ... but definitely not bad, like he'd said.
"Sh...Sh..." He said gently as he began to rock her in his arms. "I know...I won't ruin this moment for you. We'll stop in a few minutes...but unless you move in on this guy before we move onto groping then let me know." He said teasingly as he still rocked her in his arms. He grinned a bit deviously as he buried his face gently into her hair and held her ever so tenderly. It would be almost as if they were lovers. "Hinata...Am I taking things too far or should I continue?" His arms tensed up a bit, as if not wanting to let go of her if she said so.
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Her eyes remained closed as flashbacks and memories of all the times she'd admired Naruto from afar went to her mind. Then the same words so many had told her echoed in her head again.

"Give up on him."
"What do you see in him anyways?"
"He's been such an idiot to you ... forget about him. Move on ... "

With all the time that had passed since she risked her life for him .... it'd be a lie for the Heiress to deny she had contemplated it. But ... even if she did, whom she should look to? Anyone at all?

She felt herself mentally slap herself for daring to consider such a thing, her head lightly shaking no.

What is wrong with you?! Yes ... it's been a while but .... no. You've never given up before, don't start now ...

Soft, steady breaths continued to leave, her eyes remaining shut for now as she finally heard Nathan speak. After thinking a bit, her head shook no. "N-no ... you're not. Um ... I ... I guess you can keep going .... "

He did seem to be listening to her .... that alone was definitely a good sign. So, for now, she'd allow it.
Nathan heard her tell him to continue and he laughed a bit. "Good...I'll go slow, Hyuuga...And I won't grope you." He smiled and laid back, bringing her with him so that she was laying on top of him. Now both of them could relax and watch the clouds together. "Hyuuga...You're comfy to hold. How have you not had a man yet?" He laughed lightly. "A woman like you should have many suitors lined up, hoping to be the lucky bastard that gets your heart."
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A light blush danced across Hinata's cheeks at the compliment. She knew that should be true ... but part of it was her being too stubborn to gaze at another. The other .... well .. she went on to explain.

"W-well ... some of it is because I haven't wanted to look at another man. Though .. in truth .. some may be too anxious to approach. My father ... is rather strict and protective of me so ... dating me ... well... you'd have to impress him. And that is definitely easier said than done." Her eyes remained closed, her body gradually beginning to relax more and more.

This really did feel good ... and to know - at least it seemed as much - that Nathan would keep true to his word was making it all the more easier to enjoy this. Her hands slowly rested upon his, her eyes finally opening to gaze up at the clouds with him.

"I ... thank you. This .... is rather nice, I guess."
"Rather nice indeed..." He whispered to her. "Hinata...I think we're done with cuddling for now...If you wish to proceed to something different...Just let me know. If you really want to impress this boy you're holding out for...you're going to need to learn how to kiss." He wondered if she would go this far for her 'training'. She said no groping. He didn't say he couldn't kiss her. "You don't want your first kiss with this boy to be horrible or sloppy...do you?"
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"I ... " Her blush deepened, part of her - admittedly - curious on the idea but another too scared. It wouldn't be with Naruto; both of them knew that. He was definitely bringing up good points but ... if she agreed ... Naruto wouldn't be her first kiss. And even if he never found out, she would always know. That alone mentally killed her. Her head shook lightly as she glanced down. "I ... I don't know about that much. I ... this is already taking a lot to accept and allow so ... I ... I'm sorry really but .... " She hoped like hell he would understand. He'd proven once if push came to shove, he could keep her pinned; she didn't want to repeat that again.
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