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Something from the past (me and cheerio_cherry )

As she requested to not talk about it he smiled softly. "Of course." She didn't need him upsetting her and he knew he needed to back off. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." His apology was gentle and he paused, watching her silently. He could tell he'd upset her and didn't want to upset her again.
Adrianna looked at him and said "Thankyou..." she said softly, closing her eyes she breathed out before she looked back at him and said 'i don't like" she said quietly
"Must have been a real problem." Bones agreed softly. "It's alright." He had moved closer, unable to stop himself softly touching her cheek. "Don't let him get to you now you're free... alright?" He spoke gently. "You're a very smart girl and sweet, whatever it was... it's on him, not you."
Adrianna looked at him and smiled a little and said "Thank you" softly again as he touched her cheekk. She bit down on her lower lip and smiled a little. "Your a good person, Doctor McCoy" she said softly.
"So are you Adrianna." Bones spoke softly, finding her smile sweet. "Maybe we should get to know each other a little better next time we have a break." He didn't want to push his luck at all and just wanted to be sure she was alright with it.
"Maybe" she said smiling a little. She looked at him and smiled. Five minutes later a few more paitients walked into the sickbay. Adrianna smiled and got to work.
Bones smiled watching her help the people, turning his own attention to the patient he had at hand, keeping himself concentrated long enough to solve several problems.
Adrianna enjoyed herself while she worked,. It provided a good distraction from the things in her mind. She hated the fact that what Adrian had done to her still plagued her today. He was like a leech that refused to let go, no matter how much salt you threw on him. She had tried many times to forget it but she would often have bad dreams, reliving the horrible things he had done to her, and other times, his very presence sent chills down her spin. She always knew if he was close, she didn't know how, but she just did, and every time she knew he was near, she was just filled with dread.

For the moment though, she was happy, probably for the first time in a long time. It seemed that Adrian always hanging off her had been the thing in her way. She felt safe here. He could not follow her onto the enterprise. The feeling of safety was one she had not felt in a long time, as Adrian had always been there, always watching, always crossing her path, but no longer. Maybe she could no regain the part of herself she had lost.
As people slowly filed out after one of them had managed to solve their problems and in most cases heal them. He had noticed that Adrianna seemed to be happier when she was healing people and now she was here she was well away from the man who had been trying to bother her. After a while she had seemed to relax and he knew he was doing just as much of a good job putting her at ease. His attention when he was working was mostly on his patients but when he was waiting for the next patient his attention went back to Adrianna.

Now he smiled and helped his patient to sit, working to heal the wounded ankle.
Adrianna smiled as she raned the scanner over a man who seemed to be sick with another kind of sickness. After diagnosing him, she found the suitable vaccine and injected him with him with it before he was good to go. She smiled and discharged him, moving on to toher poeople in the sickbay. She felt happy now that she was working here.
Bones smiled as he watched her. She was bright and sweet as she worked, she seemed to be relaxed and he turned back to his patient. "Okay, all done." He had one left in line, only one other left after that. Now he watched as a young engineer approached whimpering as he held out a burnt hand. "Cooler burn." The comment was mild as he got to work, wrapping the hand in a bandage even as he tried to fix it.
Adrianna tended to her next patient who had a broken ankle. She handled the girl gently as she healed her, tlaking her through it and being very coforting about it. She smiled happily at her and sent away another happy patient. It made her feel great that she could help them.
As the last of the patients exited Bones sighed softly. "I have a feeling we're going to see a lot more of this in the coming weeks." The comment was mildly spoken but honest. "I hope you're okay dealing with some of these alone? I may well be called away." He knew he would be, eventually Jim would no doubt manage to cause a major incident.
"I'll be fine" she said smiling. "I can handle it" she said smiling. She already felt a lot more confident with her self and her skills. She smiled at him and said "I quite enjoyed working today" she said smiling.
"You seemed to settle in instantly." Bones commented, smiling at Adrianna softly. "You're certainly doing well." He couldn't help the comment. "It could be good for you to have a chance of your own." She made him want to smile and he did so now, sweetly.
Adrianna looked at him smile and said "It's good to know that my supieror officer also has confidence in me, and its not just me imagining it" she said smiling at him.
"Of course I have confidence in you." Bones smiled. "I know how smart you are." His words were soft as he stretched himself out a little, his back giving a small click as he did so. He'd been bent over enough that it made him stiff now he glanced over at her and smiled. "Don't be afraid to take some time to stretch, might stop you cramping up."
Adrianna looked at him and nodded. She smiled and said "Are you hungry, perhaps we should eat somthing?" she asked him with a smile on her face.
She had caught his attention with the offer and he smiled. "Sure." Her smile had made it all the easier for him to agree before he spoke again. "You ready to try some starfleet food?"
"Maybe we should decide after we get the food?" He suggested with a laugh. "We should get going before Jim tries to kill any more people."
Adrianna looked at him and said "I'm happy" she said smiling. "Did you prefer me to be morbid?"
"Good lord no." Bones laughed. "It's just nice to work with someone smiling." She couldn't be better for him. He knew it.
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