All That Remains... (Alexander May & MiseryChord)

He sighed before nodding and continuing forward. "....I still think there might be others out there.....just think about it. It would make things easier for us, even if we only had one other person." It would make trips to town easier, as well as sleeping.
She nodded, remaining silent as she thought it over. Yes, it would make it easier on them. Only thing was would be finding them.
They traveled for the most of the night in silence, each thinking about their own thoughts of what John brought up as Kallie made sure to cover their tracks behind them. Just as dawn started to break, he spoke up again. "We should probably find a place to make camp..."
Kallie nodded wearily. Her feet and legs ached from walking. She looked around for somewhere to make camp for the day. "Alright. Any ideas where to stay?"
He looked around before he saw a place. "How about over there?" It was at the bottom of a hill. The hill wasn't to tall but it had a slight incline beneath it that would hide them from overhead view.
She thought for a moment. "That looks good." She sighed, tired. She walked over and laid out their blankets.
He smiled as he moved with her, setting everything up before kissing her gently. "I'll be right back. I'm just going to the hill top to check and make sure nothing is poking out."
Kallie nodded tiredly. "Alright baby. Are you hungry?" She asked, rummaging through the packs.
She handed him several protein bars from the seeker's packs. "It's to bright to start a fire and I'm sure you're sick of raw food." She kissed his cheek. "If it is dark enough I'll cook tonight."
"Oh you big baby. It ain't that bad." She giggled, taking a bit and gagging. "Ew. Nevermind. Forget that last statement."
She nodded and lay down on the blankets, curling up and laying there. She watched him until her eyelids grew heavy and she drifted off, her weary body relaxing.
He smiled as he watched her sleep. Before he never would've admitted it but he always enjoyed watching her sleep, loving how peaceful she looked.
Kallie awoke around noon. She yawned, stretching. A soft smile was on her face as she stood and walked to him, sitting in his lap and curling up.
"Mm well since I didn't have a ved buddy, not so great." She grinned, kissing him sweetly. "Why don't you get some rest? You need it definately." She murmured, laying her head against his chest and listening to his strong, steady heartbeat.
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