All That Remains... (Alexander May & MiseryChord)

He looked at Wanda and then Ian, his gaze sliding over Jared last before he finally answered. "No. I'm not alone."

Ian nodded at Jared as he introduced them. "He's Jared, and I'm Ian."
Wanda smiled. "Are you hungry? We have some food in the truck and we can go to your friends. We wanna help you. There are others besides the three of us as well."
"Yes..." He was still slow to answer. "But we can't take a car to get to where she is."

Ian stayed with Wanda, watching John as Jared moved to the car, getting in and starting it up.
"We'll go as far as we can in the truck. I'm sure you are exhausted." She said, moving forward to slowly touch his arm in a comforting gesture. "Come on. Let's finish up here before everybody begins waking up."
He flinched away from her touch, still unsure before he answered. "Alright...but let's hurry." He said it lightly as he waited for her to move first, his mistrust still obvious. Trusting strangers was one thing, but trusting strangers who were part of a race that was taking over his planet....a whole nother thing.

Ian took Wanda's hand in his, smiling softly as he started back towards the car. "That's another one we've saved since we found you." It had gotten easier to do everything since Wanda had joined them. Especially gathering food and getting rid of the souls.
Wanda walked into the house first, keeping close to Ian. She picked up his forgotten bag and handed it to him. "I'm sorry to have frightened you." She apologized, helping him to fill up his bag.

Once they finished, they led him out to their vehicle. Wanda rode in between Jared and Ian, leaving the back for John. She smiled over at Ian, squeezing his hand. "I'm just glad there is no more slaughter."
John told them where to go, or as far as they could with a car anyway. By the time they reached the waterfall area, the forest had become to dense to continue with it any longer, the dirt road path that had once been there overgrown with plants and even some small trees. "We have to go on foot from here on out."

"That makes two of us." He returned the squeeze as he said that.
Kallie milled about, mending some of John's clothes while sge waited for him to return. As usual her pistol rested at her side, ready for if she should need it.

Wanda gave John a smile. "Why don't you and Ian go, or Jared. I don't want to frighten your friends also."
John got out of the car with his bag, waiting. It didn't matter to him which one it was.

Jared stepped out stretching. "I'll go. Give you two some alone time.....god knows you want it." He nodded to John then. "Lead the way."
Wanda nodded. "Alright. Be careful or Melanie will be highly upset at me." She grinned.
"Highly upset is an understatement." He smirked at her as he said that before John started down the path. He followed after him.

With two of them they could be less cautious as well as taking less time to cover their tracks. They got to the campsite with Kallie in half the time it took John to leave.

When they got there John moved to kiss Kallie, pulling her into his arms. "I missed you...." Jared was examining their camp, waiting to be introduced. "And I was right!! There are others. His name is Jared and he's with a larger group of people. He wants us to join them."
Kallie saw the two approaching from the top of the hill. She warily drew her gun until she spotted John and ran to him, kissing him deeply. After he introduced her to Jared, she shook his hand. "I'm Kallie. Gosh it's great to se another human being." She squeezed John's hand tightly, intending to never let him go again. "So there are more survivors?" She questioned eagerly.
"Yes. I'm in a group of about roughly fifty or so people alone." He smiled kindly at her as he said that. "We've managed to survive because of a place we found a little bit away from here."

John squeezed Kallie's hand in return before moving his spare hand to gently take her gun from her. "Let me hold on to it while we go back to the car." He didn't want her to have it when they first met Wanda.
She hesitantly gave up her gun, helping him to pack up their belongings. She shouldered her bag, waiting on the two men to lead the way. "Wow. Fifty people." She murmured in awe. At onr time that didn't seem like many, but up until about twenty minutes ago she had assumed her and John were the only survivors.
He smiled as he took her hand, starting back towards where they'd come from.

Jared shrugged. "That may not be all that are with us. We stopped counting a while ago, and every now and then we found more people."
She felt her jaw drop at Jared's words. "How do you all stay hidden and survive?" She asked, squeezing John's hand tightly as they walked along the trail.
"Well...It's hard to explain. You'll see when we get there." He smiled back at them then.

He listened, curious to this part before following him.
Kallie only nodded, moving into John's side as they walked for a bit of warmth. She wrapped her arm around his lower back, slipping a hand into his back pocket.
He looked at her curiously before just shrugging.

Before they got there, Jared paused, looking back at John. "Make sure she doesn't do anything stupid okay?"
Kallie frowned at his words, looking up at John. "What is he talking about?"

Back at the Jeep, Wanda anxiously awaited their return. She now wore Ian's glasses but even through the dark tint, the faint ring of silver could be seen.
"It's...a long me ok?" They may have hated each other, but they'd always known they had to trust one another. He gently took her hand in his then, leading her into the clearing where Wanda and Ian waited.

Jared followed behind them, in a position to grab her should she freak out.

Ian held Wanda's hand in his, looking over at John and Kallie.
Kallie saw the man and girl standing there, then noticed the sunglasses covering the girl's face. When Jared moved in close behind her she grew wary. "John...what the hell is going on?" She asked slowly.

Wanda stepped forward. "It's okay. Please don't freak out." She slowly removed the glasses and looked up at the taller girl.

Kallie screamed, rearing back and trying to break to run, reaching for hef pistol that was no longer there. "Get away from me! What have you done to them!?!"
John grabbed onto her, pulling her against him. "Calm down Kallie...." He let the others explain, his eyes meeting hers so that she could see he was still human.

Ian moved to stand in front of Wanda, Jared staying where he was before.
She fought against him. "No! Get away from me you fuckin' parasite!" Her elbow rammed into his ribs, allowing her to break away only to trip, her ankle turning in on itself with a audible pop. An agonized scream left her.
"Kallie!" He pushed past the others, moving to pick her up in his arms as he glared at Wanda and the others. "You say you have somewhere safe? Let's go there." He moved over to the car, pushing past them as he laid Kallie down on the seats, bringing the backpack with him as he pulled out Peace and Heal.

Ian frowned before he sighed. "That could've gone better....come on. Let's go." Jared nodded, climbing into the car and waiting for Ian and Wanda.
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