All That Remains... (Alexander May & MiseryChord)

She nodded. "You may want to get her partner. She'll probably fight you."
Melanie sighed as they walked, bumping into Wanda on the way, her and Jamie laden with trays. "Hey guys. Where are you headed?" She asked, readjusting the tray in her arms. Both trays were laden with fresh rolls, a big bowl of thick stew and other good foods. Mel gave her a sort of strained smile. "To the infirmary. Doc says the girl's ankle is broke and needs to reset it. He needs the guys to help hold her down. Will any of your medicines help?"
As Jared explained everything to John, he couldn't get up fast enough. He probably would've left Jared and went without him, but he didn't know the way to the infirmary.
Wanda thought for a moment. "Well, I have only saw Heal work on open wounds but I suppose it may work internally. No Pain will work wonders of course." She replied. "C'mon. Let's see what Doc has and maybe Burns can help us." She sent Jamie off to find the red-headed man.
As Wanda, Ian, and Melanie arrived; Jared and John had just arrived. John was holding her hand in his, looking down at her with a worried look.
Wanda walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder. "She will be fine. Doc will take good care of her." The doctor walked up then. "If you'll hold her mouth open, I'll give her some No Pain." He spoke to John, showing him the container.
Doc placed the strip on the girl's tongue, pouring a little water to help it dissolve. Jamie returned with Burns and the red-haired man moved by her head. "Hey Doc, I have saw Heal used interally before. None of our medicines will hurt in anyway so it should be okay." She looked to John and held out a hand. "Burns Living Flowers. Nice to meet you though not under these circumstances." He looked to ths girl lying on the cot.
Doc watched the exchange as he moved around to grab the Awake. "Burns...Wanda...why don't you two go see if Jeb needs any help?" He had caught onto John's unease as had Wanda. She nodded, taking Burns arm. "Sure thing Doc." Once they were gone, Doc moved to spritz the mist in front of her nose. "Now John, she will be anxious and I'll need you to calm her down. Boys, hold her legs and hips mostly." He ordered as Kallie groaned beneath them. Her eyelids fluttered for a moment before opening and meeting those os so familiar blue ones she had grown to love. "J-John?" She felt no pain, only a sort of floating euphoric feeling. "Where am I?"
Ian and Jared moved so that they were each in better positions to hold her down by her legs and hips. They were gentle, yet hard enough to keep her down should she struggle.

John smiled as he looked into her eyes, brushing her hair back as he did. "Hey Kallie...we're safe. We're somewhere safe now."
She sat up a little when she felt them hold down her legs. "Wh-what's going on?!" She asked, panicking a little. Her scared gaze turned to him, pleading for comfort and explanation. While she was distracted Doc grabbed her foot and yanked. A sickening crack waz heard as the bones reset and Heal began doing its job. She felt nothing from it only him splinting it with flat boards and rags.
He kissed her gently. "You damaged your ankle again. The same one as when we first met. They're holding you down to protect you from yourself." Ian and Jared smiled at her kindly, to make it clear they meant her no harm.
Doc finished up as he was explaining to her. "Alright sweetheart. You're patched up but you'll have to keep your weight off it. I'm sure your friend here will make sure of that." He patted John's shoulder, smiling. Kallie watched him apprehensively. She stiffened as Melanie came into view, her eyes moving to see if she was a parasite or not.
Ian and Jared let go of her, but stayed in a position so they could grab her again if needed. John smiled at Kallie, gently taking her hand in his. "Calm one here will hurt you."
She looked up at him, a bit fuzzy from the No Pain still. Her hand squeezed his as if it were her lifeline. "W-where is the other?" She asked, eyes searching the faces around the room.
She tightened her grip for a moment as unease washed over her. Melanie moved over. "Perhaps you two need some alone time. There's food in your room and a change of clothes if you want to carry her there."
Melanie smiled. "I'll come by later to see if you guys need anything." Kallie wrapped her arms around John's neck, snuggling her face into the crook of his neck as he carried her through the people.
She held onto his hands as he lay her down and pulled him down on the bed with her. She snuggled into his side, still fuzzy feeling from the No Pain but she had a feeling her ankle was already healed. "I missed you. I'm sorry I fought against you. I was scared when I saw the parasite and got to thinking she had brainwashed you or something." She whispered, kissing his neck tenderly. "From now on, I'll trust you completely."
He smiled as he held her against him, kissing her passionately. "I understand. If I had been in your position I don't doubt that I would've done the same thing as you."
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