All That Remains... (Alexander May & MiseryChord)

She scoffed, playfully. "You better believe I'll be okay. I'm a better shot than you." She winked, nipping his lip. "Go ahead. I'll be fine."
He smiled nodding. "I know I know." He set her down then, moving over to where she was moments before, laying down and closings his eyes. His exhaustion caught up with him in seconds.
Kallie walked over, pulling the blankets over him with a sort of warm, dopey smile. She kissed his lips softly before whispering, "Sleep well my love." With a smile, she sat down at her post, listening and watching for any trouble.
He slept peacefully, murmuring out unintelligibly every few seconds. He woke around six o' clock, stretching with a smile. "How was watch? Everything alright?"
She smiled warmly, handing him a plate of warm beans from the small fire she had lit. "Haven't heard or seen anything. It's pretty remote out here so I doubt they'll canvas it much." She replied, taking a bite of her own ration of beans.
He gladly took the plate, nodding as he started to eat. "True...but better safe than sorry." They hadn't survived for this long to get caught being stupid. When he finished he smiled as he set the plate down. He stood up and stretched, moving down to pick up the bag. He shuffled through it before taking out his sunglasses and Peace. "I'm going out scouting...and this time stay no matter how long I'm gone. This place is peaceful. We'll probably be safe here for a week."
Kallie finished eating and nodded. "I'll give you four days before I move on. You should be back by then right?" She asked, standing and embracing him.
He returned the hug, smiling softly. "I will." If he was going to come back...he would've done it by four days. He leaned down and kissed her gently then. "I'll see you when I get back." He stretched then, before he turned to leave. He wouldn't say was to final.
She touched her tingling lips as she watched him leave, one hand raised in a wave. "I'll see you soon!" She called, finding it more comforting than the finallity of saying goodbye. She watched him until she could no longer see him before dousing the fire and setting up for the night.
As Kallie set up camp for the night, he retraced their steps, going back to the city they had left while making sure to cover his tracks behind him. He moved as fast as he could, and yet all the same he didn't arrive back in the small town until about an hour to the break of dawn. As he did he opened his map, looking over it. The last time he'd been in this neighborhood he'd marked the houses he knew were empty and would be for quite a while.

He broke into the house being as quiet as possible. Just because it was supposed to be empty didn't mean that it would be. He closed the door behind him, locking it once more before moving into the hallway. He'd need another backpack or something to hold the supplies in.
Kallie jumped up as a twig snapped. In the pale grey light of dawn it was difficult to see well but being in the wilderness for so long had improved her eyesight. She drew her pistol, finger tight on the trigger as she waited silently. Seconds seemed like hours as they ticked by and a deer came into view. She sighed, relaxing and returning to her spot. "Hurry back John." She whispered in the quiet of the dawn.
He found a bag soon enough, made for hiking and would hold a lot of supplies. He relaxed slightly as he took it out and moved into the kitchen. He started to go through the things stored in the cabinets, pausing slightly as he thought he heard the sound of a car. He remained frozen for a minute, before convincing himself it was imagination as he moved over to the fridge, opening it as he started to go through it.
Kallie ate a couple of protien bars as the sun began making it's way over the horizon. She made sure to stay hidden from view as she listened out for any sounds or abnormalities.
He continued to pull out several different types of food. He already had cans and boxes from the counter, but this was the first time in a long while that he'd gotten fresh fruits and vegetables like the ones in the fridge.
Soft footsteps sounded through the house followed by a femine gasp as the other intruder came upon him. The petite girl froze, eyes wide as the light from the refridgerator refected off her eyes. "Don't move." She commanded, voice soft and girlish as she held out her hands in a symbol of peace.
He froze at the sound of the voice, very slowly turning around to face the girl. He noticed two things at the same time. Firstly she had had to be the most weak person he'd ever seen. Secondly...and more importantly....she was a sol. "You're one of them....get away from me!" He backed away from her, his hand moving to slide into his pocket, brushing against Peace.

Outside the house, a man stood leaning against a car, glancing around nervously before looking back at the house. His eyes were covered with a pair of sunglasses as he murmured out softly under his breath. "Hurry it up Wanda...." She'd insisted she go alone so as not to frighten the parasite.
The poor girl seemed stricken to have caused him distress. "Please calm down. I'm on your side. There are other humans, non-Hosts with me. I will not harm you." She spoke calmly, hands out to show she wasn't a threat. "If you'll stay right there I will get them."
"And why should I believe you?" He stepped forward now, realizing he was stronger than she was. "For all I know there are a dozen seekers out there...." He didn't believe a word she said besides how she wouldn't hurt him. After all...she was to weak to have a chance of doing it.

He started to get impatient. "What's taking her so long?" The other man in the car sighed before giving him an answer.

"Calm down Ian. Wanda's fine. The Sols won't hurt her. You know that."
The girl moved back a little. "Please. I swear to you there are no Seekers. Souls have no reason to lie. Please believe me." She held up her hands to show she had no weapons or anything, only a bag. "Please." She asked, more softly this time.
She nodded, turning slowly and moving towards the door. She opened it, just as slowly so she wouldn't spook him. "Ian? Could you come here?" She asked calmly. "And take off your glasses."
He made sure she was in front of him, but at the same time he kept an eye on what was going on behind him.

"Why? Is something wrong?" Even as he asked it he started to move over to her, taking his glasses off.
She shook her head. "Everything is fine." She waited until he got close to her and shined her flashlight in his eyes so the man could see she wasn't lying.
He didn't relax at all, it only seemed to agitate them that they would betray their own race. "You are human...what is she your captive or something?"

"Yea I am." He moved forward to pull Wanda into his arms. "And no. She's not a put down Peace and we can all go peacefully..." He let his voice trail off as the other man moved to stand behind them.

"Another person? That's interesting. All the others we've ran into were in groups of four or more...and this one's alone." He looked curious.
The girl smiled sweetly to him. "We don't want to hurt you." She held out her hand in a gesture of peace. "My name is Wanderer. My family calls me Wanda though. Are you alone?"
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