All That Remains... (Alexander May & MiseryChord)

She felt tears pricking at the corner of her eyes. "But I don't want to live without you, John. I would rather die."
"I wouldn't be dead. I would still be with you, in you're heart." He couldn't bear the thought of her life being cut short for any reason, least of all because of him. "You have to keep have to."
She choked back a small sob, grabbing his face with both hands. "I love you so fucking much. Don't you dare leave me here without you John."
He looked straight into her eyes. "I wouldn't dream of it..." He gently stood up then, pulling on his clothes before kissing her once more. "But I might get held up. If I do....leave without me. I will find you again. I promise you."
Kallie hesitated but nodded, kissing him deeply. "Be careful out there." She followed him to the cave entrance, grabbing his wrist and moving on tiptoe to give him one last kiss before he left. "I love you."
He kissed her smiling. "I will be...and I love you to." He turned then, leaving the cave and heading back to civilization, needing to find a car.
Kallie watched as he went through the waterfall then went back to their little pallet. She made sure she and their belongings were hidden behind rocks in case anyone found the cave. Footprints were no worry since the floor was stone also.
He stepped into the town with his sunglasses over his eyes. No one questioned him...why would they after all? The sols were a trusting race. The only ones of them who would find it suspicious would be seekers.
She slept lightly for several hours, waking up whenever she heard something and her heart would skip, hoping it was him.
All in all the trip was a total waste of time, and he only barely made the deadline, stumbling into the area around the lake even as the sun started to set.
Kallie was packing up, feeling miserable as she saw the sun was setting. She sat doen on a boulder and sobbed softly, thinking he hadn't returned to her afterall.
He started around the lake, and by the time he made it over to the waterfall, the sun was completely set. He just prayed that Kallie hadn't left yet. He knew that even if she had he would find her again, but he wanted to be with her as much as possible.
Kallie sighed sadly and and walked from beneath the falls, the water washing away the tears on her face. She hefted both packs on her shoulders, unused to the extra weight, both from the packs and her heavy heart.
As she walked out of the falls, he caught her in his arms, both surprised and relieved to find her still here. "Kallie....thank god you haven't left yet."
Kallie froze as she was wrapped up in a pair of strong arms. She dropped the bags when he spoke and sobbed happily, clinging to him tightly. "Oh God! I thought you wasn't coming back!"
He kissed her passionately, his eyes meeting hers, the same shade of blue as always. "I promised you I'd be back..." He whispered it out softly. "I was going to keep that promise."
She held onto him, savouring the feel of him in her arms again. "I knew you would. I just thought...well..." She broke off, taking a deep, shaky breath. "Nevermind that. You're here. We are together and that is all that matters."
"Yes." He kissed her gently before leaning down and picking up the bags. "But we do have to get out of here. After today the seekers will be searching all the harder." He'd gotten seen, and had only barely escaped.
She picked up her bag, nodding. "Lead the way." When it came to their syrvival, she buckled down, serious and stoic.
He took her hand in his as he started out of the clearing, in the opposite direction of where they'd came from. They were heading straight into complete wilderness, mapped only from overhead pictures taken in helicopters....but they had nowhere else to go from here but forward. As they walked, he looked back at her, smiling softly. "You didn't have any trouble while I was gone did you?"
She was careful to hide her tracks as they walked. Dhe looked up at him. "No. I slept most of the day. Heard one helicopter but it was distant. Other than that I anxiously awaited your return." She replied to his question.
He relaxed at her words, before thinking carefully about his next words. "Hey you ever think.....that maybe we aren't the only ones left?" For the most part they acted as if they were, but they had no way to be sure.
She looked up at him, one slim eyebrow raised. "Well...I don't think there are anymore. I would like to hope that there were others but I just think the chances are very slim."
He paused then, turning to look back at her. "Well that doesn't mean anything....the chances of us surviving as long as we did are more than slim....there are only two of us." True larger numbers brought more attention....yet at the same time, it brought more safety.
She stopped, looking up at him. "I'm sorry. I'm just a little more pessimistic about it. I would think we would have met others by now."
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