All That Remains... (Alexander May & MiseryChord)

When he woke up he wasn't worried that she wasn't there as he stood up and stretched. After all, he knew she could take care of herself. He started to get dressed as he waited for her to come back.
Slowly, she opened the door and peeked in, a grin forming on her face as she saw him. She padded over and held out the little white stick for him to see the two little lines that told they were expecting.
He smiled as he looked over at her, and when he saw the positive he grinned as he kissed her deeply, pulling her tight against him before he broke off to look into her eyes with a smile. "We have a baby...."
She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him. "That's the worst part besides birthing him or her." She laughed. "What do you want it to be?" She asked.
"Healthy." Was her reply as she smiled up at him. "I will be alright as long as they are healthy."
He smiled at that, pulling her into his arms as he sat non the bed looking into her eyes now that they were level with one another. "I know he or she will be healthy....after all they have a strong mother like you."
Kallie smiled softly. "I just hope they're as smart and strong as their father."
She nodded. "That sounds wonderful but we better tell Doc and Mel the news." She grinned, holding up the test she still held. "I'm sure when we tell Melanie the whole cave will know before long." She laughed.
She chuckled and grabbed them a change of clothes and a bar of soap. "Can you grab some towels?" She asked, her hands already loaded with things.
She smiled, nodding and leading him down to the bathing room. Jeb had put in a few torches so it was dimly lit after the floor collapsed on Kyle and Wanda. She smiled, seeing they were alone before stripping down and lowering herself into the warm water with a groan.
He set the towels where they would be dry before stripping himself and slipping into the water beside her, sighing as he did. "That nice....."
She grinned, grabbing the soap and began washing him. "Feels great to have a hot bath." She replied, kissing his lips tenderly.
He smiled and returned her kiss. "True...hut my favorite bath we've had so far was still the lake." He grinned at that, taking the other bar of soap and starting to wash her.
She grinned. "Oh? And why is that?" She asked, smoothing her soapy hands over his slick chest and toying with his flat nipples playfully.
He grinned as he started to wash her chest, being quite a bit more playful and squeezing a little bit with her breasts before he answered her. "Guess. You should know."
"Hmmm....well it was the first time you got a piece of this tiny pussy and it was also the day I began carrying your child." She grinned, rinsing his chest and leaning forward to drag her tongue over the hard nubbin.
She grinned against hia flesh and suckled him, her eyes looking up at him.
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