All That Remains... (Alexander May & MiseryChord)

"I'm gonna look like a whale by then." She whined playfully, snuggling down on their bed.
"Psh says you." She giggled, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him deeply. "thank you...for everything." She whispered against his lips.
"And I love you and our baby." She replied. Her fingers played idly in his hair, her eyes looking deep into his as they lay together. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" She mused.
He smiled as he looked at her. "Be born. I'm the one who should ask that question." He brushed her hair as he moved his hand to gently feel her stomach. "And yes...if you're pregnant it's from the lake."
She laughed softly, placing her hand over his. "Did you not believe me?" She asked, chuckling.
She playfully slapped his chest. "You are horrible, you know that?" She giggled, nipping his lip gently. "And you should get back to work before Jeb gets on your ass."
Kallie smiled. "I will be fine. I'm sure Mel will be in here shortly and I will send someone if I need you."
She kissed him back. "Alright baby. Be careful with the blade." She called as he left, laying back to get a nap. Just as she got comfortable a knock came on the door and it slid back to reveal a beaming Melanie. "Hey! We came to keep you company." We? Kallie looked to see a very sheepish Wanda walking in behind the girl. She sucked in a breath and tensed up a bit. "O-okay." Wanda gave her a smile. "I heard about the good news. Congratulations!" "Thanks." Kallie replied, still a bit apprehensive.
He smiled at his lover's warning of being careful as he entered the field and went back to work. It wasn't to long before Hared spoke up. "Congratulations are in order than." John grinned slightly at that.

"Wow. News travels fast here ." He sliced through a bundle of wheat as he answered him.
Melanie sat down on the bed while Wanda took the rocking chair. "Sorry. I was so excited and kinda told your news." She apologized grinning. Kallie just shrugged. "It's alright. It was gonna get out anyways."
Jared smiled at him. "Rock walls do get kinda boring after awhile." John laughed at that as Jared continued. "I think this place needs a few children."
Kallie smiled, becoming more at ease in Wanda's presence. "So Wanda. Tell me, can your kind get pregnant too?" The petite girl looked thoughtful. "I do not know. I suppose so." She smiled. "Ian and I are going out tonight to get a pregnancy test for you." Kallie smiled. "Thank you. So have you and Jared thought about having kids?" She asked Melanie. "Not really." She shrugged. "We haven't really thought about it since we've been using protection."
He stood up as the all call went on to switch shifts, heading inside with Jared. As he did, they ran into Iran and he grinned. "Congratulations. Wanda and I are going out later.".

John nodded and smiled. "Thanks."
The call went out for shift change and Wanda stood up. "Well, I'm on kitchen duty so I better go." Kallie waved. "Alright. If I don't see you before you and Ian head out goodluck and be safe." Wanda smiled before stepping out of the room but not before saying "Thanks". Melanie smiled. "You seem to be more at ease around her now." Kallie shrugged. "I almost forgot she wasn't human." Mel grinned. "Well what do you say we go find those men of ours?" She held out a hand to help her up and they headed out, on the lookout for the two guys.
Jared and John were in the mess hall with Ian out in the field. "So how did you and Kallie meet?"

He thought back to it as he answered him. "We met when she was running from the seekers. She was quite a bit ahead of them, but she tripped and twisted her ankle. When she saw me she thought I was one of them. Her first words to me were kill me bitch, I'd rather die than be one of you....and I laughed."
Kallie walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Are you talking about me again?" She laughed, looking up at Jared. "Hi Jared. How are you?" Melanie went over and sat in her love's lap, leaning back against him.
He grinned as he turned around and kissed Kallie. "Of course I am."

Jared smiled as he held Melanie in his arms, kissing her gently. "So how are you doing today love?"
Kallie grinned, kissing him back and climbing in his lap, wrapping his arms around her middle.

Mel grinned. "Well had some excitement this morning." She winked over at Kallie and John. "Can't believe they got a head start though."
Kallie giggled. "Hey you two can still join the club." She winked. Her hands squeezed on John's as she wriggled a bit to get comfortable on his legs.
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