All That Remains... (Alexander May & MiseryChord)

She chuckled happily, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Mmm take me John." She whispered hotly.
He grinned as he kissed her passionately, spreading her legs apart as his eyes met hers. "Gladly...." He whispered it out softly, already hard again.
She moved so her back was to him and lifted a leg for him to enter her. She was already wet for him, having woke up that way.
He slide his hand under her leg, propping it on his shoulder before he pushed inside of her, groaning as he felt her around him again. "Ohhh....."
They stayed in bed for several more hours until both were drained. A few days later, she was up working with Melanie in the kitchen. All morning she had nausea but it wasn't that terrible until someone walked by with a pot of soup. She gagged at the smell and Mel shoved a bucket at her. "You alright?" She sent Jamie off for John.
He was out in the fields, cutting and harvesting some of the wheat when Jaime came over. He was working with Jared, so at first he thought he was there for him till he spoke. "Hey John, Melanie's in the kitchen with Kallie and she's sick." John listened before he nodded and followed Jaime back to the kitchen.
Melanie sat Kallie down at one of the tables, a cool rag pressed to her forehead as she heaved over the bucket. She sighed in relief when she saw Jamie return with John. "She got sick suddenly. I don't know what is wrong. Should we take her to Doc?" She asked, a little worried.
He slipped his hand into hers before squeezing it gently. "Yes." He had an idea what was wrong, but he couldn't be sure and wasn't willing to take the risk that he was wrong.
Kallie stood on wobbly legs and held onto him as they made their way to the medical ward, Melanie close behind. Doc met them at the door and ushered them inside. "What seems to be the problem Miss Kallie?" He asked smiling. "She got sick suddenly and vomited." Melanie supplied the answer. He nodded thoughtfully before looking up at John. "Has she had any complaints of stomach problems in the past couple of days?"
John shook his head as he helped Kallie take a seat. "No. As far as I know thia the first her stomach's bothered her." He looked at Doc before looking back down at Kallie, still holding her hand in his.
Doc nodded as Kallie let out a groan as her stomach churned again. "Kallie, is there any chance of pregnancy sweetheart?" He asked. She nooded. "A big chance. We've been trying." She answered honestly. He smiled. "Well, it would be too early for me to tell but perhaps we can send Wanda and Ian out to get a test." He grinned. "But in my opion, I would say you two are gonna be parents."
He smiled and relaxed at the doctor's words kissing Kallie on her forehead gently before he nodded at Doc's words. "Alright." He looked down at Kallie then, smiling again. "Wanna stay here or try and go elsewhere?"
She leaned against him, swallowing thickly. "I don't wanna move right now." She groaned. Through it all a happy smile came to her face and she looked up at him. "We did it. We're gonna have a baby!"
He smiled as he held her in his arms, kissing her before answering. "We did. I can't wait."

Doc smiled slightly at the couple. "You two can stay as long as you'd like, I'm going to get something to eat if you need me."
She nodded happily as he went to leave. "Thanks Doc." She smiled, turning her attention to her lover and laying against his broad chest. "You should ask Ian if he and Wanda could go find a test for us." She suggested, already feeling a bit better. Her nausea was fading now.
He kissed her gently, brushing her hair back. "He said he would find one already remember?" Normally he'd go himself, but with one of the sols on their side it was better not to.
She nodded. "I remember. Sorry I wasn't thinking straight." She sighed happily. "Why don't you help me back to our room. I need a nap." She grinned, laughing softly and running her hands over the gentle swell of her belly just below her navel.
He smiled leaning down and picking her up in his arms, carrying her bridal style. "Remember the first time I held you this way?" It was when they first met and she couldn't walk herself.
She grinned. "I'm a little fuzzy on the details but yes I remember. It was the first day we met and you saved my life." She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Never figured we would be in this situation did you?"
"Are you still sure you want this?" She asked, a small amount of uncertainty crossing her eyes. "Do yoi think we will be good parents?"
She gave him a warm smile. "Well we still have a good bit of a wait to meet the little one. I can't be more than a couple weeks pregnant." She had done the math and it had been around two weeks since their first time together. "You know...if I am pregnant then it happened that day at the lake."
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