Stream of consciousness and perhaps even some insight...

RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

I am both glad he feels guilty and that he is helping you this weekend. Even if it is not his idea, MAKE HIM. There is no excuse. Period.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

Yes, you do deserve it. I still hope that this is the "straws that break the camels' back" visit I see coming. It is, and I have a feeling your hub will make you proud when it does. At least you have one or two of them that are fairly decent at times.

I am glad you got so much cleaning done, and I am glad that you and yours are doing so well, especially him with helping you and your kids enjoying themselves (read about the iPad I am just happy for you that you should only have to deal with the in-lases from hell only a week and that trip is on the horizon for you all.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

*hugs you.. not ashamed to say I am proud of you...*

I am very proud of you, Hon. At this point, you have any and every reason to go off on them. If they cannot appreciate your effort, your hub needs to also. I know he will, and I know how you pride yourself on how thorough you are, so I again say that you are a great mom and housewife. Again, as I have said before.. I would not put up with it from people that are not perpetually on my "shit list", so you are so much better a person than I. I am just glad you have a couple among them who at least try to show appreciation (if I am wrong, I am sorry for the mistake). I really hope that you know how much you are loved and how much my thoughts are with you on this week especially. And, just to make a point.. that Harpy-in-law should pay for the dinner out.... but that is just me. lol
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

You'd be surprised the difference losing five pounds can make. Still, that's really awesome that they were nice and not being rude in the undercurrents of their compliments. <3
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

I agree that it is unusual, hon, but also five pounds is still five pounds. Also I think that you should always be confident about you, as those people need to know they are not going to tear you down. I think there is also much to be said about what you are putting into things as well. I really hope it is sincere and all, as you are one of the most beautiful women, inside and out, that I know. I think that, if it stays constant tomorrow, all is well... I hope.

Forgive me.. I am naturally paranoid. *hugs you close...*
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

Might just be my suspicions since this sounds like my Aunt Marlee(There is at least one in every family) when she wants something, but maybe it's because your husband is still feeling guilty about when you were sick? I'm hoping that's not the case and that this is a genuine acceptance, God alone knows having that is almost the best thing on the planet. Either way I'm glad things are looking up for you.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

I really hope so as well. I really hope that everything stays this way.. though I have my own fears that I will keep to myself right now. I am learning that sometimes verbalizing "what could be worse" makes it happen.

I am glad things seem to be getting better and all. I hope it is as real as it sounds, because damnit you deserve it. I am glad that it is happening but that you are braced for anything. You deserve happiness in all things, hon, and I really just hope that you get it and more. I love you very much, and I am crossing my fingers.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

I'm glad your thanksgiving went well for you then :D The cook should never have to do the clean up. And its good to see that your in-laws are going easy on you. Some people never get that satisfaction x.x Never got why people do that kind of stuff... picking and jabbing at people who are still family members.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

Again, I am still very glad you had such a good Thanksgiving, and I also would be just as suspicious of such an almost instantaneous 180 on their part. I am glad you had a good week and all, and I really am glad that my being wary as well makes sense then. I really want you to not have to deal with bullshit, and if this is the way things really are now, then I am very glad for it and hoping it never changes back. I don't blame you for sticking to your guns and keeping your guard up about anything, because I would be just the same way. But all the same, I still hope that it is a real change for the better as well.

RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

You are a much more confident and very together person, and I was seeing a lot of that. I am very glad that is the case, as you deserve all of those things. You deserve the compliments and the pride in yourself, and those people really always didn't get a lot of what you needed. You needed the affirmation from others that had nothing to do with the appearance, but we here that always saw you as beautiful knew it and see it in all things. Now I am glad that they are seeing it, and that you know it about yourself because you are more beautiful than many who judge solely on the outside.

I am glad that you did all those things, but because you did them FOR YOU. The clothes, the hair, etc,. was for YOU mainly, but your hub and kids and your real friends who love you encouraged you, didn't tell you that you had to or make you for someone else. It is all for you, and that is always the point, DA. I know it has been hard for you and that things just happened that were just so much dung added to the heap, but now I am so glad you are seeing that you really are a beautiful gem among a bunch of overpriced polished rocks (sorry, that is how I see a number of these people in your immediate physical RL world over there). Granted, there are some of those here online as well, but that is beside the point.

You are special, beautiful, and just plain fabulous. Those of us here who love you always have loved you and are not afraid to say it. *hugs you tightly*
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