Stream of consciousness and perhaps even some insight...

RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

Nothing in any way should stop that. Period. It is a good thing, and nay sayers, haters, snobs, issues between members... NOBODY or NO THING... should take that away. Too much of that crap in the world, and we are better than that. EOS.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

That is what a warped sense of reality does to people. They think it is always about them, or that rules of behavior don't apply to them like they do to others, or at all. It sucks and is wrong, selfish of them, and stupid of them. Eventually, though, they have to either get with the program, or they get ejected from things and they they become the problem of someone else. If you have told them to stop bothering you and made it totally clear, and they don't, that is all on them. And yes, they need help, and in too many cases they don't get it till it is really bad. I just hope they get the message before then.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

Due to numerous abuses and human rights violations Asylums as they were no longer exist. However with 3 signatures of people close to them, or law enforcement you can have someone held for 72 hrs for observation. At the end of such time if a doctor deems them unfit they will be retained in a mental hospital.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

That can also be abused, especially by doctors who have a "god complex". But yes, I really do hope that person gets is very clearly and soon. They are playing with fire pissing you off in the first place, DA.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

I am so happy for you! A wedding so close to a holiday, but not on the holiday, is so very cool! Also, you remembering that the beauty of your marriage is in part connected with your kids is very nice, and I think it is wonderful you do that with them there as well. I also know what you are most likely wanting to do for dinner, and I hope you get what you want. lol Also, I hate that they have to wear jackets and all, but also those are very good costumes as well. Thor and Rapunzel are very nice ones this year, and I bet they will both look absolutely adorable. The up side to the weather there, sort of, is it feels like fall going into winter for you. It is still freaky warm here, so I think you have the better weather hands down.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

darkangel76 said:
Edited by me..... just feel the need to do so now.

Okay.. now I am in a sugar coma by proxy!!! That man is wonderful, and I give props where they are deserved. You got one of the good ones like me, I am glad to say. LOL But all ribbing aside, I am so very glad you got the night out for your anniversary that you wanted. Everything there is fabulous, and I am not ashamed to say worth every penny.

It is almost a religious experience, every time.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

Wow.. just.. wow.

I have trouble believing she doesn't realize that she is doing that. I am not that clueless, at least I don't believe I am. But seriously.. that takes an extra special something.. like a mixing bowl sized bowl of stupid for breakfast! How in the world can she not understand that you cannot do that with kids? This is another one of those cases that, after it happens and you tell, I think you are so much better a mother than you think you are. Not giving in even though the begging is not your fault is very admirable, as you have set up consistency with your children, but it is also that you are not setting them up to have that "nyah nyah" crap. That is where SO many "grown-ups" who act like that now get that mentality.

As for the staying in your own neighborhood, that actually has a two fold benefit. One, they get to see their neighbors and get to see things around them. Two, it sets a precedent with the neighbors and they get to know your kids. HUGE BENEFIT when you want to keep your kids safe "in your own back yard" to fine point it. Actually, that is a razor micro point on that ink pen. When your neighbors know your kids and you, and know who they would be talking to it will be obvious that someone who is not supposed to be around them is. I hope that makes sense, but then I think as a great mom you are you already know all of this.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

My mother would be able to sympathize with the homework. Getting me to do my homework was always a nightmare. Even once I was in college I put it off till out was too late way too often XD
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

I already love that kid more myself. lol

I am so very sorry about the weather stuff, and about the dentist and the headaches, as all of that truly sucks monkey rocks. I know how headaches affect you, and I am sorry you are having them again, no matter the cause. I am glad that the medicine you take for your usual ones is still working, and I am really glad also that it seems to be getting better.

As for your son, yeah, that is also usual. It is a royal pain with our instant gratification society it happens, and it is so totally not his fault or yours. He will get the hang of things I think, and I do see him loving math more when he realizes what he can do with it. The nightmares are there, but then parenting does have them and I do see you not just surviving but doing a great job as you already are doing one now.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

I am glad you feel better., and I am sorry that you where sick. It also sucks that you now, right after your fever has broken you had to clean up the house. That really bites. Been there before. I am sorry that you are having to stress even more over "the harpies from hell". I hate the whole stomach going south thing, and I would not wish it on anyone. I just hope your hub helps with cleaning stuff up, and that he listens to you.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

Yes.. some people are idiots. Some are about some things, while others are so about others. That totally sucks that you have to do that, and I am very sorry that is what happened while you were sick and now you have to clean it up. In light of the next week especially, that sucks even more. I wonder how some people can not just clean as they go, especially in the kitchen, but I digress on that one.

I am glad that you are feeling better, just that I hate that you had to feel better and then the next minute have to deal with all of that. I just hope your kids take after you on the cleaning as you go thing when they are older, though that would be interesting with them having to help clean after their father. lol But in all seriousness, I really hate that you had to do that very completely. Had to do that with people, so I do understand.

As for the Inlaws from Hell.. a week is FAR TOO LONG for them to be there IMHO. I love and cherish my family, and a great number of my inlaws (both those on one side and the ones on my soon to be side), but I couldn't handle them for a week, no matter what the holiday. That is why I do understand what is going on and what you will be dealing with, as I was forced into something like that more than once when the power was out of my hands.
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