Stream of consciousness and perhaps even some insight...

RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

People are blind when we try to internalize too much, and circles do happen that way. It is a reason and an excuse all in one. Taking a leap of faith is part of the way to break the cycle, even if it means something uncomfortable happens. Not saying I am perfect, as I am just as guilty as everyone else. Also, not everyone expresses themselves in the same way. It is hard, but sometimes having to go halfway at least helps. I don't know if that makes sense, but I am trying as much as possible to understand it myself.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

darkangel76 said:
Edited by me..... just feel the need to do so now.

I'm a rather no nonsense, actions speak louder than words type of girl and I believe that I completely understand what you are saying here.

If someone says they are going to do something and then do not follow through with it, we feel it's not/wasn't meant sincerely and it becomes very disheartening, and as you said, especially without the courtesy of an explanation. If I had a reason I could not follow through with something I would think the person I made the promise to to be deserving of a explanation.

Circumstances do arise, I understand that but if to offer no explanation or apology at minimum for something we might not be comfortable trying to explain, is beyond me as to how anyone can do that to a friend.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

darkangel76 said:
Edited by me..... just feel the need to do so now.

I really do hope you get better, Hon. It is in my thoughts.. among other things.


What is love? What does it mean?
Is it flowers or candy given,
Or is it hugs and snuggles
Under a blanket as it rains?
Is it always soft and sweet
As kisses and caresses that
Are tender and expected refrains?

Yes, but sometimes that is not
What is needed to prove that
Love is felt after a drought.
Sometimes more is needed,
More intense and not soft
When what was done naught.

It is the crawling over broken glass,
not afraid of pain that needs to be.
It is running through tight woven thorns
Only to swim in the salty tear sea.
It is exposing all that you feel,
And just being fucking real.

How do you say you are sorry,
When the word may not mean a thing?
What do you do when you are the reason
That the bird you love no longer can sing?
Stop being afraid of what others think
When what you want is to make amends
And show that you are learning
That you don't deserve your friend.
But you still ask, still beg, still crawl.
Because the friend is worth it all.

I am sorry.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

What I think is deplorable is the fact that more than a few women out there are as (and in many cases even more) responsible than men. I am very sorry anything made you feel that way, hon. Nothing should happen or be said to make you feel less the wonderful and beautiful woman you are.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

That's really awesome. =] I'm glad you spent some quality time with your son and that he's like his mum. <3
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

Yeah.. we need to bottle that and sell it on the market. Your son really is cool, more of a man at that age than a number of "grown men" out there, I am so very sorry to say. But he is a great kid, and just nurturing that is going to make him a great teenager and man someday. It has a lot to do with the love he gets from you, your hub, his sister, and even others in your family.. the ones who nurture as you both do. I am glad he was there for you physically.

*hugs you tightly*
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

Sometimes people change as much as they can, and sometimes they change everything about themselves. It really depends on the motivation, DA. I can only speak for me, but I can only say that some people just need to grow up most of the time. Some people do what they do because they have issues in their daily lives, some because they have baggage from other relationships (no matter what those relationships are), and sometimes they just have that aura of "those rules of expected behavior just don't apply to me. It is stupid and immature, and while most of us only do it sometimes or in certain situations, there are those who do it all the time and cannot turn it off. I am sorry that is true, but it is.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

Hon, I am so very sorry. It does. All I can say is to drink water slowly. It really does help especially if it is filtered water. *hugs you, now worried about very much...*
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

I am so very glad you are better. The ribs hurting sucks big time, and I can empathize and sympathize all at the same time. I am very glad you are feeling better, and also glad that you are doing well in other ways. You are missed and are so very cared about, I promise you, Hon.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

Dirty is how we all are till we tell someone how we got that way. But you are right.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

Okay... That sucks, and I am sorry. For some reason I cannot see more of what was said here. No one needs to be thinking they are better than anyone else here.
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