Jugger x Voltonus

"Well show me around and I should find what I like to do around here..." He murmured and looked at his body. "Might want to veil me to hide my identity or something...Unless you'll walk me like a dog or something. I'm gonna assume Sergals are unwanted around these parts...I know your kind are unwanted in my world."
She smiled. "Don't worry, just call me mistress while we're out and about, and don't go running off."
She opened the door.
"Anything...?" He questioned, wondering what exactly the homeworld of Mora had to offer. As they strolled through the streets, he stayed close to Mora...hoping that no one would try to attack him for being Sergal...unaware as to whether or not they were as hated as Mara had made it seem.
"They seem to obviously fear me despite my...escort..." He replied to her as he looked to those who strayed from him. "Mora...Are you safe keeping me here? What if the people revolt knowing you've taken me as a pet?"
"Well, considering I'm one of the strongest people here, I won't have too much trouble.
They're not likely to bother me for having you out and about."
"You're that respected...or feared...around here?" He questioned as he suddenly stopped and looked around. "I think we got lost...? I don't smell food anymore..." He commented as he looked around. "Where are we off to now? I think we've strayed from the lively part of town."
"Maybe I did wander where I wanted to...Its much less lively here..." He murmured and turned to look at her. "I'm feeling a bit needy right now...care to sate your pet?"
"Of course...Besides. I think it would be easier for you to get at my cocks that way if I was on the bottom." With that, he laid down and looked to her, wondering if she'd go straight to this or throw in some foreplay.
She stradled him, sitting on his chest with her pussy in his face.
"Of course, you'd best get your mistress wet first."
"Of course, mistress." He agreed, and leaned forward to start licking at her pussy gently at first. Slowly his hands crept up her thighs until his thumbs would go to spread open her pussy where he'd begin to vigorously eat her out.
She moaned, rubbing her hands over his head, down to grip his shoulders.
"Oh that's a good boy, really use that tounge to pleasure your mistress."
As he continued to lick and eat at her pussy, his two cocks would begin to erect for her...both of them wanting pleasure as he gave her pleasure of his own.
She grinned, teasing them slowly with her tentacles.
"Mmm, that's it, keep going, I think you'll adjust just fine to being my perfect pet."
He felt her tentacles begin to start teasing his cock and he continued to suck and eat at her pussy, both of his cocks throbbing in want. "Mistress...I yearn for release...Stop teasing me like this, please..."
"Only because you know how to ask so nicely." She chuckled, turning herself around and bending over, running her tongue slowly up his top cock.
He moaned out into her pussy as he felt her tongue begin to roll up and down his cock. He wanted more fun....her tongue was just teasing him! He wanted ejaculation from both cocks so much...But he would keep eating her out, his tongue going deep into her pussy, only to be matched by a finger as he began to finger her as well.
"Ahh, that's right, please your mistress." She took his upper cock into her mouth, gently stroking the other as her tentacles caressed his chest.
Feeling her take in his entire cock caused him to cry out, bucking his hips, his bottom cock rubbing against her forehead as she sucked his cock. His mouth continued to eat her pussy, his finger still fingering her as he urged her more and more to make him cum.
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