Jugger x Voltonus

He nodded and slept soundly into the bed. Soon morning would come and the alarm clock would go off, a special alarm signalling that Mora must come to work and receive an emergency mission to undertake.
She sat up with a groan. "Alright pet, I'm going to be extra nice today." She grinned, standing and stretching. "I have to take off for work, but I'll leave the door open." She opened a locked drawer on her dresser, pulling out a small bag and handing it to him. "You've got a free day to go explore around town, and some money if you need something to eat. Don't go anywhere there isn't a clearly defined path, and don't go out in the forest. Maybe if you're good I'll take off your collar tonight."
"Which would be most...pleasant." He murmured as he tugged at the collar around his neck that had still been on there. He had almost forgotten about it but could still feel the restraint of it unconsciously. He watched her as she left and looked to the bag she left him. Did she really trust him? Or rather...did he trust this world enough to go out and about on his own? Grabbing the bag...he left about ten minutes later and began to roam around the town, looking around and hoping that no one would freak out that a Sergal was walking about unattended.
People gave him wide berth, most eyeing him warily.
He saw the girl from the day before, and she blushed and smiled shyly when she saw him.
Seeing the green fur in the crowd, Nathan felt relieved that SOMEONE wasn't trying to avoid him. He walked over to her, and smiled. "Hello again Nyra! I think it was Nyra...wasn't it? What are you up to today?"
"Oh?" He looked to her and grinned. "Why the strong blush? Still remember yesterday when we had our fun?" He grinned and moved closer to her. "Tell me...What kind of animals do they have on this planet? I'm wanting to steal one for my mistress to thank her..."
"Umm, I don't know where you'd steal one, we don't really have any stores that sell them. Not raw anyways."
"Hm...Not animals for pets? What kind of pets do you all have?" He murmured in confusion. "Anyway...My mistress gave me the day off...so how about I spend it with my green fuck buddy stranger?"
"Excellent." He grinned and took her hand, and led her around the building into an alley. He pressed her into a wall, and began to kiss her lips passionately as he pressed his body up against her own green fur. "I'm horny once more, Nyra..."


Meanwhile...Mora had been ordered to...get rid of her Sergal. Her peers caught wind of her toy...and now they want him destroyed, fearing another Sergal would cause such havoc like the last one did.
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