Jugger x Voltonus

She rummaged in her closet. "Not yet, be since you asked nicely..."
She pulled out a something blue and furry, which slid on around his collar.
"I can make it more comfortable."
"Yeah...This is better at least. Better than me feeling the hard metal rubbing tightly against my neck." He replied and slipped a finger between his collar and his neck and began to circle it around as if trying to remove the flesh from sticking to the device. He sighed and closed his eyes. "I honestly don't know what I want to do. You brought up a good point...Why go back to a life of fighting for survival when I can live here, have three meals a day, and have sex with you? Though...This world hates me and my kind, and I'll feel like nothing more than a common housepet that can talk. If I ever die, you'll just replace me..."
She chuckled. "Well certainly yes. But they don't hate your kind, they simply fear them.
We usually only meet the extremely violent females of your race. Of course you really can't go back. It's been a week here, so there everybody you know is most likely dead."
"Ah...True..." He murmured as he realized that there was a large difference in the passing of time in this world and his world. "Then I guess there really is no point in me going back to my world if everyone I know is long dead; probably even having forgotten about me." He murmured as he laid on the bed. "This is better then, I suppose."
She settled in next to him. "Any if you keep being such a good boy I'll take off your collar."
She smiled, patting him on the head.
"But can't I just get it removed right now?" He looked at her with large, shiny eyes as if begging. "You know I have nowhere else to go. And if I do return to my world, I'll be in worse condition than I was in before since I won't know anyone." He replied and sighed as he laid there next to her. "Nevermind. I am not going to complain..." He smiled and took a deep breath. "Can I at least be able to go outside with you every now and then? Being in here is so boring...unless you have something I could do for when you are not around?"
She snuggled into him.
"Mmm, I think tommorow we'll go for a walk in the park. Maybe I'll even train you to be better at fucking me."
She grinned.
"That...Would be nice, Mora..." He replied as he felt her snuggle into him. "Could you...play with me with your feet some more...? You're talented...No Sergal in my world would ever do such a thing that would degrade both parties...I like it, however."
She smiled. "If you're a good boy. I find degredation really isn't much fun unless one party is into it, sad people aren't great lovers."
"Great lovers as in...true lovers or lovers as in in bed...?" He questioned, not sure of what she meant by the word when it was used by Mora. She seemed like nothing more than a sex fiend warrior type that was in his people's tales as a purple monster that snatches Sergals away, never to be seen again...even if it only happened a few times.
"No it does not, miss." He replied and closed his eyes, sighing gently. "Okay...So I guess we go to sleep now...and then tomorrow you leave me for hours on end to go to 'work' that you can't tell me about...?"
He grinned and held her close to him, or as close as he could without worrying about her retaliating. "Then lets have fun all day...Unless you have somewhere to be...?"
He beamed a bit. So she wasn't going to just ditch him? He smiled and cuddled with her happily, laying in Mora's bed next to her as he fell asleep until he'd awaken to her waking up.
Feeling her tentacles brush past him as he felt her stretch, his eyes opened up as he looked to the purple woman before him. "Good morning...Mora..." He murmured as he sat up and stretched his own body out to loosen up stiff joints.
"Tired...A bit annoyed you called me your pet...but it seems I won't have a choice in the matter anyhow. What are we going to do today...? You said you had the day off today...are we going to do something other than sex?"
"Well...I WAS a lowly Sergal...I guess I'm a good punching bag...? Not that I want you to hit me...!" He murmured in protest as his hands came up to urge her not to hurt him.
She chuckled, giving him a gentle punch in the shoulder.
"Not into that, biting maybe...what else?"
"Oh god are we talking about kinks this entire time?" He said in realization from her speaking of biting. "I thought you'd actually take me to see your world rather than keep me locked up...Hell, I'd even go for scaring Mira or Mara or whatever your sister's name was again!"
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