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Guilty or Not Guilty

Guilty - a Shriners' unit that I belonged to needed a dildo for our initiation rite and yours truly got dispatched to the Y2K Adult Bookstore in Springfield to buy one.

Have you ever been trying to quit smoking, and lit up someone else's cigarette butt 'cause you needed your "fix"?
OMG...sooo guilty! I have not smoked for almost four years now? (close to) But, I can remember either trying to quit or, just being "out" of ciggies and rummagging through the ashtrays to find butts that had a puff or two left on them... .ick! LOL

Have you ever told someone they were really good in bed, but in truth, they were a lousy lay?
Not guilty, but I've done worse: I've told a lady she was a lousy lay (not in those words, but with the same meaning) - and there's no excuse for that; if a woman opens her arms and legs (and, possibly, but not necessarily, her heart) to a guy, he should at least be polite and respectful.

Have you ever shirked responsibility for any transgression, petty or otherwise, knowing you couldn't be found out?
Guilty, I'm afraid ...more times than I care to admit

Refried beans or spanish rice?

I saw this on my FB and it reminded me of you, Prince :)

Well dang it! I got this thread mixed up with "either/or"...sorry

Not guilty, but I had a squirt hit me in the eye once! That hurt!

Have you forgotten the name of anyone you've slept with (afterwards or during)?
^ Not to worry - we look after our friends here. ^

Guilty: plenty of 'em afterwards, but only once "during" (ouch!).

Have you ever lost patience with a lover who, during a repeat performance, "just couldn't get there"?
*Hangs head in shame* Guilty... (Bad, huh? :( )

Ever imagine or thought about someone else while making love to another?
< Declines to enter a plea > Maybe; I don't really try to remember any coherent thoughts I might have, other than how good it feels, and what I can do to make it feel better (bilaterally).

Have you (if you are a female) ever sought to get your clitoris inside your lover's urethra, or if a male, invited your lover to do that, for the novelty of the sensation?
^ Most assuredly! Although not by every woman to every man; there are anatomical differences. ^

Not guilty; I don't have the attention-span to be an effective stalker, and know this.

Have you ever, for vengeful or libertinous reasons, used a strap-on to sodomize a lover?
Guilty (I'm so damn "wishy washy", what can I say!)

Ever licked something (like syrup) off your lover's body?
Guilty (chocolate syrup, maple syrup... it made me feel like an erotic gourmet).

Have you ever reached a point where you knew you were causing your lover unexpected discomfort - and just went right on?
Not guilty! (Moi? Could I be so evil?) :dodgy:

Have you used your sex appeal to achieve something you wouldn't without?
Not guilty by recollection, but I probably have... we all probably have....

Have you ever bought a sexy little shmatte for your lover, and insisted (playfully) that he/she model it for you right away?
Not guilty. (I should remedy that, shouldn't I...)

Ever had sex with most of your clothes (and your partner's clothes) still on? (Which, btw, I find VERY hot...) :p
Guilty - with my fiancee (later to be my first wife), over a rain-barrel behind her college dorm. I've never looked at a rain-barrel the same way since!

Have you ever had sex in a public place, confident that no-one would know - but of course everyone did?
Not guilty - (I have had sex in public places, a time or two, but I was always certain no one could see us). i.e. drive-in movie, a public park, rest-stop (All in a parked car, I might add..LOL)

Have you ever fantasized about your doctor during an examination?
Not guilty. The only lady doctor I've ever had was a neurological intern from India with the build of an eight-year-old boy.

Have you ever heard from a friend that he/she had some disorder of the genital region and fantasized about being his/her doctor, and conducting a VERY thorough examination?
Guilty from time to time.
Most of the time I find cardio my mortal enemy. Come on muscle overloading!

Who here gets off from working out and finding that point where the endorphins are kicking?!
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