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Guilty or Not Guilty

Guilty, well my friend is guilty he's always accusing me of it.

Have you ever walked into a Native (since bluemoon is international) restaurant And then NONE of the employees speak the Native tongue?

Seriously it pisses me off You're in MY country speak MY language I'm not going to go to South America and expect them to speak English!
I have a Mexican restaurant ran by Chinese people, does that count?

Have you ever danced nude around your house when your parents were away when you were younger? (or now if you still live with them)
Pistol Kiss said:
I have a Mexican restaurant ran by Chinese people, does that count?

I was referring to more of the "Nobody speaks English at a Mcdonalds/Del Taco/ Taco Bell etc (or any other Country's Native franchise) In California. (Said Native area.)" deal. Like a french restaurant in the heart of Paris and all the employees speak Anything BUT French!

As for dancing Not guilty unless you count the horizontal mambo?

Have you ever stabbed your Girlfriend/boyfriend (any other form of relationship) in the hand with a fork for trying to take your favorite food off your plate? (Guilty but in my defense I thought it was a cat after my steak and we were eating in the dark during a movie. >.>) Funny shit right there.
not guilty, though i have been stabbed with a pencil for annoying the hell out of a girl in summer school.


Have you ever used the line it's not you it's me when breaking up with someone. (and it honestly was my fault in my case...)
Nope. Only dated two people who count as boyfriends and they dumped me by saying that. xD

Have you ever watched a movie after not seeing it for years and years and thought, "What the fuck was I thinking?"
The Magical Unicorn.
But, it wasn't even my movie... It was my brothers girlfriend's.
It turned into a fucking musical!

Do you ever have those moments where you're in a big fight, but you still want to break out with the Dane Cook joke: "I DID MY BEST!"

(Guilty... It's started more fights <.<)
Not guilty, though I don't often fight with my significant other. We discuss issues. It's pretty weird. Anyways...

Ever done some less than legitimate business simply because you wanted to?
..... Guilty

Ever looked at a orange and thought it was damn smexy?
Guilty, red apple.

Ever checking someone really sexy, but actually thinking how to win the last level in Final Fantasy or another game?
Yes! But normally when that happens the person who posted before me gave me like a 3 word post. What in the world am I supposed to do with that?

Ever trip over something and then proceed to walk/run/slam into a wall afterwards?
Guilty. =___________________= I'm so lazy...........

Every cry over the death of a bug? [Doesn't matter WHO Killed it, just...]
{{Marie_the_freak}} said:
not guilty

every yell at the computer when someone kills your rp character unplanned?

Do Fallout and Borderlands count?

Ever get so absorbed in a book, you freak out when you come back into the real world?
Guilty. XD I've watched a movie where like everyone was dying but I didn't expect the killer/thing to just pop up on to the screen and just went "AH. WTF." It was funny.

Ever watched a movie that was totally not sappy but if there was even a hint of sappyness, you got all sniffly?
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