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Guilty or Not Guilty

Nope, but I've come close.

Have you ever been asked if you were a lesbian/gay -denied it- then been told you were a lesbian/gay by the same person -again denied it- then been called a lair becasue you refuse to call yourself a lesbian/gay because you truly aren't?
I think once someone was vehement about me being a lesbian. It made no sense.

Ever stared at someone you thought was attractive for way too long and was caught in the act?​
Guilty!~ Totally did it to my chick friend last night~

Being drunk makes me Veeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry affectionate.~

Have you ever tipped a waitress/waiter more just because they were hot?~
Guilty...They don't like pennies.

Ever scared someone so good, that they crapped their pants?
Not guilty, but i made them wet their pants instead

have you ever slapped, and i mean really really bitch slapped, a person, cause he thought he was so pimp, he would "pimp"slap you?
Not guilty....but I have bitch slapped someone because they thought they were a complete badass.

Have you ever eaten or drank anything you haven't for a while, to find yourself simply addicted to it after a while?
No. Not really that I can think of anyway. lol.

Have you ever just up and dropped an RP without informing your partner about said drop and then proceeded to post in other RPs be they new and/or ones you were already 'active' in?

(If you couldn't tell, this is a MAJOR peeve of mine, lol. Communication DAMNIT!!!)

*- I did ask the player in question about the whole posting style bit because I had nada to go off of. :<

Did you deliberately enter a drinking a game with your partner just to prove who had the highest alcohol tolerance?
Guilty. It was this random tabby that was eating my roommate's cat's food. I went up to it, it purred at me, and when I looked at it's collar the tag said, "I FOLLOW PEOPLE DON'T LEAD ME INTO THE STREET" with no address or phone number.

Have you ever wanted to kick a small dog?
Yup along with the child who was walking the dog.

Have you ever been woken up at an ungodly hour for a trivial reason and couldn't show your irritation because you knew the person who woke you would tell about it.
well, i guess, neighbour playing loud lady gaga shit (no offence to those who actually do like her..... HAH Kidding~ ) in the middle of night, on a fucking thursday >8U

Ever thought it's slightly funny watching Lara Croft running down a hall, all followed by big explosions and such
Yes because anytime i see the explosions I think of the millions of stupid teenage guys who are probably fapping to the scene while I'm just like "Meh"

Ever joked with a friend who owns a small dog about how its the size of a football that you could punt across the yard.
well, there was this other customer today i would enjoy stabbing, that old man whacked my ass!! >8U

ever failed at spelling your own name?
Guilty. I think we've all done that a time, or too.

Ever had to sit through a lame ass movie just to make your friend/partner happy?
Guilty. After that, I punched him in the jaw.

Ever wished summer vacation would never end?
Guilty on that one, but yeah, wouldn't mind it to stop either, after 1-2 months is it getting a little boring to sit him

Ever taken a picture of someone who clearly didn't wanted you to take a picture of him/her?
All the time! :3 My mom/grandmother hate having there photos taken.

Have you ever said you liked something just because someone said you wouldnt?
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