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Guilty or Not Guilty

I try not to, but then I do anyway. So guilty!

Have you ever said something weird to a group of people outside your normal group of friends [i.e; My eyes are coming in the mail today!], have them stare at your like you're nuts, and proceed on with the conversation anyway?
Guilty well in my case Love I was calling everyone that for a while

Ever gotten drunk/typsy when you hadnt had any alcohole
Guilty... I was in Flagstaff, Arizona (elevation 12,710) and I was going through oxygen deprivation and couldn't figure that out....

Have you ever "had a system" for YEARS, and then concluded it just wasn't working for you?
Guilty. I used to have a system for picking potential dated then I realized that having a system for it just didn't work so I stopped and stuck with being impromptu.

Have you ever called someone the wrong name at the most inopportune time?
Guilty: fortunately it wasn't at an intimate moment, but calling your wife by your ex-wife's name at an anniversary party is surely bad enough!

Have you ever gotten into a kerfuffle at a sporting event because you were wearing the accoutrements of "the other team"?
Not guilty, fortunately. I know what teams I like and don't give a damn what the other side has to say. LOL!

Have you ever tried to eat dog food?
Did it without even trying! A certain ex-wife fried me up a Gaines Burger one time, with cheese and grilled onions, and didn't tell me 'til the next day! It was delicious, but the memory isn't.

Have you ever had a one-night-stand and discovered something you didn't want came with it?
So, so lucky to be Not Guilty on this one. Yikes. >.>

Have you ever been trapped in a closet with someone else, then realized your panic faded away?
Not guilty. Never been trapped in a closet in the first place.

Have you ever falling asleep in one place just to wake up in a totally different place?
Guilty, yes. That only happened to me a couple of times as a kid. I think what happened was my parents just picked me up and put me in my room, lol!

Have you ever been sprayed down with a hose full of foamy bubbles?
Not Guilty, at least that is what I think. Have bo clue if someone did it to me when I was a kid.

Have you ever went into the opposite gender's restroom cause you couldn't hold it anymore?
Guilty. LOL! Thankfully, I only had to explain my presence one time, lol!

Have you ever drank all of the soda/beer in the fridge and blamed it on someone else?
Not guilty; if I want to flip someone off, I use the correct digit, haha.

Have you ever fallen asleep at the keyboard, only to wake up with key imprints on your face?
Guilty, although the Statute of Limitations has probably passed by now....

OK; this goes back to childhood (one would hope): have you ever shit in your pants on purpose to piss your parents off?
Not guilty; I can't even imagine my child-aged self doing it.

Have you ever blatantly lied to someone about not being able to go to their party/wedding/function, despite it being important to them?
Not guilty, though there was the time that the best man and another friend showed up with a wheelchair just so I could go.

Ever realized a moment to late that you are calling someone sir, when they are a ma'am over the phone?
Guilty, I answered too many men on the phone at work in a row and it became a reflex. Promptly caught myself though.

Ever feel like if you willed it hard enough you could grow wings on your back to fly where you need to go instead of drive?
Not guilty because I don't drive and probably never can because of my history.

Ever said a silly inside joke you're used to saying with a friend of yours at a wedding or meeting?
Not guilty...(thank that would tend to tick me off!) :p

Have you ever pushed a door that had a sign that read "Pull"?
Not guilty...(or, can't think of any specific incidents..)

Have you ever bought something from an adult store?
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