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Guilty or Not Guilty

Guilty. I was fifteen, and the girl across the street had a spectacular body. I was chinning myself on her windowsill one Friday night and her daddy caught me. It was ugly, but we all got through it, and I received a "private showing" soon afterward. She and I eventually became lovers, on a very off-and-on basis, and stayed that way for more than twenty years, through multiple relocations and a variety of wives and husbands. Am I proud of this? Certainly not, but it's just evidence that things work out, in their way.

Have you ever had sex at a party with someone you shouldn't - and both "significant others" were right there, and oblivious to the whole, umm, affair?
Hmm....not guilty. (But sounds like you might have another interesting story to tell....) ;)

Have you ever gone outside with only your underwear on?
*Giggles at the 'pussycat' incident* :p

Hmmm...almost guilty? I have had sex in a "tent" that was on a campground. Haha!

The next person to post HAS shaved someone elses genital area. :D
Guilty to the charge, if not precisely to the specification... I did tweeze a certain pussy once, and it was fortunate indeed that I didn't shave her, as snockered as I was at the time....

Have you ever masturbated (to climax) while driving a car, truck or bus?
Hmm..I have masturbated behind the wheel (of a car), but it was parked. So...not guilty, I suppose.

Next person practices "safe sex" while sexting (or cyber sexing), as captured in this picture:

Guilty (actually, I hire a service to slam the little wrigglers with a frying pan as they squirm through the wire).

Have you ever faked an attack of the screamin' shits to get out of an... activity?
Guilty! LOL! (Mayhap I didn't really tell them it was the "screamin' shits", but the shits nonetheless!)

Have you ever played here in the forum games threads and became SO aroused that you had to touch yourself?
I can plea-bargain this down: "Guilty! So I had an itch and scratched it - nail me to a cross!"

Have you ever been engaged in a role-play and it upped and went in a direction neither you nor your partner (he/she claimed) ever foresaw?
Guilty. And in my experience, it wasn't a good thing.

Have you ever wanted to do something reckless, just to say you'd done it?

Not guilty... :s

Have you ever looked for ex-lovers on the internet just to see if you can learn anything current about them?
Not guilty. (But I have sent eCards on occassion)

Have you ever been slapped for being inappropriate?
Guilty. (First time was first grade, been a reoccuring theme since!)
Have you ever been spanked in public?
Not guilty. *Shivers at the thought!*

Have you ever flirted shamelessly with a married person?
Not guilty. (Wait, would getting nekkid in a hot tub count?) :D

Have you ever wasted time in the game threads when you really should be working on a post for your RP partner? *Laughs and ducks*
Not guilty...(at least not yet!) >_>

Have you ever TOLD someone to go stand in the corner?
Guilty (but sometimes its more fun to make them kneel in the corner!)

Have you ever been made to go out in public with no panties under your skirt?
Guilty. I can appreciate a woman who is confident in her sexiness. It's a shame that sexy is too often confused with "slutty".

Have you ever had phone sex?
Not guilty. (Dammnit!) :p

Have you ever roleplayed "Doctor and nurse" with your SO in the bedroom?
Guilty! When we still lived in devil-may-care Houston, we went to a slightly risqué Hallowe'en party as a doctor and nurse and when we got home....

Have you ever had menstrual sex in a hotel room, and the chambermaid showed up before you left in the morning?
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