The Forbidden Child (me x shani)

"No..I'm not tired.." She stated like a child would have have yawning softly once more. Bellatrix loved when people touched and played with her hair. Bella began to play with the fur on his chest running her fingers through it. " If I hadn't had classes earler, I'd be more awake and you've giving me an exciting, wonderful, magical evening...and your so warm...I guess I'm cozy and warm and sleepy." She stated Shawn was a lot warmer than Bellatrix was, her smaller dainy frame and figure made her get colder quicker. It was also getting late, she was happy he got them excused from class tomorrow she wouldn't be able to focus. She was starting to have difficulty keeping her eyes open.
shawn grinned and through a blanket over the both of them even in his werewolf form he still got cold. he shut off the movie knowing she was getting tired " rest bell" he said ti her. he knew he wouldn't be getting sleep do to it being a full moon but he can at least let her get sleep.
Bellatrix cuddled both into him and the blanket. Depending on varying times and people she was around she had a tendency to act younger liking when Shawn would take care of her. "I'm sorry baby...I don't mean to be so tired...I can try to stay up longer." She stated softly feeling bad knowing he would be up because of the moon. Bella looked up at him softly smiling still petting him and running her fingers through his fur. He was so muscular and soft.
"its alright you can make it up to me un the morning " he said and moved her to where she could lay on top of him. he knew she liked laying like that when he was in his werewolf form.
"Mm alright love." Bellatrix agreed to sleeping now and making it up later. She lay comfortably on him as he laid her a top of him. She enjoyed laying that way with the warmth he game off, plus Bella was still only wearing a towel she didn't bother putting her clothes back on. As she listened to his heart Bella drifted straight to sleep.
Shawn smiled he loved seeing bellatrix like this.all calm and relaxed he knew her sisters sometimes drove her nuts. he wrapped his arms again around her her. he turned in the TV again but he changed to where the tv couldn't distub bell.
Bellatrix curled up and cuddled into Shawn, she had had a long exciting day. She needed her rest, feeling his warm embrace she smiled softly at him. Not too long after Bellatrix fell fast asleep.
shawn let bella sleep when midnight hit shawn twitched. he slowly moved her lightly. he got up still in his form he started pacing. he was away fron rhe forest to far away to go and not be seen. he stretched and popped his neck.
Bellatrix slept nicely on Shawn not realising he moved her at first. Bella shortly woke up from a lack of presence. "Shawn? Baby? What's a matter?"She asked half dazed with sleep looking over at him from the bed.
"Oh honey, do you need to head out to the forest?" She asked him softly, as she sat up on the bed. Bellatrix yawned slightly, rubbing her eyes.
"Shawn don't worry about me, I'll most likely go back to sleep, go take care of what you need too. I'd say I'd go with you but there are many things out there, and I don't want either of us to get hurt, especially if you have to watch over me." Bellatrix stated
shawn transformed back to human he threw on clothes. he went ovet and kissed her " thank you bell for understanding if you need anything just use this" he said and handed her whistle "it calls only me" he kissed her again before disappearing and reappearing in the forest
"It's alright honey." Bella said kissing him softly. "Becareful hun." She stated watching as he left. "Alright babe I'll use it if I need to have fun." watching as he left then curled up in bed.
Shawn threw off his close and went back to his werewolf form. he stayed iut ub the forest well past the sunrise. he came back into the room. breathing a little heavy and holding his left bicep his hand was covered in blood. "freaking ass hole" he muttered and went into the restroom to repair his arm
Bellatrix had fallen asleep about an hour after he left. Staying asleep all night till he came in. "Shawn?" She awoke hearing him come in. "Are you alright?" she asked as he went to the bathroom. Bella re-wrapped the towel around herself. Then walked to the bathroom door, standing there looking at him. "Oh my baby what happened?" A look of concern came on her face.
"lupin that mangy cur us goeung to get attacked me because of what I did to james and Sirius. Sirius ambushed me I let him have it he's in the hospital wing now he almost got his head bit off. then lupin came out. of nowhere and attacked. I only got this injury he got worse though" he looked at her " do you have a needle ans thread in your bag?"
"Bloody hell! Those bastards." she hissed. She couldn't believe for a harmless prank they attacked in blood. Bella wasn't happy in the slightest. "Thank Merlin that its not too bad." Bella said then thought a minute, and went to her bag. She grabbed her needle and thread and can back. "Need a hand?"
"if you could stitch it up that would help" he said to her "ill get sirus through headmaster but lupin pack law applies and him being part of the pack I have to go through them" sgawn saud and removed his hand fron the wound. rhe wound qas several inches deep and went all the way across his bicep
Bellatrix threaded the needle and looked at the wound listening to him speak. She steadily began to stitch up his arm. "Once it's stitched it'll heal nicely." She said being gentle to not hurt him. "We'll get them back, I get Sirus when he's not expecting it, unfortunately it's family." Bellatrix stated.
"ill get him I want yoy to stay out of it besides if he has the balls ti attack me like the sog he is tgen I have the right to kick his as like a bad dog" he said to her
"But...alright I'll stay out of it.."Bellatrix agreed granted she was still angry with him because of what he did to the family. Bella continued to give him stitches, she was almost done.
"I can still beat his ass either way but now it just gives me more of a reason too." She stated slightly indifferent, it didn't fully matter but she felt it was low and dirty with what they pulled. Bellatrix was finishing up the last stitch, tieing it in a knot. Bellatrix than bit the thread breaking it from the needle. "There good as new." She smiled at him.
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